Folk wisdom in the proverbs about theft

Folk wisdom comes to a person in fairy tales, proverbs and sayings. In ancient times, when the people did not have books, short but clear sayings in proverbs and sayings taught people to live. For all occasions you can find a simple but complete answer on how to live. There are proverbs about work that will help make a hardworking person out of lazy. There are proverbs about theft that will warn about the consequences of this unseemly act.

The difference between proverbs and sayings

In ordinary life, these two words are used together. In fact, there is a serious difference between them. A proverb is a wise popular saying that briefly and succinctly speaks of the meaning of the doctrine embedded in it.

Folk wisdom

Examples of proverbs:

  • "Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head in the water." It immediately becomes clear that, not having studied properly the business that the person decided to do, he can make a lot of mistakes, and such an enterprise will not end in anything good.
  • "Better to see once than hear a hundred times". From this proverb, it becomes clear that when a person sees an action or object, he will quickly form a correct opinion about it. It’s just that it’s much harder to understand the situation from the stories.

A proverb is simply a beautiful expression that is given as an example to certain actions, objects or people. Examples of sayings:

  • "Dog in the manger" - that is, neither to himself nor to people.
  • “Not all cats are Pancake week” means that life does not go smoothly.

Theft Proverbs

Such a bad deed, such as theft, was reflected in folk proverbs about theft. On the one hand, these proverbs warn honest people about the possibility of encountering a bad person who is capable of theft. On the other hand, they warn thieves about the consequences of robbery. For example, the proverb about theft "The cap is on the thief" appeared as a result of folk trick.

Computer thief

In ancient times, burglaries took place in the market, but no one could catch a thief. Then one savvy man came up with a trap for a thief. On the next bazaar day, when there were a lot of people in the bazaar, he shouted: “Look! The hat is on the thief!” The man who was a market thief grabbed his hat, and thus managed to catch him.

Different proverbs about robbery

Theft since ancient times was the most common vice in the society of people. Therefore, there are a great many proverbs about theft and robbers. They came from the life experience of people who lived in the old days. But even today they remain relevant, because theft and robbery are still the most common crime in the world. Such proverbs teach people how to avoid theft from their home. For example: “Without a castle and without a fence you will not get away from a thief,” this saying warns of the need to protect your home, to protect it from the possibility of dishonest people.

One of the proverbs directly indicates that it is almost impossible to exterminate such a vice as theft: "Pestilence and thief will not be transformed." In it, theft is compared with illness and death. Another proverb warns: "Not the thief who steals, but the one who indulges him."

Punishment for theft

Often in proverbs thieves are beaten and condemned, for example: "He who eats from other people's dishes, he is beaten" or "he who takes without asking will be without a nose."

Proverbs about good and bad deeds

Popular wisdom is rich in sayings about human behavior, both in a bad and a good way:

  • One plows, and seven dance.
  • You cannot do good if you are lying in business.
  • Take on a good deed boldly.
  • Speech, but not clean on hand.
  • Found, but didn’t tell, it’s all the same that he stole.
  • Once he stole, for life he became a thief.
  • Day stretching, night wide.
  • Think first, then speak.
  • According to conversations, the prince, and on matters of dirt.

Here are just a few examples of such proverbs, and the list goes on and on.


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