Company Moldos. Reviews on winter clothes for children

Winter is coming and many parents are worried about buying suitable warm clothes for their children. There are many manufacturers on the market who offer costumes of different price categories. Well-known, reputable companies can offer parents products for their kids of high quality, but the price of such brands will not be small.

But what if mothers and fathers dream of buying high-quality winter suits for their heirs, but at moderate or even very low prices? Then they should turn their attention to young brands that are just entering the market for the production of children's outerwear. One of these companies, offering costumes and overalls for children, is called "Moldos".

moldos winter clothing reviews

Products "Moldos"

This is a manufacturer of children's outerwear from China (China), which recently entered the market. It is noteworthy that the company was originally engaged in promoting it in the Russian segment, so the sizes of their goods correspond to our size grid. But, before making such a responsible purchase, it is necessary to study the reviews about Moldos winter clothes for children.

The company sews its products from membrane fabric. A membrane is a special nylon material with a Teflon coating, in which threads of different thickness are intertwined. This fabric structure provides protection from wind and water, but at the same time allows water vapor to penetrate from the inside. The upper layer of membrane fabric is wear-resistant, and the lower layer, on the contrary, is soft and pleasant to the touch. And between the two layers is the membrane itself.

For winter models, 300 grams of Hollofan is used as a heater.

In this material, we decided to put together all the reviews about the winter clothes "Moldos" that we found on the network.

Positive points

  1. All parents note the bright colors of jackets and overalls. For winter, characterized by diminished daylight and dullness of the environment, this is an important point.
  2. Well stitched and finished product seams. Threads do not break, do not spread.
  3. A dense membrane that does not wear when worn actively. For children who like to run and ride the hills, this is a serious plus.
  4. The lining of winter models is made of fleece fabric, which gives additional protection against the cold in our harsh region.
  5. At the bottom of the jackets is a protective drawstring from the wind.
  6. A fur edge is sewn onto the hood, which, if desired, can be unfastened. There is a reflector.
  7. Elastic bands are inserted at the bottom of the sleeves and trousers so that snow and wind do not penetrate.
  8. The children themselves speak of the winter clothes of Moldos as being very warm. Moms and dads may not worry that their children will freeze.

moldos winter clothing reviews for kids

Negative reviews about winter clothes "Moldos"

  1. Everything is much larger in size or slightly larger. Because of this, it is difficult to choose the right set or jumpsuit, sometimes you even have to leave the clothes of this brand for the next season. Of course, you can always roll up your sleeves and legs, but it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. The upper membrane tissue is quite coarse. Unpleasant to touch her.
  3. Some consumers still note threads sticking out in some places.
  4. Some mothers leave feedback on the winter clothes for boys "Moldos" that the costume has a too wide neck. We have to wind a thick layer of scarves.

Where can I buy or order clothes of this company? There are really no branded stores in Russia. But many online portals or joint purchasing groups on social networks sell these costumes. Just search the manufacturer’s name in the search engine and choose the distributor with the cheapest price.

moldos winter clothing reviews for boys

Production cost

Finally, the best part is the price of the question. Winter clothes "Moldos", according to reviews, can be purchased in just two thousand eight hundred rubles. For the cost of a winter kit in 2017, it's really cheap.


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