How to sell the game on Steam, or the Way to make money in Steam

Today, the question of how to sell the game on Steam is of interest to many users. After all, sometimes you can buy a toy for mere pennies, and even then "cut down" the money on it. Let’s see how you can earn extra money on Steam, and not even stay “with a nose”.

how to sell the game in steam

Game selection

Before you sell the game on Steam, you need to choose the right "product". Of course, the game world is simply endless, so choosing something specific will be quite difficult. Still worth the effort.

In the selection, a special search will help you, which can be used in the Steam system. Here you can choose a specific genre and even the ability to support a cooperative game. After you have looked at the list of available toys, pay attention to the prices. The fact is that even the most expensive Steam game can cost you much less. So, after you pick up something that you want to put up for sale, you should not immediately "rush" at it and buy. Better move on to the next step.


Well, in order to figure out how to sell the game on Steam so as not to be stupid, you need to carefully study the prices in the "toys" market. The thing is that the price tag changes from time to time. So, even the most expensive game on Steam can cost the lucky creature a mere penny. But what is needed in order not to overpay?

the most expensive game in steam

Of course, follow the stock. They usually take place during the holiday periods. For example, a New Year's sale or an action in honor of Valentine's Day. Thus, if you choose the right moment, you can save on the purchase of the desired product. Wait for the action and buy the game that you "laid eyes on". After that, you will need to get the key. Do not rush to activate it - selling the desired game in this case will be impossible. So let's see what needs to be done next.

We sell a key

Now, in order to understand how to sell the game on Steam, you need to sell the key to the game you purchased. You can do this in any way that seems appropriate to you. For example, by posting ads on the Internet.

If you have chosen the right game, the result will not be long in coming. True, it’s not worth it to “make money” - a toy should be cheaper than Steam itself offers it. Among all the similar offers, you should have the cheapest Steam game. You understand: in case of great competition you have to underestimate the price tag on the product. So you can safely sell the game, and then rejoice at the money received. And to the rescue, for example, buy some toy that you personally think is more interesting. But there is another way to make money.

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Gift or not?

You can get paid games on Steam for free. How? By giving. You can give one or another toy, after which it can, say, be sold. Well, or you yourself can make a friend a "present", which he actually buys from you.

So, if you buy some kind of “pack” for a game designed for several people, then the remaining copies can be easily and simply “sold” - presented. First you need to find a friend who agrees to this step. By the way, buying "packs" is best during stocks - there prices are underestimated 3-4 times.

After you find a buyer, you should talk to him about the nuances of the transaction. For example, how will he transfer money to you for your game. If this is your real friend, then you can arrange a personal meeting. Otherwise, it is best to use the recharge of your online wallet. If there is none, get it. This is a matter of several minutes.

cheapest steam game

In addition, it should be remembered that you should not agree to transactions whose payment is offered by money transfer. There is a big risk that you will not receive money for your game. So pay special attention to the payment method.

After you discuss all the nuances, you can transfer to the buyer the key to the game you purchased. If this is your friend, send him a gift after receiving payment. If not, it’s best to add your “client” to your friends list. Now you know how to sell the game on Steam.

True, in order to make money on Steam, there are more attractive ways to make money. Yes, and less expensive. For example, selling things for games or reselling collection cards from different toys.


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