Water buffalo: description, habitat. Man and buffalo

As practice shows, in the animal world obstinate temper and aggressiveness are often possessed not by predators, but by representatives of large herbivores. For example, elephants, hippos, rhinos and a water buffalo (Indian or Asian), which will be discussed. This is one of the first animals domesticated by humans. It has long been used as a traction force. The history of their breeding began in Ceylon more than 5 thousand years ago.

View description

Water buffalo

A large animal with a turbulent disposition belongs to the genus of Asian buffalo, these are bulls of impressive size and a menacing species. An adult grows up to three meters in length, while at the withers it reaches a height of 2 m, and the weight fluctuates around the level of 1000 kg. Their most formidable weapons are horns that grow 1.5–2 m long. They are laid back and slightly apart, they have the shape of half-moon with a flattened section. In females, horns are most often absent or small in size.

The water buffalo, the photo of which is presented in the article, has a dense physique, blue-black color, legs are half white, of a powerful structure. The shape of the head is elongated and as if slightly lowered, the tail is long, ending with a large brush. The animal has a well-developed sense of smell, keen hearing, but vision is mediocre. This is a very serious adversary, which does not have a fear of either man or predators. In preparation for the attack, the male begins to actively kick the ground, while snorting loudly. Females are especially dangerous during the period when they protect the calves.

Water buffalo: habitat

Relatively recently, by historical standards (the first millennium A.D.), this formidable animal could be found almost everywhere. The huge range of its habitat extended from Mesopotamia to the lands of southern China, and in the 19th century it was brought to Australia and settled the northern part of the continent. Now the animal can be found mainly in Asia: Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Thailand, India, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. Until the mid-twentieth century, they were found in Malaysia, but, apparently, they were finally destroyed. Currently, the number of wild Asian buffalo in the wild continues to decline, the species is on the verge of complete extinction.

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Water buffalo photo

The Indian water buffalo got its name not by chance. His way of life is most closely associated with various types of water bodies with slow flowing or standing water, especially often he chooses reed and tall grass thickets along the banks, as well as swampy jungles and river valleys.

The herd grazes in the early morning and evening hours, when the street is still cool. The main diet (up to 70%) is aquatic vegetation. Buffaloes spend hot days immersing themselves in water or liquid mud, often adjacent to rhinoceroses. The animal does not tolerate heat very well, since the sweat glands are extremely poorly developed. In water, it is safe, the body becomes light and stays static, and therefore energy consumption is slowed down. This feature explains why the animal was called the "water buffalo"; in the zoological taxonomy this concept is absent. What is the name of a water buffalo scientifically? This is an Asian or Indian buffalo, the largest bull on the planet.

What is the name of a water buffalo

Interestingly, they dive and swim well. Permanent animal companions are white herons and some other birds that sit on their back or head and pull ticks and various parasites from their skins. In nature, everything is natural and mutually beneficial. Spending most of the time in the pond, an Asian buffalo (aquatic) fertilizes it. Manure is a natural fertilizer and supports the intensive growth of aquatic plants.

Behavioral Features

Almost all hoofed animals are herd animals , and a buffalo is no exception. They are kept, as a rule, in small groups, which include a leader - an old bull, several young males and a female with calves. The hierarchy in the herd is weakly expressed. The old male is kept away, but when attacked by predators or any other threat and rescues, he controls the herd. When moving, a certain order is observed. Adult individuals come first, calves run after them, and then the rearguard is young.

Water buffalo title

The tropical climate determines that the Indian buffalo (water) does not have a specific breeding season. Pregnancy of a cow lasts about 300-340 days, always only one calf is born. The newborn has a soft fluffy fur of bright yellow-brown color. Milk feeding lasts up to six months, sometimes up to 9 months. After the calf completely switches to pasture.

View Conservation Problem

Having disappeared from many places, the buffalo today has remained in Asia, but even there its number is steadily declining. The main reason for this is the destruction of the natural habitats of animals, and not hunting, as it might seem at first glance. Of course, it also takes place, but is conducted in accordance with the law on the allocated quotas. Settlement of remote territories and plowing of lands, drainage of swamps - all this takes away the house from animals. The second factor is the crossing of wild individuals with domesticated ones, as a result of which the former lose their purity of blood. It is almost impossible to avoid this circumstance, since the neighborhood with people is very close.

Water buffalo (water buffalo) has natural enemies, but not many. Only combed or swamp crocodiles, tigers can attack and, importantly, defeat an adult bull. Many representatives of predators, including leopards, wolves, are at risk of attacking females, calves, and young animals. On some islands in Indonesia, it is known that large chest of drawer monitor lizards attack animals . Tearing apart the tendons of the bulls, the Komodo dragons literally eat their prey alive. Calves are more likely to die from heat or disease.

Buffalo and man

Water buffalo

People in ancient times domesticated this large and strong representative of the buffalo family. Now this bull is one of the main animals in agriculture in the Asian region. Domestic individuals differ from wild ones not only in a calm and balanced disposition, but also in physique. They have a sagging and bulging abdomen, while the native appearance has a lean body and aggressive character. The main area of ​​application of the animal is as draft power in the cultivation of rice fields. Meat is not eaten, as it is too hard, but milk has a high fat content, but the productivity of buffalo is several times lower compared to simple cows.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30877/

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