Examples of extreme situations - how to stay alive

A person in an extreme situation can behave thoughtlessly, which will ultimately become a factor that will put his life in extreme danger.

Classification of extreme situations

Different emergencies can be classified in several ways:

  1. In terms of their significance.
  2. From the point of view of danger or safety of this or that event.
  3. From the point of view of subjectivity and objectivity, and so on, emergency and extreme situations are most often distinguished.

What are the differences

An emergency is a kind of situation that has developed as a result of an accident in a certain territory. It can be a natural phenomenon, disaster or natural disaster. That is, phenomena that could result in human sacrifice or severe damage to the health of a particular group of people.

examples of extreme situations

An extreme situation is a situation that goes beyond the usual. This is a phenomenon that is associated with an unfavorable or threatening factor for human life. Despite their similarities, these two concepts are slightly different. An extreme situation is a direct interaction of a person with the situation, which takes place for a short period of time. Ultimately, this leads him to the need for adaptation in order to save his own life.

If we talk about what is worse for human life, undoubtedly, examples of extreme situations are not just extreme events, but especially dangerous events or even a whole series of threats to life.

natural extreme situations


These natural phenomena occur quite often in Russia. The greatest danger during an earthquake is the collapse of buildings. In such a situation, people find themselves under destroyed walls and concrete ceilings. It is almost impossible to get out on your own, and even if such an opportunity exists, any unnecessary incorrect movement can lead to additional collapses, so it is best to stay put and wait for the rescuers.

Being in such a confined space, most people start to panic. If possible, we must try to cope with this condition, since in such a situation there will be very little air in your location.

survival in extreme situations
The more nervous you are, respectively, the more often you will breathe, and the faster your precious oxygen reserves will be transferred. That is why you need to try to calmly assess the situation and determine what is best done at the moment.


Natural extreme situations or phenomena caused by human activities can lead to rather dangerous consequences. For example, during an earthquake, electrical breaks lead to fires. Of course, they can be caused simply by inattention or drought.

During a fire, the main thing to remember is all the basics of safety. If you are in a room where there is no way to exit, try to fill all the cracks and doorways with damp rags in order to block the fire and caustic smoke. Stay below, as it is there that the air remains the cleanest and most acceptable for breathing.

There are frequent examples of extreme situations when, in the event of panic during a fire, people simply jumped out of the windows, and most often it ended in death, although in fact, after examining the premises, it turned out that if the victims remained inside, the chance of survival would be much higher.

man in an emergency
Thus, starting to panic, you can not only make the wrong decision, but also lead yourself and those around you to the most sad consequences. Survival in extreme situations requires utmost peace of mind.

Undoubtedly, any threat to a personโ€™s life or health forces him to act impulsively and feel intense stress. In fact, this is the main danger.

During an emergency situation, victims spend a huge amount of their energy, and thus, all the resources in the body begin to quickly deplete. The vitality leaves a person much faster who gives in to panic, and also his psychosis becomes infectious to others. Examples of extreme situations indicate that in the first place it is very important to try to stay balanced and not give in to despair.

The behavior of people in such stressful situations is divided into two categories.

  1. Rational behavior. The most favorable adapted state, which allows a person to fully control not only himself, but also those around him. The faster the victim adapts to the situation, the faster he can find a way out of the problem.
  2. Negative The most common model. It manifests itself in irrational behavior, which becomes dangerous not only for the person himself, but also for those around him. Such an โ€œalarmistโ€ can lead the whole crowd, and even if the whole group was calm before that, then under his influence hysteria will catch everyone up. If you are close to a person who cannot control his emotions and is in critical condition, try to calm him down.


As you know, there are no hopeless situations , and the faster you rationally evaluate your situation, the faster you will cope with your internal stress. Numerous examples of extreme situations clearly demonstrate that only peace can be a decisive factor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30884/

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