DIY pillows for children: patterns, patterns, sewing

If you learn to sew baby pillows with your own hands, original and original, this will allow you not only to decorate your interior, but also to avoid wasting money and time to buy them. And with the help of various buttons, lace, bows and other inexpensive means, you can give them exclusivity. In addition, you can please your loved ones by giving them one of their masterpieces.

If you have not been fond of needlework before, you can start sewing pillows using simple patterns. In any case, you will be pleased with the result, and you will see what a fascinating process it is. Gradually gaining mastery, you can surprise anyone with your works.

Where to begin?

To start sewing pillows, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. This will allow you not to be distracted in the process. The most important thing is to have pillow patterns in front of you. On the basis of them, it is already worth choosing fabric, filler and accessories.

DIY baby pillows

Option 1

The fabric is better to choose wear-resistant. And the color and texture depend only on your taste or interior. The main thing is that pillowcases on pillows can be removed and washed.

It is better to choose a filler that keeps elasticity and softness longer. Feather or feather is best. Such pillows can serve for decades. If you have old feather pillows that you don’t use, you can use a feather from them. But you need to be extremely careful so that later you do not collect fluff throughout the house.

Option 2

If this option does not suit you, we recommend that you purchase a syntepuh or holofiber. Sintepuh is a polyester fiber, rolled into small fluffy balls. And holofiber, in turn, is the same polyester, but already in the form of a thick sheet. These fillers are quite elastic and will last exactly 5-7 years.

pillow 60 60 children's

Option 3

Another type of filler is silicone granules. They are convenient in that they are easily poured into ready-made pillows through a small hole. In addition, if necessary, they can be easily removed and washed from there, and pillowcases for pillows can be washed separately. The main thing is not to wash these granules in a washing machine! Only by hand!

pillow patterns

A simple option for a baby pillow

For beginners, we will tell you how to easily make baby pillows with your own hands.

We take:

  • dense plain fabric (length 64 cm, width 122 cm);
  • filler;
  • colored fabric with cars or flowers (length 65 cm, width 145 cm);
  • threads
  • scissors;
  • centimeter tape;
  • pins
  • shallow.

Let's start with the “napernik”

Let's start from the very beginning:

  1. To do this, take a plain fabric and fold it in half. The length and width of the breastplate in the final version should be 60 to 60 cm. Everything else goes like a seam allowance. It turns out that the width of the piece of fabric will be 62 cm, and the length is 64 cm.
  2. Sew the sides of the fabric. On one side we leave a hole for the filler. We turn on the front on the front side. Ironed well. Fill the pillow with filler. The amount of filler depends on what density pillow you want. For young children, tall models are not recommended.
  3. Now gently sew the hole.
  4. Getting to the pillowcase.
  5. We will sew it with a valve, for ease of removal. To start, hem the edges. We are ironing. Then we fold the piece of fabric with the wrong side outward, so that we get an even square of 60 cm by 60 cm, and another piece of 22 cm on the valve should lie on top of one of the sides.
  6. We sew the sides of the pillowcase, taking into account the fact that 1.5 cm is the allowance for the seams, and 2 cm so that the pillow easily fits into the pillowcase.
  7. We turn the pillowcase on the front side, insert the pillow, fill the valve. All! We got a 60-60 baby pillow.

Important! Before you start sewing baby pillows with your own hands, we recommend that you wash the fabric. Since the material used for sewing pillows is natural, it can shrink.

Heart pillow

Here is another DIY pillow design. We take:

  • velor fabric;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • a ruler;
  • sintepuh;
  • hot glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • thread and needle.


  1. We take a soft velor pink fabric. We cut a cut of 1 m by 50 cm. Fold the cut in half and sew the sides together from the wrong side. We leave one side free.
  2. Getting to decorating. To do this, we cut out the face of a rabbit from a felt, a heart or any other figure. We have this heart. On the edge of the heart with acrylic paint draw strokes, they imitate the seam.
  3. When our heart has dried, we glue it to the pillowcase using hot-melt adhesive. If you don’t have hot-melt adhesive, you can use Moment Classic glue or threads.
  4. Fill the pillow with filler. Sew carefully the remaining edge.

Now we’ll talk about how to make original baby pillows with your own hands.

sewing pillows

Patch Flower Pillow

Almost any of us will find pieces of various fabrics at home. It can be old clothes, curtains, etc. All these things can be found worthy of use. For example, sew baby pillows with your own hands. You definitely will not find such in the store.

Today we will tell you how to sew a pillow-flower of shreds.

For her we need:

  • 5 different shreds of fabric;
  • yellow cloth;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • buttons.

To make the petals:

  1. From the shreds we cut out 6 squares. We put them in triangles with the wrong side up. Sew one side. Then we turn it on the front side, fill it with sintepon and sew it up. We sew all the resulting petals with each other - so that an inflorescence is obtained.
  2. We make the middle. We take the yellow fabric and cut out from it a circle with a diameter of 60 cm.
  3. We make stitches along the edge of the fabric and then tighten. We stuff it with synthetic winterizer and sew it up.
  4. We insert the middle into the inflorescence and sew together.
  5. Next, take shreds of fabric, preferably green, and cut leaves from them measuring 35 by 14 cm. From the foam rubber we cut the same leaves. Now we sew the leaves from the flaps on one side, then put the foam inside and sew on the other side. We also do the rest of the leaves. Sew the leaves along the middle in one line.
  6. Two circles 24 cm in diameter are cut out of the same fabric. We sew them from the wrong side, leaving a hole, we turn them out, insert the foam rubber inside. Sew to the end.
  7. Sew the leaves to the flower. Sew on the bottom of the round base.

You can also decorate our flower pillow by sewing red buttons along the yellow center.


Doll pillow

And another look is a handmade pillow for newborns for babies . This will be the original hot-water doll. For her you will need:

  • ball of thread;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • light fabric, children's tights are suitable;
  • flesh or pink weave, you can take a sleeve from a blouse;
  • piece of dense fabric;
  • a piece of soft tissue;
  • cherry pits (they need to be boiled in advance, with the addition of vinegar, and then calcined in the oven);
  • threads
  • needles;
  • scissors.

DIY baby pillows


  1. We sew a heating pad. The body of our doll should be 24 cm high, 28 cm wide, 33 cm diagonal. Head circumference 22 cm.
  2. We cut out a cover from dense fabric, which we will stuff with bones.
  3. Sew the edges from the inside, leaving a hole. We turn it on the front side and fill it with cherry pits. Sew.
  4. We make an overalls for a doll from soft fabric. But we sew it a little more so that you can easily insert a cover with cherry bones there.
  5. Sew from the inside and turn out through the hole cut in the neck.
  6. We cut the overalls from the neck down, not reaching the edge a bit, so that you can put a cover with cherry stones there. To close the jumpsuit, you can sew on a zipper or buttons. We process all edges.
  7. We fill all 4 edges of the jumpsuit with a synthetic winterizer. Strongly do not need to fill. You should get 4 bubos. They must be bandaged with a thread.
  8. Proceed to the head.
  9. To do this, take a ball of thread and wrap it with padding polyester.
  10. If the head is the right size, then we bind it below the thread.
  11. We take a light fabric, better than tights, and put on the doll’s head, tighten the thread at the base.
  12. We cut off the excess, leaving a small neck, and sew up. To make the face embossed, tie a thread in the middle of the head.
  13. Now we pull on the head a flesh or pink knitted fabric, so that there are no wrinkles. We thread the space between the head and neck.
  14. Cut off excess and sew.
  15. Now we mark the facial features with a washable felt-tip pen. At the same stage, you can cut and stitch the cap. We try it on the head and mark the place on the head where the edge of the cap will be.
  16. From the same fabric as the jumpsuit, we sew a triangular cap for the doll. Along the edge where it will be attached to the head, you can sew a frill.
  17. We embroider the face with threads, hiding the nodules in the place where the cap will be worn.
  18. Sew the cap to the head, as close to the frill as possible.
  19. Blush the cheeks of the chrysalis.
  20. Next, insert the neck of the doll into the neck and sew.
  21. The final stage is to insert a cover with bones inside and fasten the buttons.

In order for the pillow doll to become a heating pad, the cover with bones can be put on the battery or in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and heated. This heating pad can be used for colic in the stomach or just put in the stroller in the winter to the child and go for a walk.

Letter pillow

Pillow patterns are diverse. Finally, we will tell you how to sew baby pillows with your own hands in the form of letters.

For example, take the letter "P". We will need:

  • colored fabric;
  • plain fabric;
  • filler;
  • thread and needle;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

pillow pattern


  • Cut the large letter "P" on paper. Then we transfer it to the fabric. We cut out the letter.

DIY baby pillows

  • From a plain fabric, cut a strip. Sew this strip from the wrong side to the letter. Sew the second edge of the strip to another letter, leaving the place through which you will stuff the pillow unbroken. With a round hole in the letter "P" will have to tinker. It can be sewn to the second part of the letter through the place left for the filler.

pillow patterns

  • We turn out.

sewing pillows

  • Fill the pillow with filler.
  • Sew the remaining edge. The pillow is ready.


  • On the side of it, you can make embroidery with the full name of the child.

Now these pillows are gaining popularity and many sew them to order.


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