Minecraft Key Commands

For several years, the game "Minecraft" has not left the lips of gamers and from the tops of game ratings. Before its release in the gaming industry, in fact, there was no sandbox genre as such. Its elements could be found in some games, especially those that have an open world, but this genre did not exist by itself. The decision to bring the idea to life and create a full-fledged game out of it seemed very daring, no one thought that this attempt would be successful. Moreover, the developers provided the project with primitive pixel graphics, which in the era of high technology and even higher resolutions seemed even more impudent. Many thought that this would repel gamers, but it turned out completely different. All those characteristics of the game that seemed the most unprofitable and risky, as a result, became key to its success. Missing ultimate goal? No problem - people enjoy living and surviving in an open world with unlimited possibilities. Low level of detail? Gamers found their charm in this. As a result, Minecraft has become a real masterpiece, which set the fashion for games of this kind. But many people playing Minecraft still do not know that he has his own console, which can be used not only by server administrators, but also by ordinary users. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail all about the Minecraft teams.

What are the teams?

minecraft teams

If you have ever used cheat codes in other games, then it will hardly be a problem for you to understand what a console command is. In a sense, Minecraft teams are a kind of cheats that are used to gain more control over the world. If you want to use them in a single player game, you will have to enable a special cheat mode, without it you will not be able to use most functions. On the server, some basic commands will be available to you, but at the same time most of the combinations will be exclusively under the control of administrators, while they also have their own hierarchy. Minecraft commands available to a higher level operator will not be visible to a lower level operator. In this system, you can pretty quickly figure it out if you wish. And now it’s better to concentrate so far on how exactly the input of the commands occurs, and what is needed for this.

Where to enter the commands?

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Every experienced gamer knows what a command line is, or a console. This is a special window that is called by pressing a key or a combination of keys, and in it you can enter various combinations of characters that give one or another effect. Minecraft commands work in a similar way, but it’s worth noting that many of them can be entered directly in the chat. To do this, you need to use the slash, after which you enter the necessary characters. However, if you are an administrator or server operator, then you do not need to do just that - you will have the console itself at hand, into which you can enter combinations directly, that is, without using additional characters. Admin teams in Minecraft 1.5.2 and other versions are different from those available to a simple player, as they provide much more features. But how do you know which of them you can enter at the moment?

Call up the command list

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All teams in Minecraft 1.5.2 and other versions can be viewed on various sites dedicated to Minecraft. But this, unfortunately, will not give you the opportunity to drive what you need directly into the game. You will have to remember each combination, its meaning and so on. To facilitate the task, the developers allowed the players to use the tab key, which has special properties. If you type a command in the chat or in the console, you can click on Tab to see which of them are generally available to you. That is, if you remember how the combination you need begins, but cannot remember it in its entirety, start typing it, and then press Tab - the game will offer you all the options that start with the characters you registered earlier. In the same way, you can find out the full list of commands - for this you only need to enter the slash and immediately after that click on the tab button, and from the list you can already select the command that interests you. But this does not negate the fact that you need to know the basic meanings - which team in Minecraft gives you what. After all, the list displayed by tabs offers you only combinations of characters, not their descriptions.

Using name substitutes

which team in minecraft

The teams in the game are very different. They can be aimed at a specific object, a specific player, your character or even the environment. For example, in Minecraft, the command to save things does not require additional syntax when entering, since it stores exactly your things that are in your inventory. But if you want to direct it, for example, to another player, then you need to remember several name substitutes. If you need to use the command in relation to the player who is next to you, you do not have to completely write his nickname - instead, after the @ symbol, enter the Latin letter "p", which means that the action will be performed in relation to the gamer closest to you . If "p" is replaced by "r", then it will be implemented in relation to any random player on the map, if by "a", then to all available participants. There are mob teams in Minecraft that don't apply to other players. In such cases, you can use the letter "e" - then the team applies to all entities in the game.

Additional Arguments

minecraft conservation team

As you can see, using commands is not such a simple task, it requires a little more effort than just copying the code. Admin teams in Minceraft sometimes generally require a large number of additional parameters. There is even a full-fledged legend (as for a card), which indicates the various arguments used with various combinations. One character is responsible for the game mode, the other for the location of the object in space, the third for the teleportation of the object or player. And all these arguments a good admin should know and be able to apply if necessary. Therefore, if you plan to become an administrator or server operator, you should understand that this is not just power over other players and the whole world, but also a huge responsibility that will require a lot of work, effort and knowledge from you.

Basic teams

There are very few basic teams that can be performed by players with minimal rights under any conditions. They are mainly intended for operators and administrators, as well as for those players who were allowed to use certain combinations. Everyone can write a message from a third party, in private to another player, as well as kill his character - all this is done with the help of simple combinations. But if you want something more, then you will need to get higher rights, and then the possibilities will expand significantly.

Operator Commands

Higher-level commands are those combinations that only server operators can use. They are also available to players in a single version, if the use of cheat codes was activated before creating the world. In a multiplayer game, simple players will be able to apply teams of this level only if the administration gives them this opportunity. Naturally, at this level of functions it becomes much more - you get the opportunity to change the appearance of the territory, add animals and mobs, renew resources, change weather conditions, clone objects and much more. Of course, these commands are used only on behalf of the administrator, who does not directly participate in the gameplay. Thus, if you are an operator using commands on the server, you assume the role of a game master, that is, you do not take part in the game itself.

minecraft team mobs

Special teams for multiplayer

There are special teams that cannot be used in a single player game even if you have activated cheat codes. The fact is that these combinations are designed for multi-user mode, and they work only in it. These include those that allow you to ban a specific player, throw him out of the server, deprive him of administrator rights and so on. Naturally, you can try to enter such a command in single mode, but it will not lead to anything. But in an online game without this group of teams it is incredibly difficult, even impossible. It is with the help of them that control is carried out, which allows maintaining order on the server.

Command block

Many players have heard of such an object as a block command in Minecraft, more often it is called just a command block. This is a special item that was introduced into the game in only one of the latest versions. Its essence lies in the fact that you can write any legal command into it, and then activate not the console, but this block. Activation occurs as in any other mechanism - with the help of red dust, which serves as a conductor of energy in Minecraft. That is, you choose the command that you use most often, and so that you do not enter it every time in the console or in the chat, write it to the block. And then call it with the click of a button.

admin teams in minecraft

Block specific commands

The command unit has several combinations that are associated exclusively with it. For example, using the testfor command, you can determine the number of players on the server at the moment, and the testforblock modification allows you to check for the presence of a command block in a given territory. As you can see, in Minecraft, teams are quite significant, so it’s recommended that you study at least the most popular of them so that you can use them at the right time. But if you want to become an administrator or operator of a server, then you will have to know all the commands by heart.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30901/

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