Anyui National Park. History of creation, description and features

Anyui National Park is located in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Nanai District. This is a unique place, striking with a variety of flora and fauna. The history of the creation of Anyui National Park, its features will be described below.


It began at the dawn of the 20th century. Back in the 1920s, the famous traveler, prominent scientist and writer V. Arsenyev raised the question of creating a national park in this place. The scientist determined the creation of the natural park by the fact that its territory is significantly distinguished by great biological diversity, as well as saturated with various natural sites.

General form

The territory of Anyui National Park in the 30s of the 20th century was part of the Sikhote-Alinsky Nature Reserve. But later the conservation status was lost, and the park, in fact, was an ordinary territory. In 2007, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Anyui National Park was re-created, which received conservation status. Its territory is located on the right bank of the Amur River and covers an area of ​​about 430 thousand ha.

Description of the park

The park is located in the Khabarovsk Territory, which, as you know, is rich in cedar-deciduous forests. The uniqueness of this place lies in the fact that it is an important segment of the ecosystem of the entire region. The territory of the park is minimally altered by human activity and is almost in its original form.

Anyui River

It got its name from the Anyui River, which originates near the central part of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system. It flows into a part of the mouth of the Nakhinsky duct. The river is 393 km long. The park surprises with its diversity of flora and fauna, which makes it unique in its kind. It is the richness and richness of wildlife that attracts connoisseurs of ecotourism here. In the spring-summer period, you can meet a large number of tourists who want to get to know the nature and inhabitants of these places.

Flora and fauna

In Anyui National Park there are 6 fauna complexes. Almost all landscapes of the Amur Region, as well as tundra right up to the floodplain of the Amur River, are located here. 494 species of vascular plants grow in the park. A feature of these places is the fact that here you can meet 44 relict species, 31 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Amur tiger

The park is home to more than 360 species of animals, as well as more than 40 species of fish, 8 species of reptiles and 7 amphibians. Here you can find 244 species of birds that constantly live in this territory. The most important representative of Anyui National Park is the Amur tiger. Currently, there is a special government program to protect it and increase the population.

The park is inhabited by red wolves, Himalayan bears and Amur forest cats. At the mouth of the Anyui River, a Far Eastern tortoise is found. Among endangered and rare bird species, there are black grouse, black kite, white-tailed eagle, black crane, golden eagle, yellow-footed owl and many others. Near the river there is an osprey, a large cormorant and a mandarin duck attracting with its beauty. The ichthyofauna is represented by various species of fish, such as chum salmon, pink salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon and salmon. Gassi Lake, located in the park, is home to an amazing variety of species, which makes it unique.

Park now

It should be noted that hunting and fishing are prohibited within the boundaries of Anyui National Park. This is done in order to enable rare and endangered species to gradually restore their population. It can be stated that some species are in a critical situation, and there is a great possibility of losing them completely.

Nature reserve

The only exception is the use of natural resources in the park by indigenous peoples - these are Nanai and Udege. However, they are also prohibited from hunting the Red Book and rare species of mammals and birds. Today, the organization of a natural park allows you to maintain control over the number of its inhabitants and the entire ecosystem as a whole.

The territory is open for visitors to those who love ecotourism. Guided tours are organized to introduce visitors to the unique flora and fauna of these amazing places. A photo of Anyui National Park shows only part of its extraordinary beauty. To fully plunge into the atmosphere of this place, almost untouched by man, you should definitely visit here.


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