Snakes of the Leningrad Region: how to avoid a dangerous meeting

In summer and autumn, people often go to the forest, where they can face danger in the form of snakes. In the Leningrad region of the most poisonous vipers are found that do not attack first. True, in tall grass a person can easily not notice her, and the reptile will attack, defending itself.

snakes of the Leningrad region
According to herpetologists, the most dangerous snake habitats are the Luga, Kingisepp, Volkhov areas. All information from those who suffered from snakebites falls into Rospotrebnadzor and the State Light Service from emergency rooms.

What snakes of the Leningrad region are most often found?

These are vipers and snakes. They should be feared in the warm period, when they are especially active - May-September. Poisonous snakes living in the Leningrad region are as dangerous as those that live in Central Asia. A viper bite can result in death, but such cases are quite rare. Most of all the troubles are allergy sufferers: they can hardly tolerate snake venom.

It is believed that the lethal dose of this substance is half a milligram, which is equivalent to the bites of three vipers. However, do not immediately "suck" the poison from the wound. According to qualified specialists, this method can be used only if a close relative is injured. Otherwise, there is a risk of contracting serious diseases, such as hepatitis.

What measures to take if a reptile has bitten?

snakes living in the Leningrad region
Snakes in the Leningrad Region (the photo above shows where they can lay eggs) are found not only in the forest, but can also crawl to the summer cottage. Do not grab them with your bare hands and scare them with sudden movements. If nevertheless the reptile has bitten, and to go far to the nearest emergency room, then measures should be taken.

  • Drink plenty.
  • Treat the wound with an antiseptic that is at hand.
  • The victim to ensure complete peace.
  • Do not chip or cauterize the bite site.
  • The tourniquet above the bitten area is contraindicated.
  • Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

But in any case, you need to go to the hospital. Only there will qualified assistance be provided.

The main differences

We found out which snakes of the Leningrad region are the most dangerous. If you do not understand, then a little hint how to distinguish them:

  • The head of the viper is triangular in shape, and in the ovary it is oval.
  • The pupil of the first is vertical, the second is round.
  • Already has a distinctive feature: on its back there are light (yellow or orange) spots.

Behavior rules

snakes of the Leningrad region photo
To snakes of the Leningrad region were not afraid of summer residents or tourists, it is necessary to consider:

  1. To go around their wintering places: pits, holes, in which the temperature is slightly higher than 0 ° C, located from 0.5 to 2 m in depth.
  2. Snakes can winter both alone and in groups of several dozen pieces.
  3. They love abandoned sites, heaps of garbage, the remains of a tree, a building where no one has lived for a long time.
  4. Do not bring landfills to catastrophic proportions. Be clean yourself and call on your neighbors.

Remember that snakes of the Leningrad region, like any others, try to bite a person in the face, head or neck. Take care of yourself!


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