Crafts from natural material: ideas, themes, techniques

The nature around us gives not only beauty for perception, but also ideas for creativity. Indeed, from the natural material collected for a walk in the autumn park, these are real masterpieces. No need to spend money on the purchase of components, everything gives free nature. Walking at sea, you can pick up shells and sea pebbles of different colors and shapes. And how many gifts are received from autumn trees. These are chestnuts and acorns, cones and "helicopters" of maple, not to mention the variety of leaves and twigs.

Crafts made from natural material require preliminary work, because hiding insects can hide in the fruits, which decided to winter in this way. Yes, and I do not want the child to work on a picture of dirty leaves. Sea pebbles and shells have a layer of salt, which also needs to be disposed of before working on a composition of natural material. In the article, we consider several original works from different types of gifts of nature and how to pre-process them so that the picture or three-dimensional figure is preserved longer.

How to prepare material for creativity?

If you have brought a whole set of beautiful seashells and stones after a rest at sea, you need to thoroughly rinse them from sand and boil them for 10 minutes in water. So all the excess salt will come out, which can subsequently appear on the craft in a white coating.

With acorns and chestnuts, the processing technology is different. If a child makes a craft from natural material, then it is better to work with fresh fruits. To keep them clean, you can wipe them with a dry cloth. For long-term preservation of crafts from such details, it is best to fry them in the oven. Then any insects hiding inside will die.

Autumn leaves, choose a bright color, because when they dry, they lose the saturation of the shades. The leaves must be dried by putting between the sheets of the book. Put the load on top. It is better to iron the aligned workpieces with an iron through a sheet of paper in order to completely get rid of any drop of moisture.

However, there are artists who create beautiful paintings using only fresh petals and leaves. The resulting paintings from natural material can only be photographed, as they will fade very quickly and lose their beauty. Let's look at this kind of creativity.

Picture of fresh flowers

To create such a bright and spectacular peacock, the artist used carved fern branches, leaves and flower petals, in particular irises. If you decide to repeat the masterpiece of the master at home, you can replace the details with similar plants growing in our country.

fresh peacock

Begin with the bottom long sheets of the tail. In addition to carved "feathers", bright spots are noted that are characteristic of the plumage of a male peacock. On each element, they must be repeated symmetrically. They have long leaves from a central point in different directions according to the type of sun's rays. Then the beginning of the tail of the bird is laid out from the same oval-shaped leaves. Work on a picture of natural material ends with the body of a peacock. It is made only from bright petals of iris. The crown is created from the stamens of a large flower. Beak and head are made by cutting the necessary shape with scissors.

Children's picture of leaves

A preschool kid will not be able to create such a holistic craft from natural material as a professional craftsman, but you can make a spectacular bird. To do this, you need a bright yellow leaf of linden, acacia and willow. A large element is laid out in such a way that the stick from the sheet performs the function of a beak.

children's picture of bird from leaves

A sprig of acacia leaves is located in place of the tail, and a small and thin leaf of contrasting color clearly indicates the wing. The button performs the role of the eye, and the remaining elements of the picture are simply drawn with a marker.

Autumn tree

To create crafts from the natural material "Autumn", small grains are also used, for example, millet. To make improvised leaflets colorful, you need to paint the seeds. It is very simple, even a child can handle it. In separate small packets fall asleep on a handful of cereals. Then, one spoonful of gouache paint of green, orange, yellow and even red color, that is, all the primary colors of autumn, is laid in each. Next, you need to tie a bag and hand wipe all the grains on the paint. Colored balls are laid out on a napkin to dry. When everything is dry, you need to wipe them in your hand so that excess paint is sprinkled and its grains are not found. Multi-colored "leaves" are laid out in different bowls for further work.

cereal composition on the theme "Autumn"

On a blue cardboard, a tree with branches and a hill of land on which it grows is drawn with a marker. Then in places where it is planned to place grains, the paper is coated with PVA glue. It remains only to fill in the millet and slightly press down with his palm. The picture is ready!

Owl made of natural material

To work on a voluminous figure of an owl, you need to prepare a large pine cone for the body of the bird, caps of acorns for the eyes, maple seeds for feathers above the eyes resembling eyebrows, a tiny cone of spruce for the nose. The wings of a bird are made from slices of a plane tree bark.

owl of cones

Such a bird from natural material is collected using a thick PVA or glue gun. When working with bumps, there is a little secret. It is not always possible to pick up the necessary form for crafts in the park. A cone, when dried, tends to unfold and can ruin the idea of ​​the author of a masterpiece. You can advise what preliminary work you need to do with the material. If the pine cone is closed, and you need a lush one, then you need to boil it in a saucepan for 20-30 minutes, let it cool, putting it in a warm place, for example, near a fireplace or on a heating radiator. The bump will open perfectly and will be magnificent.

If, on the contrary, you need to have a bump with closed flakes for work, then it must be lowered into warm wood glue and held for a while. After drying, the cone will remain closed even after prolonged storage.

If a child does work on a craft made of natural material and you don’t keep it for a long time, then just pure cones collected in the park will do. In order for the owl to stand upright, the top of the cone is cut off, then when it is turned over, it will hold a vertical position.

Snowman made of fruits and vegetables

Autumn gives people a rich harvest of different fruits. These are vegetables, fruits and berries. Developing the child’s creative abilities, they can be used to create figures of animals or other objects. For example, for such a snowman, as in the photo, three apples of different sizes were used. They were previously peeled so that the snowman was white. The pulp is immediately processed with lemon juice, as it has the property of darkening after cutting. This leaves the juice from the fruit. To assemble parts together use toothpicks.

vegetable snowman

Buttons and nose are made from circles of carrots. The role of the bucket on the head is performed by the cut edge of the cucumber. The mouth is made of red bell pepper. Hands are carved from the white portion of the leek. From a wooden skewer and thin branches of a bush, a broom is tied with threads. The craft turns out to be large and spectacular. You can take a picture of it, show it to dad, and eat it with the whole family in the evening.

Original hedgehog

Such an interesting hedgehog from natural material can be made by a person who is well versed in a chisel. After all, the thorns of a hedgehog are made of branches cut at an acute angle. The body of the hedgehog is collected from hairy coconut fibers twisted in a glomerulus. To make the body strong, a foam ball hiding inside is hidden inside. So the hedgehog will stand firmly on its feet.

decorative hedgehog

The muzzle is pointed, black beads are attached as the tip of the nose and eyes. To assemble the elements using a glue gun. Such craft can be stored for a long period of time. So it can be used to decorate a room or living room in a kindergarten or school.

Mushrooms from different material

You can decorate the walls of a room or a summer house with decorative mushrooms; they will delight visitors of the autumn exhibition at school or kindergarten. They make such crafts from natural materials quickly and simply, you only need to collect the necessary decor elements in advance. Dried hay can be purchased at the pet store or borrow from your guinea pig. You can cut a branch with thin saws using a jigsaw. Collect apricot kernels - after appetizing eating this healthy fruit. You can dry them in the sun on the balcony. They are perfectly stored all winter, so you can use them for creativity from natural materials all year round.

natural mushrooms

The base for mushrooms can be selected as a dense cardboard, and a template cut from fiberboard. The grass can be glued to PVA, spreading a thick layer on the leg of the mushroom. Then the grass rymen is superimposed and pressed by the palm. You can decorate the lower part of the craft with a bunch of dried mountain ash or cones. The mushroom cap is glued over with cuts or seeds of apricot. It is better to use a glue gun for strength fastening parts. If after drying the glue the hat is covered with acrylic varnish, it will glisten effectively under the light of the lamps.

In order for the craft to be hung on a wall on a hook, a loop of natural hemp rope is attached to the back side. She will perfectly fit into the general ensemble of natural materials.

We help the birds

Hungry and cold winters are difficult for our feathered friends. Friendly people try their best to help them in this difficult time. Making feeders from natural material is not so difficult. Consider one of the easiest and most popular options in the world. You will need a silicone container for baking cakes of any configuration. In the recesses impose "goodies" for birds. It can be oat or millet grains, raw sunflower seeds, berries and pieces of fruit, finely chopped. You can use commercially available freezing fruits and vegetables.

bird feeders

Then all this is poured with water and put until it hardens in the freezer. Do not forget to insert a thin rope at the end so that it also fastens in the feeder. After freezing water, a ready-made feeder will turn out. If you can’t take it out of the container, just drop the silicone in warm water. Hanging feeders can be on different branches of a tree. Birds will be happy to pick out tasty elements from their frozen mass with their beaks.

Such a treat will appeal to all birds, and as you can see, making such a treat is not difficult at all. The main thing is not to be too lazy and cook all the ingredients. Remember that you cannot feed birds with bread, as birds develop tumors from it and they subsequently die. Their natural food is grains and fruits of trees, and not processed, but in raw form. They will be grateful for your care!

Flowers made of natural material

Floral arrangements can be composed of different gifts of nature. This can be a watermelon craft or a bouquet of colored cones painted in different colors. You can make a picture of a flower from chestnuts and acorns, maple tree seeds and acacia leaves. To create a volumetric bouquet, we can offer the following option, composed of autumn leaves.

For the composition, it is best to select leaves of various configurations. They can be rounded and carved. The inclusion of red rowan berries in the composition will give a bright accent point to the bouquet. They are solid and for a long time retain their freshness and shape.

roses from autumn leaves

The bouquet is made on the basis of strong branches on which roses from large linden leaves are wound. They are pre-dried and leveled between sheets of paper. Each leaf is folded in half and twisted with a tube. Subsequent elements are wound on the previous one, increasing the diameter of the rose. At the end, a twisted flower is attached to a branch and tied with strong nylon threads.

To prevent the threads from being visible, a strip of green corrugated paper is wound onto the base of the rose and further onto the branch. Its edges are attached to the last turn using PVA glue or a glue gun.

When 5 or 7 flowers are collected, you can form a bouquet by adding sheets of a different configuration, for example, the same mountain ash. You can cut them from a tree on a branch with a bunch of berries. Spikelets of wheat will also look beautiful.

At the end of the work, all the elements from below are connected together in a tight bundle. You can decorate it with a winding of leaves.


As can be seen from the text of the article, ideas for creative work can be drawn from the contemplation of nature itself. Looking at the gifts of fields and trees, the fantasy will suggest a variant of crafts made from natural components. Before use, be sure to carry out preliminary work, as the materials may contain uninvited guests in the form of larvae or insect eggs. For the safety of health, both children and adults use only familiar plants that are not poisonous in their work. Creativity should bring only joy and be safe.


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