Victor Pelevin: quotes, sayings, works, books in chronological order, a brief biography of the author, personal life, interesting facts from life

Quotes by Victor Pelevin are remembered by heart by everyone who knows and appreciates contemporary Russian literature. This is the author of cult domestic novels, winner of numerous literary prizes. His most famous works are Life of Insects, Chapaev and Void, Generation P.

Writer Biography

Pelevins novels

Quotes by Victor Pelevin succinctly and accurately describe the most important social and social phenomena. His books are always relevant and are popular with readers.

The writer was born in 1962 in Moscow. He lived with his parents and grandmother in a communal apartment on Tversky Boulevard. Over time, they will move to a separate apartment in North Chertanov.

In 1979 he became a graduate of the English special school. He entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, in 1985 received a graduate diploma from the Faculty of Electrification and Automation of Industry and Transport. He began his career at the department of his university. According to some reports, he served in the Air Force.

Since 1987 he studies at graduate school, but did not defend his dissertation, which he wrote on urban trolleybuses with an asynchronous motor. In 1989 he entered the correspondence department of the Gorky Literary Institute. True, in 1991 he was expelled, but the future writer himself admitted that studying at a university did not give him anything.

Pelevin begins his journalistic career in Face to Face magazine, collaborates with the publication Science and Religion, in which he publishes the story Sorcerer Ignat and People. In 1991, his first short story collection, The Blue Lantern, was released. The book was not immediately noticed by critics, but a year later he received the Small Booker Prize for it.

He gained popularity after the publication of the novel "Omon Ra" in the magazine "Banner". Since then, each of his works has become an event in Russian literature.

Personal life

Pelevin leads a maximally closed life. He does not appear in public and is not included in the so-called literary party. Interviews are extremely rare, preferring to communicate on the Internet.

Its closeness gives rise to numerous rumors, for example, that the author does not exist at all, and “Victor Pelevin” is a pseudonym behind which several people or even a computer are hiding.

According to available information, the writer is not married. Lives in Moscow in the Chertanovo area. The media say that he often happens in the East. According to the testimonies of his close friends, the passion for Buddhism successfully combines with practicality and rationalism.

"Omon Ra"

Roman Omon Ra

Quotes by Victor Pelevin are firmly embedded in memory. The first novel "OMON RA" was released in 1992. The story is built around Soviet cosmonauts who are preparing to fly to the moon, one of them is Omon Krivomazov. It is interesting to observe how, even talking about space, Pelevin manages to illustrate how limited and squeezed Soviet people were in the world in which they lived.

The only space where the starships of the communist future flew — by the way, meeting the word “starship” in science fiction books, which I loved very much, for some reason I thought that it was connected with red stars on the sides of Soviet space technology - and so, the only place where they flew was the consciousness of a Soviet man, just like the dining room around us was that space where the people on the last shift launched their ships so that they plowed the vast expanse of time above the dining tables when the creators of the cardboard the lot will not be next. This thought was superimposed on a special indescribable melancholy, which pioneer-berry compote from dried fruits always caused me, and a strange idea occurred to me.

The novel is dedicated to ordinary and unknown heroes of a secret Soviet space. The story is grotesque; it is a parody of an educational novel in the thriller genre.

It is disgusting from the fact that the whole huge country where I live is a lot of such little tattered cubicles where it stinks of garbage and just finished drinking port.

"Chapaev and the Void"

Chapaev and the void

In 1996, Pelevin’s third novel, Chapaev and Void, was released. The author himself claims that this is the first work in world literature, the action of which takes place in an absolute void, but this, of course, is nothing more than a hoax.

Vivid quotes and aphorisms of Victor Pelevin filled this work. The novel immediately covers two historical periods - the Civil War and the events of the mid-90s. At the center of the story is the relationship between the red commander Vasily Chapaev and the decadent poet Peter Pustota. All this time they allegedly fight in a civil war. Many remember Pelevin’s quotes from Chapaev and Void, they recognize this author’s extraordinary novel from them. Some quotes help to better understand what exactly the author had in mind.

The memory assures us that yesterday really was, but who knows, has all this memory appeared with the first morning ray?

Just as this quote confuses you, it is not immediately possible to figure out what really happens on the pages of the book. In the background is the storyline of Serdyuk, who is drawn into the confrontation of two Japanese clans - Minamoto and Myra. In a symbolic sense, all the plot lines correspond to the probable future of Russia, which the author also thinks about. This is the so-called alchemical marriage with the East or the West.

In another storyline, you can trace the logic of the superman, which an ordinary bandit from Russia in the 90s is trying to present. Quotes from Pelevin's books always illustrate well his basic ideas.

Looking at the horse's faces and faces of people, at the vast lively stream, raised by my will and racing to nowhere along the crimson sunset steppe, I often think: where am I in this stream.

"Generation" P ""

Generation "P"

The novel "Generation" P "", which was published in 1999. This book became one of the most famous of the author, was later filmed. For many readers, he remains the author of this particular novel, therefore Pelevin’s quotes and aphorisms from Generation P are considered the most popular. In a few sentences from this novel Pelevin manages to describe how many risky people did business in the 90s

A man takes a loan. With this loan, he rents an office, buys a Cherokee jeep and eight boxes of Smirnovskaya. When Smirnovskaya ends, it turns out that the jeep is broken, the office is spoiled, and the loan must be given. Then a second loan is taken - three times the first. The first loan is repaid from it, a Grand Cherokee jeep and sixteen Absolute boxes are bought.

The protagonist of this book is the intellectual Vavilen Tatarsky, a collective image of the Soviet generation of the seventies. In the early 90s, having lost his job, he accidentally fell into the advertising business, discovering a huge talent in himself. First, he becomes an ordinary copywriter, and soon a highly paid specialist who comes up with the best slogans and advertising campaigns. As a rule, he adapts foreign advertising in Russian fashion, appealing to the domestic mentality.

Over time, he begins to create television reality, which is increasingly stubbornly replaces the surrounding reality. Then he already participates in the creation of images of statesmen, shapes the political life in the country using modern computer technologies, but constantly suffers from questions about who really controls our world. The statements of Victor Pelevin from this book became a clear expression of his position in relation to what is happening.

By nature, any politician is just a TV show. Well, we put in front of the camera a living person. All the same, a speechwriter team will write his speeches, a group of stylists to choose jackets, and an Interbank Committee to make decisions.

The Sacred Book of the Werewolf

Werewolf holy book

The sixth novel by Victor Pelevin, The Sacred Book of the Werewolf, appeared on the shelves of bookstores in 2004. It tells the story of a love relationship between a werewolf fox and a young wolf, who is also a lieutenant general of the Federal Security Service.

The relationship between them is not easy, the heroes are also trying to find the life path of all living creatures on the planet, discussing the role that love plays in trying to reach the highest point of spirituality.

Quotes from the Werewolf's Holy Book by Victor Pelevin scattered instantly after the novel was released. It was emphasized that the author was able to accurately notice many of the social and spiritual problems that exist in modern society.

A friend of mine said that only money can defeat evil in our lives. This is an interesting observation, although not perfect from a metaphysical point of view: it is not about victory over evil, but about the possibility of paying off it temporarily. But without money, evil wins in two to three days; this is a proven fact.

Empire V

In 2006, Eksmo Publishing House, which publishes almost all of the author’s works, released his next novel, entitled Empire V. Formally, the action unfolds in this work at present, and the storyteller is about 20 years old. An important place in the novel is occupied by discussions about corporate culture and the so-called Fifth Empire.

The plot, as is usually the case with the author, is exciting and intriguing, vivid quotes from the book of Victor Pelevin and cut into memory. The story in this novel begins with the fact that the young man Roman Shtorkin turns into a vampire. He becomes a victim of the case, being close when his random friend Brahma decides to take his own life after an unsuccessful duel (Brahma turns out to be a vampire).

The fact is that just before death, a vampire is obliged to transfer to another person his special essence, with the help of which vampires get the opportunity to read the thoughts of another creature, tasting his blood. They call it a tasting among themselves.

Turning into a vampire, Roman changes his name to Rama, and completely changes his mindset. To do this, he, as a young vampire, has to take courses in the main vampirical sciences. The socialization of the new vampire is paradoxically arranged. It turns out that he remains outwardly human, but at the same time must control his instincts so as not to succumb to them without significant reason.

The ratio of the average man to woman is characterized by extreme baseness and transcendental cynicism ... Surveys show that, from the point of view of male sexual morality, there are two categories of women. "Bitch" is a woman who refuses a man to have sexual intercourse. “Whore” is a woman who agrees on him. The male attitude towards a woman is not only cynical, but also extremely irrational. According to the prevailing opinion among men - seventy-four percent of respondents think so - most young women fall into both categories at the same time, although this is impossible according to the principles of elementary logic ...

"Love of the Three Zuckerbrines"

Love of the three zuckerbrines

Quotes by Victor Pelevin from the novel “Love for Three Zuckerbrines” are well known to amateurs and admirers of his work. The book was published in 2014. It mentions many relevant signs of the times, and, as noted in the press release, it is imbued with the bitterness of disappointment and paradoxical conclusions.

It gives place to information slavery, tolerance, the cult of consumption, events in Ukraine, Internet addiction, and terrorism. In general, from all of Pelevin’s latest novels, you can see that he writes about the most relevant and pressing things. A remarkable feature of this novel is that philosophical reflections in it are born during the game of Angry Birds.

It was after the publication of this book that the writer's statements became so popular that even special selections began to appear, for example, “25 spiny quotes by Victor Pelevin.

We are just a nightmare dreaming of God. But God is just a nightmare to us.

The Caretaker

In 2015, Pelevin released a two-part novel, The Caretaker. Both parts, the Order of the Yellow Flag and the Iron Abyss, appear in turn.

The events of this book are devoted to Russian history. According to the author, Emperor Paul I was not actually killed by the conspirators in 1801. The palace and coup d'Ă©tat was nothing more than a spectacle that allowed him to fulfill his long-standing dream of leaving the capital quietly and incognito.

Now before us is Pavel the Alchemist, who arrives in a new world called Idyllium, created by the German healer and physician Franz-Anton Mesmer. This is a character that really existed at that time, which is considered the founder of the theory of animal magnetism.

The former emperor of Russia becomes the first Ranger of this new world. It turns out that for three hundred years now, Idyllium has been carefully hiding in the shadow of our real world, interacting with it only according to special laws. The caretakers, who have already changed a lot, Paul is far from the first, are obliged to guard and defend the Idyllium. After all, everyone who is here should learn the secret of this place and understand who he really is.

- A beautiful word - "done", yes? Very theological verb.

"Lamp of Methuselah"

The full name of Pelevin’s fourteenth novel, which was released in 2016, is “The Lamp of Methuselah, or The Extreme Battle of the Chekists and Masons”.

The work tells of three generations of the Mozhaisk family. The novel consists of four parts, each of which is written in a strictly defined genre. This is a production story called The Golden Beetle, the space drama The Mozhaisky Aircraft, the historical essay The Temple, and finally the operational sketch The Feat of Kapustin.

I remember my first childhood comprehension of the Motherland: once after the New Year holidays, after listening to drunk adult conversations, I suddenly realized that every calendar year we have two cold winters in our country - and only one summer. Moreover, these two winters will be absolutely certain, no matter what happens, but as for the summer between them, there is no such guarantee ... Since that time I know where the Motherland begins. Since the winter. And any talk about the “aggressiveness of the Russians,” who agreed to vegetate in such a place with all their tanks and atomic bombs, amuse me, while all sorts of Bulgarians and Portuguese are smoking in the warm sky.

iPhuck 10

Novel iPuck10

With his latest novel, iPhuck 10, which became available to readers in 2017, Pelevin once again proved his ability to notice the most current trends of our time.

Problems began with good and evil - such Hari began to speak on behalf of good that people themselves officially recorded themselves as evil.

In this work, he talks about the police-literary computer algorithm that is used to investigate crimes. His name is Porfiry Petrovich as a famous investigator from Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. In addition, the algorithm independently writes a novel. Pelevin clearly described how artificial intelligence enters our lives.


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