Game Far Cry Primal: reviews, ratings, description and recommendations

Ubisoft Montreal is famous for always presenting a quality project to the buyer. Some people like it, some don't, but it's a matter of taste. In the winter of 2016, a new series of the game Far Cry Primal was released. Reviews about her were not very flattering. What is the reason for this? We will understand further.

There's something about it

It is worth saying that the new part of the game was not called the "fifth". This is due to the fact that the plot is not a continuation of what was previously. The story tells of times that took place more than 12 thousand years ago. Therefore, the game received a different name - Far Cry Primal. Customer reviews immediately flew towards the developers. Everyone vied screaming that this is the usual addition to the fourth part.

far cry primal reviews

But you need to be objective. Externally, the project really turned out to be separate, unlike the previous series. Do not forget that he and the plot is not connected with them. Nevertheless, there is a story. It just starts long before the events that took place in the third and fourth parts.

What is the difference?

The map for the new game turned out to be huge. Visually, it is also increased by the fact that now the hero does not have helicopters or jeeps. Yes, he will be able to tame a saber-toothed tiger and astride him to reach his destination. But remember, in the previous part it was easy to overcome a couple of kilometers without any obstacles.

The first hour of Far Cry Primal will already show you the difference with the fourth series. In just a few hundred steps you will meet the enemy tribe and its archers. But the main danger lies in the wild world. Creepy animals will meet along the way of the hero: something resembling a rhinoceros will immediately be hostile to you, so it will try to throw you far away. There are evil badgers, and giant cats with huge jaws, and eagles, fending off over the hero, as over a victim. In general, there are enough adventures.

Primitive plot

That’s what Ubisoft couldn’t handle, because it’s the plot of Far Cry Primal. Player reviews are dissatisfied. Although you can hardly expect action from the primitive world. Nevertheless, the plot tells about the time after the ice age. Urus is a beautiful valley that is full of stocks: berries, nuts, animals. The tribes who had been in the mountains for a long time fled here.

far cry primal reviews for ps4

The hero will become the first person who could control the animals. You will become the leader of the village, which will have to be defended in front of enemies and hungry creatures. Although no one really needs a plot in Far Cry Primal. Reviews about him, although negative, nevertheless, he is not important here. The game has a bunch of flaws that can be blamed for hours.


What immediately catches your eye is a terrible translation. Tribes in the game speak a fictional incomprehensible language, but all their speech is accompanied by subtitles. But which ones? English is not so bad, there is practically no distortion, but here in Russian there is a horror. All conversations boil down to "yours is mine to kill you" because of which the atmosphere of the game is immediately lost. You begin to think: whether to cry because of such horror, or to laugh.

But if the language is not so bad, then questions arise regarding additional functions. There are some details that specifically in this part of the game seem rather strange. For example, a mini-map. It is made like a navigator, which in itself is absurd, given the primitive world. The hero also has the ability to track the enemy when he is behind cover. This is something like a wallhack in the cop. There is still an incomprehensible hook that allows us to move as a superhero around the world of Far Cry Primal.

far cry primal player reviews

Feedback on these inaccuracies is still not always negative. The fact is that after playing a couple of hours, you accept all the abilities of the hero himself, which, by the way, are very useful. If we exclude them, then the game would be too complicated and tedious. So Primal nevertheless adopted some details from his predecessors.

A bit of mysticism

Since this is a series of the famous Far Cry game, something mystical is left here. You will meet on your way and the crazy shaman who will treat with drugs, there is also the villain Ull, who lives by his own rules. In general, the characters are perhaps the only thing that really helps to delve deeper into the game world. They turned out to be very believable. Heroes correspond to their time, and the developers worked on their design.

The characters retained traces of wild life. Someone does not have an eye, and someone has lost his hand. Some burned their faces or were left without an ear. It is evident that the heroes have lived in this wild world for more than a dozen years. With all this, the characters are not considered kings of the planet on which they live. Moreover, they are not even at the top of the food chain.


Now it’s hard to find projects that could send a gamer so far into the past. Not counting those games that force you to fight dinosaurs and Neanderthals. Many already tired of the subject of World War II, the 30-50s of the last century. Shooters and fighters began to tire.

game reviews far cry primal

And here on the horizon appears a game that sends the hero to battle with the wild. Of course, now it’s clear why the reviews about Far Cry Primal are so mixed. Someone has already lost the habit of intellectual games, which not only force us to “urinate,” but also make us think about our past.

In general, Ubisoft was able to cope with the surroundings. No super automatic machines or energy shields. Only spears, only hardcore. That's why the new series stunned all the fans. But who is to blame for the fact that they poorly read the description of the game? After all, there is no word about what promises us the continuation of the famous story. That's the whole point: before us is a whole new world - our past. Far Cry Primal tore all existing templates and brought to the senses fans to trump new fashion gadgets.

Do not be afraid, I'm with you

Although the entourage is a good thing, still not one appearance can conquer a picky gamer. We have a difficult task - to break the Neolithic world. It would seem that here is complicated? But the developers were able to spoil the whole picture - they add internal anxiety, panic and fear, inexplicably, by what methods. But this is only if you do not choose the "easy" passage.

The world is transforming. Before the hero, everything is too huge and fanged. We need to tame the saber-toothed tiger, but we are even afraid to approach it. The difficulty is that each character strives not only to cripple us, but also to feast on us.

reviews about far cry primal game for pc

Such matters are not a problem when the hero has a Kalashnikov rifle or a pair of ultrasound scans. But at the disposal of the player only spears and axes. And you also need to try to craft something powerful, or even have to fight with a stick. In this way, it is easy to lower shooter fans from the sky. A sense of danger somehow appears by itself, along with a sense of self-preservation.


Usually, dissatisfied reviews about Far Cry Primal (a game for PC) are left only by those who could not penetrate it. Although it’s hard to understand. Just imagine, you decided to eat a goat for dinner. Found and killed. While gape, a wild dog came running and tries to take away your food. You and nailed it. Vultures flew into such a pile of corpses, and now they must be dealt with.

While fighting with birds, wolves are approaching from the side. Of the last forces fight with them. And this is for one unfortunate goat! But, it would seem, there were no enemies left on the horizon, when a prehistoric crocodile creeps out. Yes, perhaps sofa analysts would grumble about a not entirely reliable habitat. But why taunts fly only towards this series of the game?

far cry primal reviews rating ratings reviews

If you recall the previous ones, sometimes you would like to shout at the top of your voice: “I don’t believe!” First, we get the bullet out of our hands with rusty pliers, then we treat the sores with an ordinary pill. Then we suddenly need some completely useless items on a desert island. Far Cry is an inaccurate project, but just the fifth part of the game turned out to be the most natural.


Despite all the atmosphere that the developers worked on, there is one main drawback with Far Cry Primal. Reviews about this have appeared on the forums more than once. The first hours of the Neolithic world and the truth is terrifying. The hero fights, kills, saves and fights again. The player is both scared and fascinating. New emotions and unforgettable sensations appear.

But all this passes after a few hours. 3 are enough for someone, someone can endure 10 as well. Nevertheless, the power gained ceases to please, uniformity tires. Especially distressing are the additional tasks of Far Cry Primal. Reviews for the PS4 are slightly different. Apparently, the console gamers the world is transmitted a little brighter. Someone is happy about the unusual approach from Ubisoft, someone likes the gameplay itself. Someone blames the old engine and monotony with previous versions. But, as they say, how many people, so many opinions.


Here's the game Far Cry Primal. Reviews, ratings, ratings, reviews - all this will help you understand its essence. Some gamers give the game 1 point, someone is more generous and can give the project 8-9. The famous Metacritic website collected data and awarded a new part of 74 out of 100. At the same time, 16 reviews were taken into account. Russian journalists analyzed 23 reviews and delivered their verdict - 75 out of 100.

Everyone who was able to plunge into this world was able to feel it. Those who expected continuation from this part were deeply mistaken. Obviously, in this case, the game would receive the figure “five” and the development of the main plot.

first hour far cry primal

When the company planned to transfer the franchise to the primitive world, everyone was skeptical about it. Nevertheless, something bold and unusual still happened. Yes, not all players were able to appreciate it: someone felt sorry for the money spent, and someone - for the time spent. But Primal has a right to exist.

You can criticize any project. But it’s very stupid to do this with respect to video games. You can shout about and without: no plot, no sense, and the mammoths then did not exist. But in relation to other parts, Far Cry Primal is the most realistic and truthful. Although radically different.


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