Completeness of shoes: how to determine it and how important is it?

Given the modern rhythm of life, most of us have a lot of time to spend on our feet, so the choice of shoes should be approached with particular care and thought, excluding random purchases by mood or because itโ€™s a sin to sell out. Such acquisitions most often after one or two times remain to fill the shelf space, since improperly selected shoes (even very beautiful) can easily spoil the mood, not to mention health. After the first long walk, it turns out that it is simply impossible to wear it, and when walking all the time you think not what you need, but how to quickly get home and take off this beauty.

fullness of shoes

The size

When choosing shoes according to the size of their legs, it is necessary to focus on the foot that is larger (by nature each person has one foot slightly larger than the other), and not vice versa. In the event that there is no โ€œone and a halfโ€ sizes of this model (for example, 36.5), this circumstance can be corrected if a special silicone gasket is glued to the heel. But you should not buy a pair a size or two larger. It is no less harmful to health, like tight shoes.

However, most people believe that choosing the right size is the main thing. This is not entirely true, since our foot is three-dimensional, and the indicated size only indicates the length of the shoe.

full shoes

Full shoes

Many people confuse this concept with width. You canโ€™t do this. The completeness of the shoe is the widest distance in the toe of the foot, that is, it is a line running around the foot along the protruding bones of the little finger and thumb. In addition, when calculating the completeness, the elevation of the foot is also taken into account.

For most people, the completeness falls into the standard size and, as a rule, adhere to such values โ€‹โ€‹(the completeness of American shoes coincides with the English):

In - narrow fullness.

D - standard, medium.

E - a little more complete than standard completeness.

EE - full, wide foot.

As a rule, in stores with a large assortment you can pick up shoes of great completeness, you should ask the seller about this.

fullness american shoes

How to understand that the pair is matched correctly?

If this is โ€œyourโ€ shoes, then it will fit tightly, but not reap. With a large fullness, the leg will go forward, and the heel will go out of the back, and with a small fullness the pair will not last for a long time, as it will be trampled and torn, in addition, adversely affecting the joints.

Why is correct completeness of shoes so important?

If the completeness is more than necessary, then you will involuntarily try to hold your shoes with your fingers, which leads to overstrain and causes spasm. If the fullness is less, the fingers and metatarsus are compressed during walking, and the increased load causes not only pain, but also deformation of the foot.

Is it better to buy shoes?

Given the peculiarity that the legs swell slightly in the evening, it is better to buy a pair for daily wear after dinner, and shoes, say, for an evening out, in the evening.

Trying on a couple, you need to walk around the store a bit and try to feel how comfortable it is. If you feel uncomfortable, take off and look for another model, do not console yourself with the illusion that then everything is somehow spread.


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