Pattern: Russian sundress for girls

Despite the fact that modern technologies are developing rapidly, people are increasingly trying to return to ancient traditions and attire. Many preschool institutions use the motives of folk art in their celebrations and matinees. In order to independently make a national women's costume, a pattern is necessary. Russian sundress, created in this way will turn out to be as realistic and real as possible.

Pattern Russian sundress

History of national dress

For over five centuries, he was the main type of clothing for Russian women of all walks of life. A little later, such a suit began to be divided into rural and urban. Common to all traditional outfits was that for its manufacture a pattern was required. Russian The sundress looked as follows. It was a long shirt to the floor, consisting directly of a sleeveless dress and skirt.

Most often, the main color was red or its shades. It was customary to cover the head with a special kokoshnik decorated with gilding, pearls or silver. Traditional pattern of a Russian folk sundress was created in such a way that the outfit was as comfortable and practical as possible. Free and wide cut allowed easy and unrestricted movement.

Unfortunately, recently such outfits are almost never found in everyday life. They are used mainly only for performances on the stages of theaters, concert halls, as well as for people who are professionally engaged in organizing events and holidays of various kinds.

What should he look like

The traditional women's outfit was made of natural fabric, decorated with hand embroidery, as well as beautiful patterns. Most often used geometric, abstract, floral and animal motifs. For embroidery, it was customary to take threads of red, green, yellow, blue. If the basis was used the correct pattern, Russian sundresses had a pretty beautiful and original look.

Simple pattern of Russian folk sundress

Types and types of sundresses

Russian folk women's costume has four main types.

  • Tunic-like deaf Kosoklinnaya outfit is the most ancient, competent pattern Russian sundress Allowed to create with a solid front panel. Such clothes were made from homemade textiles in black or red. The dress of this sample was very popular among women of all the provinces of Russia.
  • The swing sundress with the main central seam consists of three cloths, two of which are located in front and one in the back. The most popular such outfits became in the 19th century in the southern provinces of the country. Textiles for making it was customary to use canvas or wool. If you want to add heat or stiffness, an additional lining was used. A dress of this type had a pretty beautiful and cleaned top.
  • A straight or round cut model is considered one of the most practical and used styles among Russian women of the 19th century. Russian sundress pattern This folk model looked like a very flared skirt with an assembly in the chest area. The place of fabric folds was decorated with a stripe. Outfits for daily use were made from checkered textile. Solemn options were sewn from more expensive fabric, which was decorated with embroidery, ribbons, fringe.
  • The model with a bodice is a type of straight dress. For the manufacture of this model, a pattern was required. The Russian dress was created from two parts: a flared skirt, a fitted bodice. It was fastened in front with buttons or hooks. The most popular such option was in the central parts of the country.

Pattern Russian sundresses

Where to buy a sundress for a girl

You can buy a traditional women's dress for girls in women's clothing stores. Since there are a lot of varieties and types of national dresses, it is important to choose the most suitable outfit that will ideally sit on the child. You can buy a dress in the online store, this way of shopping is gaining more and more popularity.

To create your original outfit, it is recommended to use the services of a professional seamstress who will perform the work taking into account all the wishes and requirements of the client. As a sample for her, you can use patterns of Russian sundresses for girls, which it is advisable to independently find on the Internet or in sewing magazines. In this case, it will be possible to make an outfit that will definitely please and suit the child, since it will be made taking into account its physiological parameters, as well as personal wishes.

Do it yourself

To create a Russian folk outfit on your own, you need to stock up with suitable textiles, a sewing machine and desire. A simple pattern of a Russian folk dress should be made of thick paper, so it is very important to find fairly large canvases. Sizes are defined as follows: chest, waist, back and chest widths are measured, as well as strapless length and overall dress length. Then all sizes are transferred to paper, a natural size scheme is drawn, according to which the finished product will be sewn.

Patterns of Russian sundresses for girls

Creating Additional Order Details

To create a national outfit requires not only a direct pattern. Russians sundresses must be complemented by a kokoshnik and a simple shirt. This will give the model a more harmonious image, consistent with the old outfit. The headpiece can be made of cardboard or plastic, decorating it with beads, ribbons or braid. He will hold on with the help of bows tied behind the back of the head.

It is recommended to sew a spacious shirt from light natural fabric. Its length should not fall below the level of the hips. Small assemblies are made at the edges of the sleeves. The fastener can be decorated with lace or ribbons.

sundress pattern Russian folk

Russian folk dress is not only a national treasure of the people, but also a great way to instill in children a love of the ancient traditions of their homeland. A girl dressed in a bright and colorful outfit is able to decorate any appearance with her appearance. And the baby herself will feel part of the traditions and national pride.


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