Employment Center, Syzran: opening hours, address

In the city of Syzran, the Samara region, today the number of unemployed is approaching 18,000 people. Regulatory authorities announced a decrease in unemployment in the region by 1.1 percent. On a general scale, the figure is small, in a small town it is impressive. This merit belongs to the employees of the Syzran employment center, with each of the applicants they carry out phased work to identify the causes of their unemployment, find out the preferences of the person and the possibility of his retraining.

Syzran Employment Center

general information

Large companies and municipal institutions are constantly faced with a lack of qualified personnel, while there are even more unemployed in our country. What is the problem? Most of the applicants do not have a demanded specialty or they are not satisfied with remuneration, place of work and other factors. All these problems are under the control of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

State policy in the field of employment in recent years has undergone changes and tightened. Jobs are created, demand for people is in many public and private companies, but many, especially young people, ignore such offers because of the small profitability or lack of respectability of the offered vacancies. One of the areas of activity of employment centers is to help young people orient in the modern labor market, to assist in the search, and to advise on the preparation of a resume and the behavior of the applicant for an interview.

Syzran Employment Center

History of the Syzran Employment Center

Today Syzran is the third most promising city in the Samara region. The economic potential of the village is just beginning to open up to potential investors. The regionā€™s largest oil refinery, as well as Tyazhmash OJSC, a heavy engineering plant, are operating here.

With all this, the minimum wage is a little more than 12,000 rubles, which is considered a very low rate. For 20 years, the Syzran employment center, at ul. Gidroturbinnaya, d. 12, provides assistance to people who for one reason or another have been left without work or to those who want to get another specialty. The duties of a state body include:

  • registration of unemployed citizens;
  • providing access to a job bank in the region;
  • assistance in paperwork, resume writing, psychological support;
  • social security benefits under existing law;
  • Assistance in obtaining another specialty or taking advanced training courses.

Recently, employees of the employment center have also been practicing attracting unemployed people to temporary public work: caring for city beds, garbage collection, painting fences, etc.

Syzran Employment Center

Employment Service Objectives

Today, the concept of the Ministry of Labor is to assist citizens in finding work and creating conditions for the accessibility of public services for all categories of citizens. For the same purpose, several years ago, multifunctional federal service centers were organized. Here, a citizen can also get information, get certificates and extracts. But the main activities for the employment of citizens in the Samara region are occupied by employment centers. Their functions include:

  • informing citizens about the availability of vacancies in the labor market of the Samara region;
  • assistance to citizens who are in search of work and employers - in the search for personnel;
  • organization of job fairs at which large and small companies could offer their job conditions to the applicant;
  • organization of temporary paid community service for minors;
  • social adaptation, especially for citizens serving their sentences in the colonies;
  • organization of trainings and meetings on vocational guidance;
  • creation of conditions for vocational training and retraining of citizens, as well as advanced training; employment centers often collaborate with local educational institutions and provide this service for free.

In addition, experts offer applicants support in paperwork for social benefits, and citizens can also learn from them about the transfer and regulation of cash receipts.

Syzran Employment Center address

Registration Rules

In order to receive social benefits, a citizen must apply to the employment center of Syzran within a month after dismissal with a request for recognition of his unemployment. You need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • diploma or other document on basic and additional education;
  • disability certificate (if any);
  • individual current account for transferring benefits;
  • fluorography stamp;
  • a certificate of the average wage for the last three months (for its preparation it is better to first contact the Syzran employment center, a special form will be issued here, which is then provided to the accounting department for recounting);
  • work book (for those who seek a job repeatedly, it is not necessary).

At the first stage, an interview is organized to identify the objective reasons for a personā€™s unemployment, as well as the presence of additional family circumstances: are there children, dependents, living conditions, preferences in future work, etc. The decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed is made within 2 weeks .

Syzran Employment Center

Information for Applicants

Upon receiving the status of unemployed in two weeks, the citizen begins to receive benefits. To date, the minimum amount of payments is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4900. The government plans to increase this figure to 7500-8000 rubles, but so far the bill has not been adopted.

After approval of the status of unemployed. a citizen is required to report to the Syzran employment center twice a month. For access to the remote villages of the Syzran district, a mobile office exists in the department, which arrives in a particular locality on a certain day of the week. If for any reason a citizen cannot arrive at the appointed time, you must call and notify the specialist about the reason for the delay. In the absence of valid reasons, payments are temporarily suspended; for systematic violations, a person is deprived of the status of unemployed. A sick-list (one's own or a child's) is considered a good reason for missing a meeting with a specialist.

Possible reasons for failure

The Syzran Employment Center is guided in its work by the regulations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. Specialists have the right to refuse to provide services to a citizen in the following cases:

  • lack of contact information on the application or on other documents: name, surname and address of residence;
  • the text is difficult to read and may be interpreted ambiguously;
  • the application is filled out incorrectly or using obscene language.

Also, a person will be denied the status in case of intentional fraud or distortion of facts. For example, many are trying to receive benefits from the state, while working informally. Such cases are identified and considered a form of fraud.

Employment Center Syzran opening hours address

Question about vocational training and retraining

The Syzran Employment Center offers job seekers a free retraining. The direction of training depends on the existing capacity of the ministry, as well as demand on the labor market. So, the centerā€™s specialists regularly record on the ā€œVocational Trainingā€ courses for women on leave to care for a child under 3 years old. At the courses, young mothers are prepared to pass the exam and enroll in secondary vocational or higher educational institutions.

And also there is intensive work to create jobs for people with disabilities. Many public or private institutions oblige to create vacancies specifically for this category of citizens. To this end, the state even allocates funds to equip jobs for people with disabilities, in addition, companies employing people with disabilities have the right to pay a lower tax to the treasury.

Contact details

The working hours and address of the employment center in Syzran are indicated on the official website of the department: 446010 Samara Region, Syzran, ul. Gidroturbinnaya, d. 12, details of the reception of citizens can be found by phone: 8 (464) 37-24-55. For citizens with disabilities, a branch operates at the address: Samara Region, Syzran, ul. Karl Marx, d. 19. Also on the website phone numbers are indicated on which you can clarify all questions regarding employment, payment of benefits or sign up for training.

Schedule of the employment center in Syzran:

  • Monday-Wednesday - from 08.00 to 17.00;
  • Tuesday - from 08.00 to 20.00;
  • Thursday - from 08.00 to 19.00;
  • Friday - from 08.00 to 16.00;
  • Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

Lunch break from 12.00 to 12.48. Reception of citizens is carried out by several specialists, each of whom receives visitors depending on the area of ā€‹ā€‹his residence. If you have additional questions, you can contact the director of the institution.

Syzran Employment Center work schedule

Activity results

Over the past period of 2017, the Syzran employment center reported on the work done. According to statistics, the number of unemployed citizens in the city decreased by more than two hundred people. As you can see, the problem of employment is still relevant, with a population of 177 thousand people, more than 17 thousand are considered officially unemployed. The leadership of the region is actively improving its policy to attract personnel and create favorable conditions for working in the region.

There is a program to help young professionals. So, the budget is ready to pay subsidies to private entrepreneurs who provide training to graduates of universities. More information about this service and the rules for its provision can be found in the support service. The current phones of the Syzran employment center are published in the contact information section of the institutionā€™s official website.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30955/

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