Sevan cancer - description and photo

Sevan cancer is not a separate type of crustacean, but the popular name for cancer, which is caught in the Armenian Lake Sevan. It is believed that it is especially large, it makes tasty dishes, and besides, it lives in an ecologically clean body of water. What actually is Sevan cancer, read in detail in the article.

Lake Sevan

Sevan cancer

In Armenia there is a large and very beautiful lake - Sevan. It is located at an altitude of 1900 m above sea level, lies about 60 km from Yerevan and is surrounded on all sides by the Caucasus Mountains. Since this freshwater body is the largest of all the lakes of the Caucasus, it is an important source of drinking water. Therefore, Sevan is protected by the state, several reserves have been created in its basin.

The fauna of the lake is rich. Among other species that live in its azure waters, there are narrow-toed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus), which is popularly called Sevan.

Sevan cancer - description

Sevan cancer photo

In fact, this type of cancer lives not only in the Armenian Lake Sevan, but also in so many other fresh water bodies throughout Eurasia. Basically, it has a length of 16 to 18 cm, but in Lake Sevan it grows to a record 30 cm, which may be why it is isolated separately. The crayfish body is painted brown in various shades - from light sand to dark brown, which is more common in old animals. The physique is elegant, this type is distinguished by strongly elongated claws.

The narrow-toed crayfish feels great in Lake Sevan. This reservoir is well warmed by the sun in the summer, its waters are clean, warm and welcoming, they are also very rich in nutrients.

Why Sevan crabs are valued

Fans of crayfish necks claim that Sevan cancer, whose photo is in the article, has a special delicate taste, which is comparable to the taste of lobsters and crabs, its meat has a high biological value. It is very rich in proteins, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, vitamins C, E, K and group B, organic acids. Since Sevan cancer has virtually no fat, it is a true dietary product.

The advantage and difference of Sevan crayfish is their considerable size. One individual weighs at least 50 grams.

The cost of the delicacy. How to cook delicious

Sevan Cancer Description

Real Sevan cancer is considered a delicacy and costs from 800 rubles per kilogram. If this product is offered cheaper, then most likely the cancer does not come from the largest Armenian lake.

If you bought large Sevan crayfish, then you need to properly prepare them. Recipe from the chef of the Yerevan restaurant: take 2 liters of water for 2 kg of crayfish. Boil water in a wide pan, throw 4 bay leaves, 15 peas of black pepper, a couple of handfuls of dried dill with seeds, a small bunch of fresh cilantro and dill, green parsley, 5 tablespoons of salt without a slide. In the prepared brine, put live, cleanly washed Sevan crayfish. Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the crayfish (they will turn bright red) and put to cool on a plate. shift the cooled crayfish to a wide dish, garnish with greens.


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