Male Turkic names: list, description and meaning

“A good name will always remain from a good person,” the wise proverb of one of the Turkic peoples tells us.

Nowadays, the Turks live in Asia, northwest China, in Eastern Europe. They profess Islam, but there are both Orthodox and a small part of Buddhists. Studying the meaning of the name is a fascinating journey into the distant past of different peoples, which helps to understand their worldview, to study life.

Kyrgyz children


Like many other nations, the name of the Turks is not just a collection of sounds. It, like the last name, carries a semantic load, something tells us about the person who bears this name or in whose honor the person is named. We live in a society and adopt from each other what we consider to be the best. So the Turks were influenced by the peoples who adjoin nearby, for example, Arabs or Muslims. But all the same, according to tradition, a newborn can be called either the item or animal that his mother saw immediately after childbirth, or the person who came first to congratulate her on the birth of the firstborn. There are also such male Turkic names that are used to name women.

And if in the family for some reason the kids were dying, or something bad happened to the older child, then the newborn was called an accident spell so that the name would protect the baby. But to give the name of the deceased recently beloved grandfather is considered a bad omen. Only after two generations can his name be repeated when the pain of loss among the next of kin has already subsided. Another name for the baby could be the weather, the day of the week or the month when he was born.

Turkic men in suits hunting

Turkic male names and their meanings

Nature rewards people with abundant spring rain, warm summer sun. And in this case, male Turkic names appear, such as:

  • Yagmyr - “rain”.
  • Yaz, which means "spring."
  • Yazdurds, which means "spring has come."
  • Yazberdy - "spring gave."

But it happens, on the contrary, lightning cuts through the sky, peals of thunder rattle overhead and the village descends from the top of the mountain, then such male Turkic names appear:

  • Silgeldy - “the village came”
  • Amangeldy - “to return alive.”

The main activity of men is the protection of the family, the Motherland, and this, of course, was also reflected in the male Turkic names:

  • Aasim means "protector."
  • Jeng is a “battle."
  • Fatih is the “winner”.
  • Gylych - "checker".
  • Agahan, which means "senior khan."

Religion influence

It must be clarified that initially, approximately in the first millennium BC, the Türks had their own religion, which was called Tengrianism.

Full agreement among scientists in understanding the essence of Tengrianism has not yet developed. Some researchers came to the conclusion that this creed took the form of a complete concept with ontology (the doctrine of a single deity), cosmology (the concept of three worlds with the possibility of mutual communication), mythology and demonology (distinguishing ancestral spirits from nature spirits) by the 12th-13th centuries .

A century was replaced by a century, there were wars. This made adjustments to people's lives, religion changed, and words began to come from different languages. And after the revolution, Russian names became widespread, in our time, European names are also used.

But traditions are strong, and now you can meet a person who has an official name in the documents, and in life all the people around him call him the masculine name of Turkic origin. It must be clarified that the name does not always refer to one certain language or people (Russian, Iranian, Turkic, Arabic, etc.). The Turks also have a symbiosis of words from different languages.

The best amulet

Parents want all the best for their child. How to make all wishes come true? Here the name-amulet will help. It will protect, provide a chance, help a person concentrate at the right time, determine fate - this is the karma of the name. The Türks could call the boy a conspiracy from the evil eye or from death in battle.

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Consider modern male Turkic names.

Rustem - taken from the Iranian epic. There is a hero, a winner. Accordingly, in life, the boy who will be called by this name will strive to be the best in everything, even in the small details of his wardrobe. He is a handsome man, externally and internally, striving for life in comfort. I must say that he succeeds. He is a non-conflict, assiduous and diligent worker.

Salamguli is a combination of the Arabic word "salam" and the Turkic "hum". If translated, the meaning of this name is "slave of the world." Independent and brave men since childhood. They do not need support, they are curious and skillful, the matter is debated in their hands - and these basic qualities of character lead to victory in any business they choose. He rarely looks around and extends a helping hand to someone from his circle simply because he does not notice the needy behind the events of his life.

Azamat is an Arabic name. Means a knight, hero, hero. Here, even the first letter of the name indicates that this person is decisive, resourceful, acting and thinking like lightning - quickly. By adulthood, he has become a leader in his business, needs a change of events, does not like stagnation in his life.

The Turkic male name means "wise" - Aref. A wonderful name that bears its owner a lot of friends who are ready to help at any moment. Aref is an open-minded, cheerful person who thinks deeply and thoroughly, as a result of which he becomes a leader, with whom he is cozy and reliable.

newborn baby with dad

Albert (Albir) is a Germanic name. It spread and became popular not only among the Turkic peoples, in fact its meaning is “noble, brilliant light”. Names that begin with the sound [A] give their owner vitality, determination, the will to win at all costs. This man is a witty egoist whose ship, in full sail, confidently avoiding obstacles in his life's journey, is heading for a lofty goal. He has an analytical mindset, while remaining a diplomat and thus always achieving undeniable success in his life. The only thing left to add is that it is still better for him to opt for creative professions.

boys in national clothes

Beautiful Turkic names

Timerlan (Tamerlan) or Timur is a handsome male name, Turkic in origin. It means "iron, resistant." Came to us from antiquity. If children were sick or dying in the family, then a newborn boy was called by this name so that he would go forward and not give in to life's difficulties. This man is restrained in emotions and is an introvert, loves to study and reaches maturity with excellent results, achieving leading positions in the field that he has chosen.

Amal (Akmal) - the male name Amal is of Turkic origin, which means "ideal or the most perfect." From childhood, this boy is not burdened by loneliness, because he thinks that this is an attribute of a strong, confident man. This person is created to develop. He eagerly, eagerly, without laziness, studies, sets a goal and achieves it, even if it will require inhuman efforts from him. Swift, confident, he conquers the hearts of women, but does not value stability. Constantly in motion and therefore he does not like to be statically in the same place. He likes to move around, enjoy the change of scenery, as well as learn everything new, so he needs to choose a profession, taking into account this peculiarity of his. To maturity, for the same reason, he can remain alone, however, as mentioned above, this will not make him sad.

Turkic boy on a horse

History of the people

Today, male Turkic names tell us the history of peoples. In a person, the name could change depending on the need throughout life. Thus informing us about faith, life, history and culture.

Not only people, but also objects and natural phenomena, the appearance of a person, the qualities of his character, month, day of the week - these are all male Turkic names. The boy had one diminutive name that gave a characterization of the human soul. When he became a young man, his status changed, and he could no longer have a baby name. Therefore, it also changed, and, of course, when a young man became a man and achieved some success in life, his name was transformed into a title, reporting on achievements.


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