Are roadside driving permitted? Penalties for Violation

Congestion and traffic jams are common on Russian roads. Therefore, do not be surprised that roadside driving in Russia is standard practice. All drivers understand that this cannot be done, but few people stop it. The reason is the low fines for roadside driving. Yes, and drivers can be understood, because no one wants to lose hours of their time and burn liters of gasoline at the same time. Sometimes it is much easier to pay a fine for violating traffic rules, which in the end, taking into account the time spent, will be cheaper.

roadside riding

What is a roadside?

Before you figure out what the penalty for driving on the sidelines, it is logical to determine the concept itself. Roadside - a site that is located on the sides of the main road. This territory is located on the roadway, and vehicles are prohibited on it. It is separated from the main road by a continuous white line. In most cases, it even has a different type of coating (road without asphalt).

roadside penalty

Roadside driving in traffic rules

According to the rules (clause 9.9), vehicles are prohibited on the side of the road, however parking is allowed on it. First of all, this rule applies to the right side of the road, however, in certain situations, you can leave the car even on the left side of the road:

  1. With single-lane traffic on each side and provided that there is no rail for trams.
  2. On one-way roads . If we are talking about trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons, then they can stop only for unloading and loading.

Some vehicles are allowed to drive along the curbs:

  1. Machines belonging to municipal and city services.
  2. Vehicles transporting goods to objects that can only be reached with a curb crossing.

If there are no pedestrians on the side of the road, then it is also possible for cyclists from the age of 14 to travel and in the absence of bicycle paths and the ability to ride on the right side of the road. The same rule applies to mopeds with an engine capacity of up to 0.5 liters, as well as to animals and horse-drawn carts.


If the driver violates the rule, then the traffic police inspector can stop him, and a surveillance camera can record the offense. Earlier, the penalty for roadside driving was 500 rubles, then its amount rose to 1000 rubles. At the moment, article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses determines the size of the fine - 1,500 rubles.

roadside driving

Note that the term "overtaking" in this case is unacceptable, since it defines the vehicle going into the oncoming lane to bypass the vehicle in front. A detour of an obstacle or other vehicle (which is not necessarily an obstacle) on the right side is defined as a curb ride and is punishable by a fine.

Given that the fines are currently small, many drivers run the risk of traveling on the right side to avoid traffic jams or rough roads. To reduce the number of such violations, the idea of ​​increasing fines is currently being actively discussed.

Additional violations

It is important to note that when driving along the sidelines, along with other violations, the amount of fines will be added up. In this case, the driver will receive a report indicating all offenses on his part. The amount that he will have to pay will also be indicated. If the driver knocks a pedestrian on the side of the road, then he will face criminal liability, so you need to take this violation very seriously. Of course, in this case, the punishment will be determined by the injuries of the victim, but nevertheless there is a danger.

Violation can be recorded by surveillance cameras or the inspector directly. In the latter case, a protocol is drawn up and given to the driver for signature. If the roadside was recorded by cameras, the decision on imposing a fine will be sent to the post office automatically. In this case, the document will contain a photograph of the car with the number.


what is the penalty for riding on the sidelines

Note that the penalty for driving on the sidelines is the lesser of the dangers that await the driver. It should be borne in mind that the roadside is most often a dirt road with natural bumps, stones and rubbish. When moving in this area, even a slight hole can cause a serious accident. There are many cases when drivers, trying to get around the traffic jam along the side of the road, got stuck in the dirt or even drove into a ditch. So it is worth being very careful with this.

Interpretation of the rules

In accordance with the rules, the driver does not have the right to move along the side of the road, but he can park his car on it. This introduces a certain contradiction into the rules, as it enables drivers to justify an offense by this provision. However, traffic police inspectors are not stupid, and if they drive along the side of the road, they will definitely draw up a protocol and write a fine. To prove that the car did not move, but simply stood on the sidelines, is useless. However, if he really stood, then this is fully consistent with the rules, and there is simply no violation in this case.

Remember that the curb is intended to stop transport, and not to drive along it.


Given the fact that they plan to increase the punishment for drivers who are trying to avoid traffic jams on the sidelines, there is a chance that the number of such offenses will decrease. But so far, it remains one of the most massive, which is explained by frequent congestion, low quality of the road surface and low fines for such violations.


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