Night club "Green House" in Kirov - the best place to relax

If you live in the city of Kirov or are its guests, then you will probably become aware of the name of a popular place in the city - the Green House night club. This place is loved by local party people and visiting guests, people who are interested in the music industry and nightlife.

Place of Rest - Green House

In Kirov, the Green House night club is located in a separate building on two floors. Thus, this is not just a place of rest after a busy week, but a whole complex that provides a wide range of entertainment and leisure services. Here we are glad to see guests every day! And the operating mode of Green House in Kirov allows customers to visit the institution from Monday to Sunday from 21 to 6 in the morning.

green house kirov night club

Due to the fact that the club’s management seeks to provide guests with a wide range of services at a high level, Green House occupies top positions among places of entertainment and recreation for citizens.

What is Green House?

The Green House night club in Kirov includes 5 bars, a karaoke room, a summer veranda, a summer cafe and a kitchen where they cook deliciously tasty dishes. In addition, here you can find the largest dance space in the city.

Every night, visitors to the venue can enjoy original performances by artists, theatrical performances and animated performances. The show program at the Green House night club in Kirov is always filled with interesting ideas and high-quality music.

A professional team of bartenders will surprise you with flair mastery and an assortment of original and classic cocktails.

green house kirov night mode

Favorite hits and the latest news from the club industry are heard on the dance floor. And if visitors want to feel like popular artists, then a karaoke bar with a large arsenal of musical selection is at their disposal.

Club visitor reviews

According to visitors to the Green House nightclub in Kirov, this is a place with a very pleasant atmosphere and great music. Most guests note the professional work of DJs and bartenders. Separately, the friendly attitude of the staff and the assortment of the bar card are highlighted. Almost every guest who visited this establishment was pleasantly surprised by the prices of the Green House night club in Kirov, which attracts regular guests even more.

On weekdays, from Monday to Wednesday, guests can enter the club absolutely free. But closer to the weekend or on special days of arrival of invited guests, you can enter it only when paying for the entrance ticket. The cost is symbolic: from 150 to 300 rubles (depending on the day of the week and the prepared show program). But even this pricing policy does not suit some guests.

green house kirov night club prices

At the Green House nightclub in Kirov, visitors did not disregard the work of face control. They are indignant that control as such is absent, that is, almost everyone is allowed into the club, regardless of external and behavioral factors.

The interior of the night institution was also noted, it was positively evaluated. The scale of the Green House club is also impressive: as many as 2 floors of music for every taste, unrestrained dances and delicious cuisine. Here for each guest there is a corner of relaxation and entertainment.


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