Burning man festival: look into the future, light it to the fullest!

Everyone has long been accustomed to various open-air music and music festivals. Modern artists are happy to share their work with the public, sometimes demonstrating it in the most unusual forms. What about the art of the future? The Burning man festival is held annually in the American desert and provides maximum opportunities for self-expression in any genre.

Event History

Once, according to some sources, back in the 80s of the last century, a group of friends went on an unusual journey. It was then impossible to call this trip a festival either, since the number of participants did not exceed a couple of dozen. For a whole week, among the sands, young people were engaged in pure creativity - they made installations, sculptures, and created some kind of art objects. Before returning home, they built a tall sculpture of a man and burned it. Today, the Burning man festival is an incredibly popular event, which annually attracts about 50 thousand guests from all over the world.

Burning man festival

Burning man festival: photos, traditions, rules

Event organizers annually come up with a new theme for the event. Art objects, works of art and other types of self-expression of participants should correspond to it. The Burning man festival begins at night on the last Monday of August and lasts exactly eight days. Venue - Black Rock Desert (Nevada). The culmination of the event is the burning of a huge human sculpture. Not without reason, in the literal translation into Russian, Burning man means a burnt man. The organizers claim that the festival allows you to travel for some time to the future and, in a free manner, dream up what humanity expects. The burning of a scarecrow symbolizes the return of all participants to the present, their ordinary life.

Burning man festival 2015

Basic principles

Despite the obvious informality of the event, the Burning man festival has a list of certain rules. The first condition is universal involvement, here you cannot be a passive observer, you can and even need to participate in everything. Despite paid tickets for participants, the event is non-profit. There is no place for advertising and sponsorship at the festival. It is also prohibited in the city of the future exchange and sale. But donation, mutual assistance and gaining common experience are very encouraged here.

Each participant should be self-sufficient, feel relaxed and not be shy in self-expression. All guests of the festival must be ready for active work, here it is customary to respond to the requests of strangers and provide all possible assistance to all who need it. The festival should not contradict the laws of the state and state. Each participant of the festival as a conscious citizen is obliged to comply with the rule of law. One of the most important rules sounds simple: do not leave traces. After the end of the festival, you need to clean up, take out all the garbage and disassemble all the buildings built for living and domestic needs. The volunteer team parses art objects for a whole week after the event.

Festival burning man photo

Actual information for guests

There are two options for getting to the festival. Immediately after the event, the organizers announce the topic of the following. You can try to register as a member or purchase a regular ticket. In the second case, you should be extremely careful. For example, tickets for the Burning man festival 2015 appeared on sale in February and were sold out in just half a day.

An important condition: the organizers do not provide living conditions for guests and participants of the festival. Everyone who comes here should take care of their life in a harsh desert on their own.

Another important condition is a carnival costume. There are no people in casual clothes in the city of the future. The outfit does not have to correspond to the theme of the event, but it must be bright and unusual, and it is quite possible that it is somewhat strange.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30969/

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