Assassin Creed: Unity: system requirements and release date

The stealth action genre only periodically provided gamers with individual quality projects. Only some of them developed into series, but still the time would come when a real masterpiece would appear in the gaming industry. The times of Vetal Gear Solid have already passed, and modern adaptations, unfortunately, are no longer as good as the original versions. Therefore, the stealth needed a new hero - and they became the series "Assassin Creed", which tells about the fate of members of the Order of Assassins at different times in human history. You have to try on a murderer’s cloak in the medieval Vatican, on a pirate ship in the Caribbean Bay, even during the civil war in the United States of America. And at the end of 2014, another episode of the series comes out, which this time tells the story of Arno Dorin, and the action takes place in Paris of the eighteenth century - during the French Revolution. But immediately pay attention to the fact that the game is completely fresh, so for "Assassin Creed: Unity" the system requirements may surprise and puzzle you. So get ready for the inevitable upgrade.

operating system

assassin creed unit system requirements

There is absolutely nothing unexpected in this section - as expected, in the case of Assassin Creed: Unity, the system requirements in terms of the operating system will not include support for older versions of the OS, such as Windows XP or Vista. Moreover, the owners of the 32-bit system of the seventh version will also not be able to launch a new episode of the assassin's adventures, since the requirements are quite clear - only 64 bits. The same applies to the eighth “Windows”, so now all gamers should definitely switch to the latest operating systems in order to be able to play new products, such as “Assassin Creed: Unity”. System requirements are not limited solely to the OS - hereinafter we will focus directly on the components of the PC and their performance.


Assassin Creed Unity game

If the owner of a not-so-powerful computer looks at the requirements that the developers presented to the hardware in order to launch a new product in the series, then he will definitely feel bad. The fact is that in Assassin Creed: Unity, system requirements have risen to unprecedented heights. For all three main parameters (processor, RAM and video card), the indicators should be fabulous, so you definitely can not do without buying an improved computer. But first things first, and first you need to talk about the processor. Already the minimum requirements are surprising - you will need at least a quad-core processor, the frequency of which should be around 4 GHz. If these are the minimum requirements, then what are the recommended ones? In this case, at the sight of recommended requirements for the processor, any gamer wants to throw his computer in the trash. The fact is that for the optimal launch of a new game, you need to have a six-core processor with the same performance - 4 GHz. The game "Assassin Creed: Unity" is a real masterpiece, but only those who have incredibly powerful hardware can get to it.


assassin creed unity walkthrough

If gamers are not scared enough yet, then the game “Assassin Creed: Unity” is preparing another surprise for them - this time the system requirements for RAM. As everyone knows, computer games now require no more than 8 gigabytes of memory - progress has not yet gone further. Naturally, the developers set the maximum bar for gamers - the minimum figure is six gigabytes, and the recommended one, respectively, is eight. Of course, there are reasons for this - after all, the new game in the series really impresses with absolutely all its aspects, especially when it comes to technical characteristics. But it is worth noting that in Assassin Creed: Unity, the passage also captures and carries away, that is, it is made no worse than the technical component.

Video card

assassin creed unity release date

Gone are the days when you couldn’t worry about what would be displayed on your monitor if you had 512 megabytes of video memory. Now, in “Assassin Creed: Unity,” the passage will seem simply impossible due to constant lags and glitches, if you even have one gigabyte of memory on the video card. The system requirements clearly state that even for starting at the minimum settings, it is desirable that you have at least two gigabytes of video memory. Naturally, for a comfortable game you will need all three gigabytes, which was also hard to imagine five to seven years ago.

release date

The last thing left to tell about "Assassin Creed: Unity" is the release date. Fortunately for gamers who have already suffered from many projects that go to the PC, but do not go out on consoles, or get a release on consoles, but the personal computer remains in the shadows, this game simultaneously came out immediately on all platforms. And the PC, and the X-Box, and PS did not stand aside. And on November 13, 2014, gamers were able to try out the new Assassin Creed: Unity masterpiece. The release dates for most countries were also the same.


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