Caliper device. Types, sizes and purpose of the caliper

In the process of performing any work related to repairs in a house or apartment, with car repairs, during construction operations, it is necessary to have measuring tools. Often in most works, there are enough roulettes or rulers. For measuring depths, diameters and other sizes, a universal and more accurate measuring tool is suitable - this is a caliper. The caliper device is such that it can be used to measure any external and external dimensions. We will talk about him in our article today.

How the caliper works

The main node is a ruler, it is also a bar. Hence the name. Bar divisions are often equal to one millimeter. The length of the ruler can be from 150 millimeters and above. The ruler defines the maximum that can be measured with the instrument. In this case, the maximum size is no higher than 150 millimeters.

caliper appointment
Sponges are installed at the end of the bar. They consist of two parts. The second part of the jaws is mounted on a movable frame. This movable frame moves along the bar. In this way, the size of the part can be measured.

There are both external sponges and internal ones. They differ from each other in the direction of the incisors. The former look outward, and the latter look at each other. So, the outer diameter can be used to measure the inner diameter, and the outer dimensions of the object are measured second. To accurately fix the size, the caliper device provides a special screw, which is located on the movable frame.

On the surface of the main ruler, you can see the integer value of the measured size. To clarify the result, an additional vernier scale is provided. It is located on the bottom of the movable frame. There are ten divisions on it - each of them is 0.1 mm. There are models where you can get higher accuracy. To measure depths, the instrument device has a special tail-depth gauge. He pushes out of the bar.

Digital caliper device

Today, along with mechanical measuring tools, electronic models can also be found on sale. They are arranged in a similar way. But there are slight differences. So, the digital type vernier caliper does not have a traditional vernier.

moving frame
Instead, there is a display on which the dimensions are read. Digital devices are often more accurate. They are capable of measuring to the nearest hundredth of a millimeter.

Main types

There are 3 types of these tools, as well as 8 sizes. But this is only according to domestic GOSTs and regulatory documents. The measuring tool is divided by the type of indicator from which the size digits are taken. There are vernier models, a dial vernier caliper, and digital solutions.

Each species is also divided into subspecies depending on what the design of the main ruler, as well as its length. In addition, you can classify the tool and the materials from which this or that model is made. So, ShTsT-1 is made of hard alloys. Types of calipers are distinguished by the type of sponges and the presence of additional devices. For example, -1 and -3 are distinguished by the location of the measuring jaws. In the first case, they are located on two sides, and in the second - only on one side. The ShTs-2 caliper device is slightly different from the previous element. The tool has a special micrometer feed frame. It makes marking work easier if measurements are transferred to other planes.

ShTs-1 vernier caliper

This tool is the simplest and most popular model, which is used both in everyday life and in industrial production. Masters call this vernier caliper "Columbus." This name was assigned to him by a company manufacturing measuring and other instruments in wartime.

This tool is suitable for measuring internal or external dimensions, depth. As for the measurement intervals and accuracy, these are sizes from 0 to 150 mm with an accuracy of 0.02 mm.


Under this marking digital devices are offered. They, as already noted, do not differ structurally from mechanical tools, except for the electronic measuring unit and the presence of a digital indicator. As for the measurement intervals, it also allows you to measure sizes in the range from 0 to 150 mm. But due to the digital module, the accuracy is much higher.

vernier caliper
The comfort of using an electronic device is that at each measurement point you can set the indicator to 0. By pressing a small button, the measurement systems are switched - for example, from metric to inch and vice versa.

Before purchasing an electronic model, it is important to pay attention to the readings when the jaws of the device are brought together. Also, when the locking screw is tightened, there should not be any number jumps on the screen.


A feature of this design is a rotary dial indicator having a round dial.

vernier caliper Price
The indicator scale has a division price of 0.02 mm. These tools are very convenient for regular sample measurements in the industry. The indicator is good in that its arrow is clearly visible. This allows you to almost instantly control the measurement results. Also, the arrow does not skip, which differs from electronic counterparts. These tools are especially convenient for technical control departments, where they often make typical measurements.


These models are used to measure both internal and external dimensions. This option is also used as a vernier caliper. Sponges are equipped with carbide tips. This protects them from wear. With this tool you can measure any size in the range from 0 to 250 mm. Accuracy - 0.02 mm.

-3 and -3

If you need to measure a large part, then this model is ideal for this. This tool is much more accurate than other analogues. Mechanical products have a standard accuracy of 0.02 mm, and digital - up to 0.01 mm. The maximum dimensions available for measurement are 500 mm. Tool sponges point down. Their length can reach 300 mm.

Special calipers

Along with universal tools, there are special models that are used only for a narrow series of measurements.

dial vernier caliper
If you can find such a vernier caliper on sale, its price will be very high - from three thousand rubles.

  • SHZTsT is intended for measurements of parameters of pipes. This is a tube caliper.
  • SHTsVV is used for measurements of the internal sizes. It is equipped with a digital display.
  • is a similar tool, but it is intended for internal dimensions.
  • ShTsPU - a digital universal measuring tool. It is equipped with a set of nozzles for hard to reach places. The purpose of the caliper is to measure the center-to-center distances, the wall thickness of the pipes, the outer as well as the inner diameters.
  • SHTsDD - a device for measuring the thickness of brake discs and similar parts. It has various special protrusions.
  • - this tool is used to measure the residual tread depth of a car tire.
  • ShTsTsM is intended only for carrying out measurements of the center-to-center distance.

How to use a caliper

First of all, the tool is checked - the sponges are brought together, and then the accuracy of their closure is controlled. There should be no gaps. Then the caliper is taken in one hand, the part to be examined is in the other. In order to measure the external size, the lower jaws are parted and placed between them. Then the jaws are compressed until they come in contact with the surfaces of the parts. Then you should check how the sponges are located. The accuracy of the size will be high when they are located at an equal distance from the part. Then, if necessary, fix the screw. Next, the part is put aside, and the tool is taken to obtain a result.

caliper device
If the vernier caliper is marking, then with its sponges you can apply the necessary dimensions directly on the surface of the part. Sponges are made of hard alloys, and they can be marked on steel and similar alloys.

How to take measurements

The first thing they consider is the number of millimeters. On the bar they find the division closest to zero in the nonius.

SH 1
Then calculate the fraction of millimeters. To do this, look at the nonius division, coinciding with the division on the bar. This will be an indicator of measurements.


This is a universal tool that every home master must have. For home, you can buy an electronic vernier caliper. The price of domestic mechanical-type products starts at five hundred rubles. Electronic models of calipers are offered at a price of one and a half thousand rubles.


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