Spring type of appearance and color in clothes

The separation of girls and women by color implies a conditional classification of the images of the fair sex into four groups according to the seasons of the year. So, it can be a spring type of appearance, summer, autumn and winter. It is rarely possible to meet a girl who belongs exclusively to one of the color types, because then her appearance must coincide with very strict criteria and have a certain tone of skin, hair, eyes. Now we will find out everything about the spring type of appearance: what kind of appearance it is, how to emphasize this type of appearance, how to paint, get a haircut and what kind of clothes girls should choose in order to look harmonious in their image.

There is no one more beautiful in the world ...

Of course, there are no comrades for the taste and color, but no one can argue that the girls who fall into the Spring category are very beautiful. These lucky ones have exactly that ideal natural beauty, which is now at the peak of popularity. What distinguishes them from other women?

  • naturalness;
  • sophistication
  • prettiness;
  • freshness;
  • youth.

With proper personal care, women who have a springy appearance look luxurious in any situation, and all because they can boast of perfect skin that does not need excessive makeup, beautiful hair and eyes of amazing shades. True, they can become a minus of the appearance of this color type. Along with blond curls, girls who have a spring type of appearance also have light, inexpressive eyelashes and eyebrows. This nature flaw can be fixed very simply - a neutral and light make-up will help. If you have a spring type of appearance, makeup should be done as close as possible to natural, a little further we will talk about this in more detail.

spring type of appearance

We bring the image to perfection

As we have said, ideal appearance is extremely rare. The same applies to color types of looks. The main features of the spring type of appearance are, in principle, clear, but how to get ahead of it in practice if there are partial inconsistencies?

The main rule is getting into two of the three characteristics. That is, if a girl has blonde hair with a warm shade and eyes of green, amber or blue, she should work on her skin tone, making it as light and natural as possible, without excessive tanning or, conversely, bleaching.

A slight correction of appearance will show a good result even when the owner of the spring type has beautiful skin, radiant, transparent, with a slight blush, but her hair is dull or too dark. In this case, they can be repainted, add a touch of liveliness, and the hair style itself - volume and a suitable shape.

The spring type of appearance, an example of which can be seen in the first photo, is distinguished by its unsophisticated beauty. The girls corresponding to him are beautiful, they are like a diamond, which is good in itself, but after cutting by a talented jeweler it will turn into a luxurious diamond.

spring type makeup appearance

Spring make-up - basis

Owners of delicate, velvety, almost transparent skin most often have exactly the spring type of appearance. Makeup (whose photo is located at the top of the section) should be applied very carefully. Such skin needs painstaking care - high-quality and gentle cleansing, nutrition and hydration. Before doing makeup, you need to even out the tone of the face. Stylists recommend using a base with a light texture, preferring such a palette:

  • peach;
  • Ivory;
  • light shades of bronze.

An excessively saturated pinkish tint will not give the face freshness, on the contrary, it will make it gray and lifeless. The same goes for beige tones. Blush is a separate conversation. Those with a spring type of appearance most often have a beautiful and natural pink tint on their cheeks, so they do not need to create additional color accents, emphasizing the cheekbones. In extreme cases, you should do with blush with a peach, coral, apricot hue. The powder should be selected so that it does not create the effect of a gypsum mask on the face, but only adds velvety flicker to it.

spring appearance hair color

Makeup - everything should be in moderation!

When applying makeup, it is important not to overdo it with the colors either in quantity or in the brightness of the colors. There are several taboos for owners of the spring color type of appearance. First of all, it is black. Mascara and eyeliner and eyebrow pencil is best to choose brown or gray. It is also possible to use eyeliner in green and blue shades to give greater expressiveness to the eyes. Applying shadows should make a graduated, smooth transition from dark and saturated colors to light and delicate to make the look deeper and more attractive. Makeup artists recommend refraining from pink or reddish colors in the eyes, makeup in these colors visually makes the face tired and tearful.

On the lips it is best to apply a transparent gloss with nacre. These should be natural shades that emphasize the seductiveness of the mouth, without making it overly catchy (pink, coral, honey). You can also paint lips with fashionable matte lipsticks, stopping your choice on such colors as scarlet, coral, beige, pink. If a pencil is used to correct the shape of the mouth, then it should not dissonant with lipstick in color, it is important to choose the most similar shades.

spring type of appearance color in clothes

Curls are light, like a May breeze

Girls who have a spring type of appearance, hair color should be selected very carefully. Natural shades of blonde will look the most organic. First of all, it is straw or wheat-colored hair, with light gold and tints. Painting in a platinum blond is not suitable for the spring color type - such a hairstyle will look too cold.

The fair-haired girls also look good, but only without a touch of dull ash. To achieve vibrancy of hair color and their flicker, you can use professional coloring. For blondes, highlighting is a good option. And for those who have darker hair (brown hair, blond), you can try to make coloring.

What is her perfect hairstyle for a spring girl?

A haircut in spring women cannot be extravagant. They are distinguished by fairly long, slightly curly hair. Short, athletic or extreme haircuts are completely unsuitable for this type of appearance. Such a hairstyle will strongly discord with the whole appearance of the girl, with her visual tenderness and grace. Blondes' hair, like their skin, also needs careful care. It is important to trim the split ends in time, use emollients so that the strands do not fluff, shine and attract attention with their softness and silkiness, but not in any way disheveled and disheveled appearance.

spring type appearance makeup photo

Style is our everything

The finished image of the girl must correspond to a certain style. The base for owners of the appearance of the spring type is the classic look. This style of clothing will be the most harmonious for them, because, despite the severity and conditional framework, you can beat the classics in different ways, making adjustments to everyday and boring images. However, here there are certain rules that apply specifically to those who have a spring type of appearance.

Almost any colors of the wardrobe and accessories can be selected, being careful only of white in large quantities (it is aging) and deep dark shades (black, bottle green, blue-black, ink, violet). The rest of the spring girls have no "contraindications" in terms of choosing flowers in the wardrobe and are free to buy clothes to their taste, mood and preference. In addition to the classic style, they should pay attention to romantic fashion, simple but interesting everyday looks, casual bows and even sports things.

Romantic spring

If we consider the classical style as the main one for the girls of the spring color type, then the closest logical alternative for them can be romantic images. He is characterized by such wardrobe items as dresses, sundresses, floral blouses and original finishes. Nevertheless, it is worth avoiding an excessive amount of details like lace, frills and ruffles, and balancing the individual elements of the ensembles, creating beautiful everyday images.

In the basic wardrobe, in addition to silk, crepe de chine and chintz blouses, dresses and sundresses, there should be strict classic skirts, trousers, cardigans. Outerwear should also be selected more versatile styles with a simple cut, standing out only for its color and accessories. It can be a coat, trench coat, cloak and even a parka. Although this is an outerwear, do not dwell on the traditional dark colors. A girl with a spring type of appearance will look amazing in a coat of brown, terracotta, ocher shades that emphasize her natural radiance and warmth. You can also play with a scarf, stole or scarf, change your bag or brooch - this will make the missing variety.

A little peppercorn

We hasten to please fashionistas that they can access not only gentle romanticism and strict classics if they have a spring type of appearance. Colors in clothes, of course, mean a lot, but the girl’s inner state has even more weight. When you want to play a little tricks, you can change the usual soft and comfortable look to something more "trash".

spring type appearance color

As you can see, a bright accent in makeup, a sloppy hairstyle and a brutal look can look beautiful even in such delicate and "spring" young ladies.

Textile variety

Spring type of appearance and color in clothes are interrelated concepts. A distinctive feature of this particular color type is its certain universality. Women belonging to him will look great in clothes made of fabrics with a high content of natural components. It is desirable that they be plain, but saturated in color, materials from such categories as knitwear, silk, high-quality woolen costume fabrics, velvet, suede. If it is colored chintz or silk, the most competent will be to use samples with a small and discreet pattern.

The basic, basic colors of spring-type women are as follows:

  • light brown, including walnut, camel, terracotta, wheat, golden honey;
  • different shades of red (but not the scarlet itself) - coral, apricot, pomegranate, burgundy, salmon;
  • natural beige-green tones - pistachio, emerald, olive, wet sand;
  • gentle pastel colors;

To the delight of many girls, fashionable now juicy, saturated colors like fuchsia, turquoise, aquamarine, bright blue, lemon yellow are quite accessible to them.

spring type of appearance and color in clothes

Icons of the "spring" style

In the article we showed you in the photo several vivid and illustrative examples of famous girls with a spring type of appearance. Of course, imitating and copying someone else's style is not worth it, but there is certainly something to learn from them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E30998/

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