Hat for girls with knitting needles: diagrams and description for beginners

Knitting lessons for most girls are not in vain. For some, this type of needlework becomes a favorite pastime for life, while others remember it when their children already acquire their first knitting skills.

Hand knitting: pros and cons

More recently, a knitted hand made remained popular in a distant province. This is due to a number of reasons: the availability of cheap and affordable wool, free time in winter evenings. But the main reason, of course, is the tradition of knitting, which to this day has been preserved in the villages. Grandmothers tirelessly created warm scarves for boys, knitted hats for girls with knitting needles. Description, schemes are often born right in the process of this action. Therefore, the resulting models were noticeably different from store copies. Now everything has changed. Hand-made products are in great demand.

The variety of color schemes and textural combinations and the simplicity of decor at the same time often inspire a woman to an experiment called โ€œknitted hat for a girl with knitting needlesโ€. Diagrams and descriptions are available in print and on the World Wide Web.

hat for girls knitting patterns and description

Model search

It all starts with an attractive hat, unusual socks or multi-colored gloves. Beginners want to knit everything and quickly. Here you should moderate your creative impulse and start small. Let the model be concise, if it is, for example, a knitted hat for a girl with knitting needles. Schemes and description should be as simple and clear as possible. Such a sober approach will bring the work begun to the end. Indeed, sometimes a complex pattern is difficult to perform for "dummies." Spent time and nerves in search of the correct execution of the ornament can lead to the fact that knitting will once again be put aside until better times. In needlework, as in any business, it is better to start with the basics, patiently acquiring and improving skills. And then a personal masterpiece, for example, a knitted hat for a girl with knitting needles, the schemes and description of which will be original and unique, is not ruled out.

knitted hats for girls knitting scheme description

Knitting needles

What kind of knitting needles to choose if you need a knitted hat for a girl with knitting needles in a fashion magazine ? The diagrams and description, as a rule, contain information about the necessary tools. For experienced masters, deciphering this information will not take much time, for beginners it is a small problem. We will deal with the types of knitting needles. They are straight and circular. Straight knitting needles have stops at the ends. They knit scarves, sweaters, hats, mittens. A feature of finished products obtained with their use is the presence of a seam. Circular knitting needles are interconnected by fishing line or other flexible material. Their advantage is that it is possible to knit them in a circle, and then the output will be a seamless product. In the absence of straight knitting needles, circular ones can be used as straight, but on the contrary it will not work. There are so-called stocking knitting needles, there are 5 of them in a set, and most often they knit seamless hosiery. The numbers of the needles are directly proportional to their thickness and the chosen yarn.

Buying yarn

It is necessary to purchase high-quality material to make a good knitted winter hat for a girl with knitting needles. The description, pattern, consumption and quality of yarn can be found in the specialized literature, but sometimes you have to deviate from the proposed parameters. What should I do if my child is allergic to Angora, and this type of yarn is recommended in the description? Do not be upset. You can choose a safe analogue using your own knowledge and advice of experienced needlewomen.

It is believed that pure wool or fluff is the best choice for knitting children's mittens and gloves. In practice, it turned out that blended yarn (wool, acrylic) is better suited for these products. Synthetic additives have a water repellent property. That is why the mittens from the combined yarn remain dry longer than from natural wool. The main thing is to monitor the percentage of raw materials, which is always indicated on the package.

winter hat for girls knitting description scheme

Simple circuit

So, if yarn and tools are purchased, there is a clear idea of โ€‹โ€‹the wrong and front loops, then you can start. This is how an elementary knitted hat for a girl with knitting needles is created. Diagrams and descriptions may vary depending on size. But in general, a fashionable stocking hat is extremely simple. We collect the required even number of loops on straight knitting needles, add two more - for stitching. We knit according to the pattern of a simple elastic band: the back loop in the back row and the front loop in the front row. The height of the cap depends on your preference. In the process, it is necessary to try on the product in order to make the necessary adjustments. When the length is sufficient, you need to tighten the top of the cap and sew the side seam. That knitted warm hat for girls. The description of the scheme may contain information about the manufacture of the pompom, but without it, the stocking cap is incredibly attractive.

], a warm hat for a girl with knitting needles description scheme

The advantage of knitting is that any error can be corrected by dissolving part of the product and linking it again. There is no such plus in sewing. Train, fantasize and share your experience with your friends. They will be interested to know how to knit a hat for a girl with knitting needles. Schemes and description you can provide them with both standard and personal authorship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E31000/

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