Periodontal disease in dogs: treatment at home and prevention

Dogs suffer from oral diseases as often as humans. The owners usually do not notice periodontal disease in the initial stage, because this requires regular checkups. And which of the owners brushes the dog's teeth and monitors their condition? There are very few such owners. The disease begins with a simple plaque on the teeth, but then the disease progresses. Owners need to know about methods of treating periodontal disease in dogs and methods of prevention.

Disease Information

Owners whose pet has been diagnosed with periodontal disease tend to underestimate its danger. But this disease can lead to complete loss of teeth and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Although a person is subject to this ailment, the symptoms and treatment of periodontal disease in dogs are somewhat different. The disease develops gradually, starting with a simple plaque on the teeth.

Periodontics are tissues that provide dental stability. These include gums and bones. If the inflammatory process begins in these places, then periodontal disease occurs. Plaque hardens on the teeth due to an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. From this, the inflammatory process only intensifies. If you do not start treatment for periodontal disease in a dog, then it will lose teeth.

periodontal disease in dogs treatment at home

The disease is divided into several stages:

  1. Pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in the oral cavity.
  2. The dog develops redness on the gums and plaque. An unpleasant odor from the mouth may be observed.
  3. The roots of the teeth begin to bare. The plaque becomes harder, it is difficult to remove.
  4. The roots are exposed even more, the teeth begin to stagger. The animal can eat worse, refuses solid food.
  5. The destruction of tooth tissue begins, the dog experiences severe discomfort.

In the initial stages of the disease, veterinarians usually choose a conservative method of treating periodontal disease. If the ailment is started, then the doctor will recommend tooth extraction.


The development of periodontal disease in a dog is facilitated by the same factors as in humans. But animals can not independently influence their diet and the purification of the oral cavity, so they have an ailment more often.

periodontal disease treatment features in dogs

Factors contributing to the occurrence of periodontal disease:

  1. Lack of oral hygiene. Plaque in dogs should be regularly removed either with a toothbrush or with hard treats, such as special bones.
  2. An improper diet, consisting mainly of soft foods, leads to increased formation of plaque. That is why dogs that eat dry food are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the oral cavity.
  3. The reduced immunity in the animal creates a favorable environment for the development of periodontal disease.
  4. The presence in the animal of any disease of the oral cavity, for example gingivitis.
  5. Hereditary predisposition.
  6. Vitamin deficiency reduces the dog’s immunity, making it more susceptible to any ailments.

Any of these factors can lead to periodontal disease over time. If the pet is at risk, then it must be taken to the veterinarian at least once a year. At the initial stage, treatment of periodontal disease in dogs is carried out by conservative methods, so most likely the teeth can be preserved.

Disease-prone breeds

In small dogs, periodontal disease is diagnosed more often than in large ones. They are generally more prone to any other diseases of the oral cavity. According to statistics, Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas lose their teeth at an earlier age than German Shepherds or Malinois. This is due to the fact that service dogs have always had a more stringent selection. For example, if at a show a judge discovers that a Caucasian shepherd lacks one tooth, then she will be disqualified. The path to breeding for such individuals is closed, so they do not transmit oral defects to the offspring.

periodontal disease treatment methods in dogs

Judges have a different attitude towards the dental system of small dogs. So, for example, in chihuahuas, only incisors and fangs look. In Chinese crested dogs, a complete absence of teeth is permissible. Naturally, this is not welcome, but such animals are allowed to breed. Therefore, periodontal disease in small breeds is not uncommon, the tendency to ailment is transmitted from parents to offspring.

Brachycephalus is no less susceptible to disease than Chihuahuas or Yorkshire Terriers. This is due to the structural features of the muzzle. The risk group includes pugs, English and French bulldogs, as well as other breeds. Treatment of periodontal disease in dogs that have a hereditary predisposition should be started as early as possible.


For some symptoms, the owners may guess that the pet has periodontal disease, but the veterinarian will make the final diagnosis. The main symptom is bad breath. This violation may indicate other dangerous diseases, such as diabetes. In any case, the signs and treatment of periodontal disease in the dog should be discussed with the doctor.

periodontal disease signs and treatment in dogs

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • the appearance of plaque;
  • gum disease;
  • refusal of feed;
  • bleeding gums;
  • teeth loose and even fall out;
  • swelling of the muzzle.

With advanced periodontal disease, fistula formation is possible. The owner must understand that without treatment, the dog will remain toothless. This will significantly reduce the quality of her life and lead to other dangerous diseases.


If the doctor suspects periodontal disease in the dog, then in addition to a visual examination, he can recommend an X-ray. This is necessary in order to assess the condition of the animal’s dental system. The result will depend on which method of treatment for periodontal disease in the dog the doctor will stop.

If the disease is not severe, then the therapy will be conservative. Typically, treatment consists of antibacterial treatment of the teeth, removal of stones or plaque by ultrasound. A feature of the treatment of periodontal disease in dogs in advanced form is the filling of the affected areas. If the teeth cannot be restored, then they must be removed.

periodontal disease in dogs treatment at home

It is not always possible to cure running periodontal disease. Due to the lack of basic care, the dog loses its teeth. But immunity to the disease is not developed, so the animal can get it again. The owners must continue to comply with all measures to prevent periodontal disease, then the pet will be healthy.

Is it possible to cure periodontal disease at home?

Some owners do not want to take the pet to the clinic, as they hope to cope with the disease on their own. But treatment of periodontal disease in dogs at home is impossible. The owner can only try to alleviate the condition of the pet until he gets to the doctor.

Inflamed gums can be sprayed several times a day with infusion of oak bark and calendula. For irrigation of the oral cavity, the drug "Lugol" is used. At night, you can lubricate the oral cavity with Metrogil. Some owners recommend brushing their teeth with Chlorhexidine. But the owners must understand that the treatment of periodontal disease in dogs at home will not give the desired result. Without consulting a veterinarian, time will only be lost and the disease will become more severe.


Better to prevent the disease than to fight it. Treatment and prevention of periodontal disease in dogs should be discussed with the veterinarian. It will help to adjust the pet's diet. It is advisable to start giving the dog a variety of bones from the pet store or transfer it to dry food. A diet consisting of cereals is undesirable. Soft food provokes the formation of plaque and harms the health of the pet.

periodontal disease treatment and prevention in dogs

The owner should regularly inspect the dog’s mouth. If the teeth turn yellow and there is an unpleasant odor from your mouth, then it's time to visit a veterinarian. In the pet store you can buy a special gel for treating the oral cavity or paste. If you brush your teeth a dog several times a week, then the risk of periodontal disease will significantly decrease.

How to brush a dog’s teeth?

An unaccustomed animal will not be delighted that the owner crawls into his mouth. That is why it is desirable to teach a dog to brushing his teeth in puppyhood. First you need to get a brush. For small dogs, you can use special rubberized fingertips. For large breeds, brushes with a long handle are suitable for cleaning in inaccessible places.

Toothpaste can be bought either at a pet store or at a veterinary pharmacy. You can not use the human, this can lead to allergies and other undesirable consequences. In addition, toothpastes for people will be useless to combat dog plaque. Before buying, study the composition of the product, it should not contain fluoride.

periodontal disease symptoms and treatment in dogs

At the first brushing of the teeth, not the entire oral cavity can be treated. The procedure should not be delayed, it can scare the dog. Then the processing time can be increased. You need to brush your teeth 2-3 times a week. Gradually, the dog will get used to this procedure and will calmly relate to it.


Periodontal disease is a dangerous disease of the oral cavity that leads to tooth loss. If the pet has symptoms of an ailment, then it must be urgently taken to the clinic. If the disease is not started, then conservative therapy is used, otherwise the teeth are pulled out. For prevention, the dog can be transferred to dry food. Veterinarians recommend brushing your animal’s teeth at least 2 times a week, this will reduce the likelihood of periodontal disease.


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