Lyubskaya Cherry - the most popular variety

Cherry Lyubskaya is a variety of folk selection, which became widespread in 1947 in almost all regions of Russia, including the Northwest and North Caucasus. Her trees are low. They do not exceed two and a half meters in height and have a rare crown. By all indications, Lyubskaya cherry belongs to a bushy form. Fruits develop on annual processes. Each of them reaches a weight of up to four grams. By dietary properties, the Lyubskaya cherry has the most positive characteristics. It is a delicious fruit with juicy pulp and harmonious content of sugars and organic acids.

Cherry Lyubskaya

Lyubskaya cherry enters the fruiting stage at the age of two to three from the time of planting. Ripening dates to the late variety, because ripe fruits appear only in the last decade of July, and even in August. It is remarkable that Lyubskaya cherry, at the maturity stage, practically does not crumble from the tree and hangs on branches almost until autumn.

Cherry Lyubskaya Description

The tree is very fruitful and self-pollinating. But for better pollination, it is useful to plant next to it, for example, an early bobbin or Michurin. For winter hardiness, this variety is medium hardy. He is also very demanding on the composition of the soil and needs constant care. Favorably responds to spring mineral top dressing. It is important that, despite his fame throughout Russia, he remains one of the most popular and does not concede superiority to so many varieties of new selection. It is appreciated for its wonderful taste, excellent commercial qualities and a wide range of uses.

Lyubskaya is preferred to grow cherries as a garden culture, but the tree is very pretty and like a park, so nurseries of ornamental plants willingly plant it for this direction. Planting seedlings is carried out in early spring. The site you need to choose a sunny, well-lit throughout the day. It is important that there are no high-lying groundwater on it. This can damage the root system. During the rooting period, it is necessary to trim the top so that the plant abundantly develops lateral branches.

Nurseries of ornamental plants
Nurseries sell seedlings at the age of one. Having bought a plant, you need to trim its top, leaving only a half meter above the root. To protect the root system, the seedlings are packed in a moist container of moss or peat, which is wrapped in a proprietary wrapper. The better the branches branch, the sooner the cherry will take root in a new place. The great advantage of this variety is its good survival in winter conditions. But to protect against hungry rodents, it is recommended in the first years to cover the lower branches and the root part of the trunk with special material.

It is important during the formation of the tree to direct its growth not up, but in width. This makes it possible to strengthen the entire plant. Elongated, improperly formed plants first of all begin to overshadow the area. It is also very difficult to harvest from them, because the branches rushing up are difficult to reach even from a high staircase.


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