Books by Alexandra Marinina in chronological order. Books by Marinina: List

Alexandra Marinina is a popular Russian author of works of the detective genre. Readers often associate her with her heroine. Perhaps because in chronological order books by Marinina cover an impressive period of the biography of Anastasia Kamenskaya, the main character in the work of this author.

in chronological order books marinina

The beginning of creativity

For the first time, Marinina’s books appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the nineties. Even a person who is not familiar with the work of this author, knows some facts from her biography. Alexandra Marinina is a former police officer. She has written many books. Most of them were filmed. But in chronological order, Marinina’s books begin with a story that is not known to many.

This work is called The Six-Winged Seraph. The book appeared, as often happens, by accident. A police officer Maria Alekseeva (which is exactly the name of the heroine of this article), co-authored with her colleague, was supposed to write a popular science book on the topic of the drug business. The work of art seemed to the future writer much more interesting. And as a result, a story was born, which it was not possible to publish separately in the early nineties. The Six-Winged Seraph was published in the journal Militia. She signed Alekseev's pseudonym with a pseudonym that is known throughout the country today.

Anastasia Kamenskaya

This heroine became for Marinina what Hercule Poirot was for Agatha Christie. Although the author herself believes that such a comparison is inappropriate. After all, the little Belgian stayed throughout the entire career of an English writer in the same age category. In chronological order, books by Marinina, starting in 1995, are a biography of Anastasia Kamenskaya. The blonde, who has an analytical mind and speaks several foreign languages, has become so popular with readers, and then with viewers, that even Yelena Yakovleva, who played the main role in the series based on the works of Marinina, is associated with many primarily as a well-known movie character. But this actress played a lot of other wonderful roles.

all books of alexander marinina list

Biography of Kamenskaya

Listing in chronological order books Marinina, should be called the second work of the author. “Coincidence” - this is the name that the first separate publication of Alekseeva received. Major Kamenskaya appeared in this book. On the pages of the early works of Marinina, she is depicted at the age of thirty-two years. But it is precisely with the book “Confluence of circumstances” that the Kamenskaya series opens. In recent publications, the heroine is much older. The main character of the author of the most popular detective genre in them is about fifty.

Anastasia Kamenskaya was born and lives in Moscow. She is married. The prototype of her husband is the husband of the writer. As a child, Kamenskaya graduated from school with a mathematical bias. But she preferred legal education to exact sciences, and then the work of an investigator. The heroine Marinina is an extremely educated lady who speaks five languages ​​of the Romanesque group, which allows her to do literary translation in her free time.

Sometimes, which happens, however, quite rarely, she spends her vacation in a sanatorium near Moscow. During one of these wellness trips in the preventive center, a murder occurred, which Kamenskaya, of course, immediately began to investigate. “Playing in a foreign field” is the name of the book under number three in the list of “Books by Alexandra Marinina in chronological order.”

"The stolen dream"

This book tells how one girl once heard an interesting story on the radio. And most importantly - a friend. The story captured all the attention of the heroine. She was sure that it was directly related to the plot of the radio performance. Therefore, she shared her impressions with one of her friends. A few days later, the girl died ...

It is worth saying that not all books by Alexandra Marinina, a list of which is presented in this article, are devoted to the investigation of murders. And far from all, the main character is Anastasia Kamenskaya. But Stolen Dream is the fourth work from the list of Marinina's Books in Chronological Order. The Queen Detective series includes other works by this writer, in which Anastasia Kamenskaya invariably acts as the main character.

all the books of alexander marinina in chronological order

“Killing involuntarily”

Continuing to expound the biography of the famous heroine, it should be said that she has a half-brother, to whom she has a special relationship. His name is Alex. He makes good money, but is extremely cold and pragmatic. Once Alexei turns to his sister for help. Kamenskaya promises to help, after which there are events about which the author narrates in the work "Killing Involuntarily."

It should be said that almost all the books of Alexandra Marinina, the list of which is quite extensive, overlap with storylines and have common characters. Dasha is the wife of Alexei. Subsequently, this girl will repeatedly appear in the works of the writer. Not only Kamenskaya’s biography, but also events from the lives of other characters are the books of Alexandra Marinina in chronological order.

The list can be continued with a work dealing with immoral and anti-human experiences.

books of alexander marinina in chronological order

"Death for the sake of death"

In one of the research institutes, experiments were conducted on the human psyche. The victims of these studies were unaware that they were “experimental rabbits.” And only Anastasia Pavlovna drew attention to the fact that in one of the districts of the city crimes increase on certain days. A major police officer exposed the intruders. However, the investigation of this case was not without casualties.

Continuing to list all the books of Alexandra Marinina in chronological order, we will not describe the contents of each of them, but we will name a few of the following works:

  • “Sixes die first”;
  • "Death and a little love";
  • "Black list";
  • "Posthumous image";
  • “You have to pay for everything”;
  • “Alien mask”;
  • “Do not disturb the executioner”;
  • "Stylist";
  • "The illusion of sin";
  • "The bright face of death";
  • “The name of the victim is Nobody”;
  • "Men's games";
  • “I died yesterday”;
  • "Requiem";
  • “The ghost of music”;
  • "The Seventh Sacrifice";
  • “When the gods laugh”;
  • "Unlocked door."

Features prose Marinina

If you read all the books of Alexandra Marinina in chronological order (the list in this article will be presented in full), you will notice features that are more obvious with each subsequent work. This author pays a lot of attention to the psychological analysis of the hero. Often there are deviations that have a somewhat philosophical connotation. Perhaps that is why among the later works of Marinina there are books that are not related to the detective genre. But before starting to describe them, you should complete the list from the Kamenskaya series. So, the list of “Books by Marinina in chronological order”:

  • "The law of the three negatives";
  • "Co-authors";
  • "Howling dogs of loneliness";
  • "Life after life";
  • "Personal motives";
  • “Angels on ice do not survive”;
  • "Execution without malicious intent."

"Everyone for himself"

In this work, the reader will not meet Anastasia Kamenskaya and other familiar characters. The book is about a woman who, due to personal circumstances, was forced to leave her hometown and come to Moscow. In the capital, she as a nurse got into the house of an elderly general. Needless to say, this particular generals family was implicated in the crime? But in the center of this book is not murder, but the fate of a woman who was left alone in a strange big city as a result of the betrayal of her only loved one.

books of marinina in chronological order the law of three negatives

"One who knows"

This book is the first of those that do not belong to any series and differ significantly from previous works. The novel "He who knows" as if opened a new period in the work of Marinina. This book is about the fate of a woman who survived the death of her little daughter, raised a stranger, became one of the best documentary filmmakers, and at the same time kept a heavy burning secret in her soul for many years.

"Sense of ice"

Marinina's later work includes works that can hardly be called detectives. Events in the novel “Sense of Ice” begin to develop in the seventies. The work covers a significant segment of the life of the main characters - about thirty years.

In the books of Marinina there is not only a twisted plot. It is also interesting to read them because this author is able to create a picture in which the fates of different people are intertwined in a bizarre manner. Recent books are perhaps not without elements of the epic genre.

"All wrong"

This book is a continuation of the work described above. The storyline here is weakly intertwined with the events referred to in the novel “Sense of Ice”. But on the pages of the book “Everything is Wrong,” the reader encounters characters familiar from the previous work.

books of alexander marinina in chronological order list

Once a young athlete is offered a job that he is ready to refuse, almost without hesitation. The protagonist of this book has to cope with a difficult task - he must make sure that the daughter of the employer gets rid of extra pounds. An ambitious athlete, behind whom there are many prizes and awards, only financial difficulties do not allow to refuse such work. But six months later, he realizes that the efforts that he has made in recent months are incomparable with any sporting achievements. Moreover, this book is not complete without a crime ...

"A look from eternity"

Which of the books by Alexandra Marinina is the best, it is definitely impossible to say. At least any point of view will be subjective. But the trilogy “A look from eternity” is perhaps the most profound work of this author. As in the two previous cases, the reader is going through a considerable length of time with the characters. At the beginning of the novel, the main character is in her teens. At the end, the last hours of her life are described. During her life, she learns many small grievances and joys. And one great sorrow is the death of a son. She does not share this pain with her family, but is worried alone.

all the books of alexander marinina in chronological order list

Reading the book “A look from eternity”, you feel the fleetingness of life. Man comes into this world with nothing. And leaves, despite the storm of feelings, emotions, emotions and suffering, completely alone. Only memory remains.


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