Israel Attractions

Israel is located in the southwestern part of Asia. This small country is of great interest in society. In the north - mountains, in the south - desert, in the neighborhood with developed cities - uninhabited open spaces. The country has a rich historical past, there are many ancient historical monuments, religious shrines and various sights of Israel.

Climate of Israel

This state will not leave anyone indifferent - neither a lover of antiquity, nor a lover of diving. The one who came to simply sunbathe on the local beaches or to see the sights of Israel will be delighted. Every year, tourists come here from all over the world, because here you can see with your own eyes the ancient cities with their ruins, visit the coasts of two seas, see monuments of architecture and, plus all this, still get better at the local mud resorts.

The climate of Israel is subtropical. In summer, there is very little rainfall, so in the hot season there is a significant shortage of fresh water. Snow falls once a year, but Mount Hermon is covered by it all winter. At this time of year, the air temperature is relatively low, but the temperature of sea water almost never drops below 18 degrees.

The best time to travel to the country can be called the period from October to April. Although January is usually a rather rainy month, it can therefore be ruled out. In summer, it is unlikely to get a rest due to the high temperature.

As we have said, most tourists travel to the country to see the famous sights of Israel. These include the following:

- The most famous and ancient city of the country is Jerusalem. In it are the shrines of three religions at once. Christians will be interested in the church of St. Anne, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Mournful Way, Judaists - Mount Zion and the Wailing Wall, Muslims will visit Kipat aSela and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The sights of this city can be listed for a very long time, but it is better to see everything with your own eyes.

Israel Attractions

- The ancient settlement of Jaffa, which today has grown to the size of a full-fledged city. If you believe the legends, Noah, Perseus and many other famous personalities have been here. It is even compared to a fairy tale, its workshops, museums and oriental bazaars are able to impress any visitor.

- The country's largest port is Haifa with its famous Bahai Temple, Israel’s largest National Park and Carmelite Monastery.

- The ancient capital of the crusaders Acre. Here today you can see the buildings of those times, which are well preserved due to the high walls of the city.

- The kingdom of diamonds, citrus orchards and, of course, tourists - Netanya. In addition, the city is famous for its clean beaches and museums.

- The city that Herod built - Caesarea. This place is called a paradise for archaeologists and other lovers of antiquity. Here, to the present day, whole streets with ancient buildings have been perfectly preserved.

Sanatoria of Israel
Speaking about the sights of Israel, one can not say about the Dead Sea. It got its name because of the high concentration of salt in its water. Therefore, only a few types of bacteria can survive here. And the density of water is so high that you can not drown in it. The healing properties of mud from the Dead Sea are well known. Here, for this, Israeli sanatoriums have even been built, where asthma patients and people with joint and skin problems come. Also, these salt and mud are widely used in cosmetology.


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