Split system or air conditioning - which is more efficient?

Climatic equipment in recent years has advanced significantly in technological terms. Modern air conditioning units are distinguished by functionality, high performance and convenient controls. True, within the segment there is fierce competition between different designs. Among consumers, the most urgent question is: what is the difference between an air conditioner and a split system? The difference lies in the technical device, which at the same time determines the operational capabilities of the systems.

split system or air conditioning

Comparison by device and principle of operation

Classic air conditioning is a one-piece design in the form of a monoblock case. Since the main task of ventilation involves the operation of the compressor unit in the same unit, then inevitably the user will hear the noise of the equipment. All wall-mounted air conditioners sin with this drawback. Split systems, in turn, involve the separation of the main working unit and the so-called evaporation unit. The first is taken out to the street, its relatively loud work is also performed there, and the second module is installed indoors. With a general comparison, the obvious advantage of split systems may seem. But not everything is so simple. The fact is that a divided design involves the creation of a special channel in the wall for laying a connecting path. This passage is required for the communication connection of two units.

what is the difference between air conditioning and split systems

So, what is better from the point of view of structural performance: split system or air conditioning? The first option is more problematic in installation, and the second is simpler, but in the future you should prepare for unpleasant nuances in the form of noisy compressor operation.

Comparison in functionality and performance

Several years ago, two representatives of HVAC equipment were quite consistent with each other in terms of power and level of performance of the optional filling. However, today the question of how air conditioning differs from a split system in terms of functionality and performance is not so clear. As for the first option, the need to place the technical stuffing in one unit still fetters the engineers, does not allow them to get the most out of the power indicators.

wall conditioners split systems

Two-block constructions, which benefit in terms of functional support, are also spared this limitation. When deciding what is better in performance - a split system or air conditioning, it is advisable to compare the capabilities of a particular model with user requests. In some cases, a low-power installation will do, and in others it is more advisable to install a multi-component multisystem.

Reviews of traditional air conditioners

Users appreciate the classic form factor primarily for ease of installation. Getting rid of complex work events often prompts consumers to choose such air conditioners. Split systems, reviews of which note the need for wall chipping, on the contrary, repel potential buyers. As for the shortcomings of the monoblock design, then, in addition to noise, they almost never occur.

air conditioners split systems Price

Reviews about split systems

When equipping apartments or private houses, such installations practically do not show their main positive aspects. This is explained by the fact that the concept of separation into blocks involves working with large areas. In the question of what is better - a split system or air conditioning, you can not get around the factor of ease of use. So, the owners of two-unit plants note their technological superiority. This is evidenced by an advanced electronic filling with control panels, wireless means of communication, etc.

Manufacturers and prices

A variety of models can completely erase all boundaries between representatives of two classes. Leading positions in the general segment of HVAC equipment are occupied by Daikin, Mitsubishi, LG and other air conditioners. LG split systems, for example, are distinguished by the possibility of smooth adjustment of microclimate indicators and the ability to serve large rooms up to 90 m 2 . The cost of such models is about 50-60 thousand rubles.

air conditioners split systems reviews

In the budget segment, you should contact the manufacturers of Hyundai, Dantex and Toshiba. Despite the affordable price tags, decent quality traditional and two-unit air conditioners are produced under these brands. Split systems, the price of which in this class is 25-35 thousand rubles, are quite suitable for use in rooms with an area of ​​30 m 2 .

Which system to prefer?

One should start from the needs for regulating the microclimate parameters. For example, for a small apartment, first of all, it is worth considering the option of a monoblock system. It can be an inexpensive solution that requires minimal installation effort. True, in this case, one should prepare for the weak function of the noise isolator. On the other hand, the installation of air conditioners, split systems and other climate equipment may involve the coverage of several rooms. In public and industrial buildings, while providing offices, for example, it makes sense to develop a project for a multisystem. Such installations are reminiscent of a conventional split system, but expanded by additional evaporation modules. That is, depending on the number of rooms, the number of indoor units is also selected.

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The increasing complexity of the designs and fillings of air conditioners leads to a wider division of the segment by type. In particular, today there are about a dozen form factors and the same number of types of systems that differ in installation method. Nevertheless, the question of which is better - a split system or air conditioning, remains a fundamental one for many. The concept itself, which involves the division of equipment into blocks with different functions, seems more advantageous and promising. This option is preferable in terms of performance, as the dimensions of the external unit are practically unlimited. On the other hand, the candy bar justifiably uses the love of practical users for ease of maintenance and easy installation, which also saves on financial expenses. This option is really the best when it comes to installing in a small apartment where there is no need for high power. At the same time, from a compact device and noise will be negligible. Accordingly, the effectiveness of a particular design is determined only taking into account the specific conditions of installation and operation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E31044/

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