At what height do you hang the hood? Hood in the bathroom. Cooker hood

Everyone who cares about creating comfortable living conditions for themselves and their relatives understands how important the hood in the house is. This correctly selected and installed equipment provides good ventilation of the room, removing from it odors and excess moisture.

at what height to hang the hood

What should be the hood in the bathroom?

When choosing a fan designed for operation in rooms with a high level of humidity, it is necessary to pay attention to such a parameter as performance. It is selected taking into account the volume of the bathroom and the frequency of air exchange. An equally important characteristic is the noise level produced by a working device. In addition, the fan must be protected against possible moisture penetration. When choosing a device, it is recommended to take an interest in its functionality. A hood in the bathroom can be not only standard, but also automatic. The second option is more modern, but also more expensive. It is equipped with a special timer that allows you to program the device so that it turns on at regular intervals.

extractor to the bathroom

Features of installing a fan in the bathroom

How much the device will work correctly depends largely on the correct choice of its location. It is advisable to mount it under the ceiling. In order for the physical processes of air mass circulation to contribute to the proper functioning of the fan, it must be installed opposite the entrance to the room. It is strictly forbidden to mount the device on one wall with a doorway. Usually, the hood is mounted directly in the ventilation duct. To do this, a hole is made in it. This can be done using a grinder or a hammer with a chisel. To β€œdrown” the fan in the shaft and fix it there, it is recommended to use special fasteners, dowels, screws and a light crate. Sealant can be used to seal the opening formed between the wall and the base of the exhaust fan .

how far to hang the hood

Kitchen ventilation: impermissible luxury or justifiable need?

A few decades ago, kitchen hoods were considered the prerogative of public catering enterprises. They were installed in dining rooms, restaurants and cafes. However, today the situation has changed dramatically and this device can be seen in almost every home. It easily eliminates unpleasant odors, fumes and smoke generated during cooking. Therefore, an increasing number of people are wondering at what level to hang the hood. Having found the optimal solution, you can protect yourself from the possible spread of not too pleasant aromas throughout the apartment, not allowing them to soak in furniture upholstery, curtains and wallpaper.

how to hang a hood

Design Features

Those who are interested in how far to hang the hood, It does not hurt to first deal with the main features of existing systems. In general, they are a rather complex structure, capable of providing forced intake and purification of air contaminated with suspensions, smoke components and products of incomplete gas combustion formed during cooking. The exhaust system consists of a housing, an air intake, several filters and elements of electrical ventilation.

Today diversion and recirculation systems are produced. In the first case, the polluted air is simply removed outside the apartment. In the second, the air cleaned with a charcoal filter enters the kitchen.

at what level to hang the hood

Varieties of cooker hoods

All devices manufactured today can be divided into several types. Before you learn how to hang a hood, you need to make a choice.

Relatively inexpensive, but stylish flat models are unique modules consisting of a filter and a fan. The main disadvantages of such hoods can be considered relatively small power and noise emitted during operation. In addition, they do not provide access to the ventilation system, so you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to periodically change the filters, which entails additional costs.

Built-in hoods are mounted in special hanging cabinets. Some models come with a pull-out panel. This option is much better and more expensive than flat hoods. The quality of the appliance directly depends on how high the hood is to be hung, so this option is ideal for kitchens in which the ventilation openings are located at a considerable distance from the stoves.

Dome models are ergonomically designed and do not need to change filters. All of them differ not only in technical parameters, but also in the type of control. Depending on the method of attachment, they are divided into island and wall models.

hood in the house

Mounting Features

Before proceeding with the installation of the device, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the height at which to hang the hood. Usually, the technical documentation attached to the equipment indicates the maximum permissible intervals within which the installation can be carried out. This is necessary in order to ensure the most correct operation of the device. The exact height depends on many parameters. When choosing the optimal distance, it is necessary to take into account the features of the kitchen interior, the growth of a particular housewife and the location of the furniture available in the room. In addition, calculating at what height to hang the hood, It is recommended to consider the type of equipment selected. So, the standard range for inclined models is 50-70 cm. On average, the recommended distance from the hood to the hob of the gas stove is 75-90 cm, from the hood to the surface of the electric stove - 70-80 cm.

How to determine the exact distance?

The recommended range is wide enough, so during the installation process it is often necessary to determine exactly at what height the hood should be hung. For the most accurate calculations, you should take into account such nuances as:

  • The power of the selected model. For the full-fledged operation of low-power hoods, they need to be positioned closer to the cooking surface.
  • Type of appliance. Inclined models are recommended to be placed lower.
  • The growth of the hostess who will cook the food. It is important that the cook standing at the stove does not feel the slightest discomfort and does not cling to the hood hanging overhead.

To accurately determine the distance, it is necessary to build on the bottom of the appliance and the location of the burners.

Why is it important to comply with installation height requirements?

Only clearly adhering to the recommended ranges, you can ensure the most efficient operation of this household appliance. In addition, the standards developed by manufacturers take into account the requirements for the safe use of the device and fire safety standards. Too high a device just can not cope with the functions assigned to it and will not be able to perform high-quality air purification. A low exhaust hood often causes a fire of dust and grease settling on its walls, as well as ignition of filters and other non-metallic parts of the equipment. In addition, a low-mounted appliance can cause a lot of inconvenience to those who will be cooking.


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