Connecting the hob: diagram, instructions and recommendations

Recently, hobs have become very popular. It is safe to say that they can completely displace conventional boards from the global market. But while this does not happen, although there are all the prerequisites. And if ordinary stoves are limited only to the plug in the socket, the connection diagram of the hob is somewhat more complicated. Certain skills and knowledge are needed here. How this can be accomplished can be found in this article.

Power electric hobs

Without a doubt, this is the main factor in choosing in favor of a particular model! And since traditionally many consumers opt for electric hobs, other options will not be considered in the article.

Hob connection

Currently, four-burner surface models are most widely used on the world market. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, the standard number of heating points, as a rule, remains unchanged. Nevertheless, manufacturers from time to time carry out modernization and, in connection with this, the heating place has a different degree of power:

  • The first burner is the weakest - its indicator does not exceed 0.4-1 kW.
  • Next are two burners of 1.5 kW each.
  • The fourth burner is already the strongest - its power can reach up to 3 kW.

In other words, the total power indicator of a kitchen appliance can reach 7 kW. This information is especially important if the task of how to connect an electric hob is solved on their own.

At the same time, it is worth noting that this applies to the standard equipment, that is, without taking into account additional options. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • Some models have the ability to adjust the total heating area in relation to each point due to additional rings around the discs.
  • Panels with the function of combining both adjacent burners. This is true in the case of using dishes of a non-standard elongated shape - a gooseberry and other options.
  • A larger number of heating points - instead of four, there may be six or more.

As a result, the total power of the kitchen appliance increases markedly. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance exactly how the hob will be fed. Indeed, the further operation of the equipment largely depends on this.

Hob cable

Unfortunately, not in all cases, manufacturers complete their stoves, hobs and other kitchen appliances with wires for connecting them. And if such a technique was purchased, then in this case there is a need to purchase a cable. But which option to choose based on the cross-section, material of manufacture and brand?

How to connect the hob yourself?

In this case, the cable should be selected depending on the main factors:

  • device power;
  • type of electrical network - single-phase or three-phase.

Power is usually indicated in the technical data sheet. The type of network can be determined by the number of cores in the wiring of a residential building. In accordance with building codes, a single-phase network (if these are not old buildings) contains three wires - phase, zero, ground. Three-phase wiring already includes 5 cores - three phases, zero, ground.

The cable must be of the required length to safely reach the outlet. In addition, it must be flexible enough.

Features of Optimal Choice

As for the choice of the optimal wire section for connecting the hob, the table below:

power, kWt

Section of veins in a single-phase network, mm 2

Cross-section of conductors in a three-phase network, mm 2

No more than 3



3 to 5



5 to 7.5



7.5 to 10



Of course, there may be many more options, but all of the above is most common, so this information may well be enough to independently connect the hob.

Separate line and connection wire materials

For the hob, it is necessary to allocate a separate line with a mandatory protective circuit breaker from the input distribution panel. And since a modern hob has quite impressive power - at least 3 kW (we learned about this above), according to the PUE it is necessary to use only a copper wire to connect such kitchen appliances.

But cables with aluminum conductors are not suitable due to the fact that such wiring is simply not able to withstand a load of 3 kW or more. Otherwise, this can not only lead to failure of the equipment, but also to a fire in the wiring. This important point must be considered before installing and connecting the hob.

separate distribution panel line

In addition, it is worth noting that it is forbidden to connect several power home appliances to only one line. In other words, do not combine the line of sockets and lighting with the power of the hob.

If this is not possible, then you should completely abandon the acquisition of this equipment. This important nuance must be taken care of before going to the store.


Each time, connecting the hob does not do without another very important nuance - you must have a high-quality power outlet and plug. As for the number of conclusions, here again everything depends on the type of electrical wiring:

  • Single-phase network - three outputs: phase, zero, earth.
  • Three-phase network - five conclusions: 3 phases, 2 zeros and 1 earth.

As a rule, power plugs and sockets are made according to modern technology using durable special plastic. At the same time, the most diverse assortment comes on sale, both with and without a lid.

To correctly connect the plug to the hob, you should be puzzled by the correct choice of such a connection. These items may vary depending on the type of wiring. If the network is single-phase, then they are able to withstand a current load of 32 A, if the network is three-phase - then 16 A. At the same time, one should not be guided by the appearance of the design, the indicator of the rated current is much more important.

As for conventional outlets, they simply are not able to withstand the required amperage, which is required for the hob. Otherwise, do not avoid fires.

The outlet itself can be mounted at a convenient height for consumers, but not more than 900 mm from the floor level. At the same time, it should not be placed flush with the hob - it must not be allowed to rest directly on the body. It is advisable to place the socket to the left or right.

Plug sockets

In the event that there is also an oven, the plug connection should be lower than the oven. As a rule, the outlet for connecting the hob is located in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the kitchen legs (approximately slightly above 100 mm from the floor). Directly on the floor, it is also not worth it to be mounted.

Important nuance

Connecting the hob is a responsible job that requires utmost care. And depending on how accurately all the rules are followed and the further operation of the kitchen equipment will depend.

The first step is to verify the condition of the electrical wiring in the apartment or private house. If this is neglected, then after some fairly short period of time, the hob may simply fail. The fact is that due to the poor condition of the wires, the Bosch hob (or any other manufacturer) will turn off all the time, which, ultimately, will lead to its failure. And given the cost of such models, it is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with such an unreasonably high risk.

Hob wiring diagrams

wiring diagram

The technology for connecting the hob largely depends on the type of electrical wiring in a residential building. As a rule, in old buildings erected in the era of the USSR, a single-phase network with two wires (phase and zero) of 220 volts was carried out. In modern new buildings have already switched to a three-phase power supply with 380 Volts. Nevertheless, there are houses with a two-phase 220 V network.

Hob cable

How to connect an electric hob based on the color marking of the wires? In this case, the picture emerges as follows:

  • A single-phase network with two wires - in this case, usually there are no differences in the color of the wires and they are all the same color. You can find the phase using a probe (screwdriver with indicator) or a tester. But a screwdriver is still easier - it is worth touching the phase, as the indicator lights up. Otherwise, it is a neutral conductor.
  • A single-phase network with three wires - there is already a difference in color: the phase is indicated in red or brown, the neutral is blue or blue.
  • A two-phase network - as already noted, this is an extremely rare case, which is relevant only for new buildings. Phase wires are black and brown, neutral is blue, earth is yellow-green.
  • Three-phase network - here neutral and earth do not have color differences. As for the phases, according to one standard they are indicated by three colors: yellow-red-green, and on the other - white-black-brown.

Before connecting the hob yourself, make sure that it is possible to ground the hull. Most models have mounted tires. The task of the wizard will be reduced to simply supply the appropriate ground wire.

Single Phase Option

To connect the hob to a single-phase electric network, it is not at all necessary to call the master to the house - any home master can do such work. Only previously it is necessary to de-energize either a separate line directly provided for the equipment, or the entire house.

Hob connection diagram

In addition, certain issues may arise in this case. The fact is that almost every model of the hob has 6 outputs:

  • three phase (L1, L2, L3);
  • two neutrals or zero (N1, N2);
  • Separate ground wire (PE).

However, in a single phase network there are only two or three wires. How to connect the hob in this case? Connecting to a network with three wires is easy to do:

  • Phase L is applied directly to the three terminals L1 to L3. Preliminarily, two copper jumpers are provided between them, which are provided in the kit.
  • The two neutrals N1 and N2 are also connected by another jumper.
  • The protective conductor is connected to the PE terminal.

To access the terminals, remove the back cover by unscrewing its fasteners. In this case, the terminal panel can be located at some elevation above the surface or be buried in it.

Conductors are connected to the terminals, after which it is worth checking the reliability of the clamp so that there is not too much tension. After connecting the plug, turn on the power supply, check each burner for 3-5 minutes.

And if there are only two wires?

But what if there are only two wires in the network? In this case, there are only two connection schemes for the hob:

  • Laying a separate ground loop.
  • Connect the hob without grounding.

However, it is worthwhile to understand that the manufacturer gives a guarantee for the equipment only if there is a grounding circuit. Otherwise, even if the equipment breakdown is caused by the manufacturerโ€™s marriage, then this will not be considered a warranty case.

Terminal compartment

Therefore, if you want to keep the warranty period, then you can not do without laying a separate grounding line. Otherwise, you should not count on manufacturer loyalty.

Features of connecting to a three-phase network

In this case, the hob is connected with a five-wire cable. A jumper is also needed here, but it will already combine only the terminals N1 and N2. Each phase wire has a corresponding terminal in the device.

The order in which the phase is connected to the terminals of the device does not matter. In other words, there is no difference which shade the wire will be connected first. It is much more important to connect the wires to the plug and socket so that there are no inconsistencies.

In most cases, with a three-phase connection of the hob, the neutral terminal is usually located on top, below is the ground, and in the middle are all three phases. In this case, the same procedure must be observed with respect to the outlet.

Four-wire technology connection

This is especially true in relation to the technology of a number of well-known companies:

  • Hansa.
  • Electrolux
  • Gorenje.
  • Bosch

These hob models have only four wires. However, this situation in almost any ordinary consumer can cause certain difficulties with connecting equipment to the household electrical network. A reasonable question arises: "How to connect the Bosch hob or equipment of any other manufacturer?"

Wire cross section for connection

As a rule, built-in hobs already have a cable for connection, in which case it is necessary to correctly apply the switching circuit. Of the four veins presented, two phases, zero and earth. The connection procedure will be carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • The kitchen appliance has a compartment with terminals. After that, it is necessary to determine which conclusion corresponds to the earth. Usually this is a brown-yellow wire.
  • A special jumper, which is usually included and hidden in the terminal compartment, combines two phase wires (usually brown and black).
  • For direct connection, only brown wire must be used, and black must be insulated. To do this, use a heat shrink tube.

In the future, the connection diagram of the hob is performed in the same way as in the case of a single-phase electric network.


As you can already see, almost any home craftsman who is able to confidently hold at least a screwdriver in his hands will be able to independently connect the kitchen appliance. And at the same time, it is enough to have minimal knowledge regarding the implementation of electrical work and have the necessary tools.

In new buildings there are usually no serious problems, which cannot be said about the buildings of the Soviet era. Indeed, in these residential buildings, wiring is of the old type, where even grounding is absent. For this reason, a separate circuit should be laid. And such work already requires certain qualifications, skills and abilities.

L - So phase!

You can, of course, completely change all the wiring in the apartment, which will require certain investments, and considerable. Copper wires are expensive. And here, too, can not do without the help of a professional electrician. At the same time, the connection diagram of the hob just involves the use of copper wires, rather than aluminum.


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