Details on how to install a map on the "Terraria"

Today we will tell you how to install a map on the Terraria. This is a two-dimensional sandbox, which has a huge randomly generated world full of treasures, as well as monsters and secrets.


how to install a map on a terrarium
Before proceeding to a detailed solution to the question of how to install a map on the Terraria, a few words should be said about the game itself. You can explore the virtual world presented there endlessly, each time looking for islands, caves or discovering hidden ones. However, the most beautiful thing is the ability to change the world: drain lakes, form plains, cut down trees. Of course, there is the opportunity to build castles, estates and houses from stone, wood and other materials mined with great difficulty. Someone is limited to simple lockers, more like a warehouse, while others manage to erect true masterpieces and often copy existing buildings in the real world. Huge hours can be spent on the construction of huge structures. The result is able to hit the biggest skeptics who believe that the "Terraria" is not intended for creativity. To test the fruits of other players' work, you can download and install a special map. Such a decision is not cheating, it wonโ€™t take much time, it wonโ€™t hurt saving or passing as a whole. All that is needed is the identity of the client version.


terraria passing cards
Any player can independently figure out how to install the card on the "Terraria", however, this instruction will help to avoid annoying mistakes. Consider all the steps in turn. First of all, precisely those cards for Terraria that suit all your requirements must be selected. There are thematic projects that offer a huge variety of such solutions. They are usually archived on servers to save space. So, download the package. Inside we find a file that has the extension * .wld. This is an abbreviation for world, an English word translated as "world." After installing the game, as well as its first launch, the Terraria folder will automatically be created on the computer at the address โ€œMy Documents - My Gamesโ€. It contains a couple more directories: World and Players. Add your "world" to the first. If the name of the new and already existing in the directory maps coincided, rename one of the files. To avoid mistakes, we do not use special characters and Russian letters, limiting ourselves to numbers and Latin letters.


maps for terraria
You already know how to install the card on the "Terraria", now you should discuss what their features are. You can meet various solutions. However, the most popular among fans of the game "Terraria" passing cards. They allow you to become the owner of all available items. Thus, you can study the caves and the skies in combat readiness and not bother yourself with long painful battles with the bosses. Maps that provide access to beautiful palaces, dungeons, labyrinths, and miniature dungeons are also popular. Thanks to the cards, you can better explore the mysterious and curious two-dimensional world and open up all the opportunities that open up, thereby gaining experience.


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