Tattoo for girls: which shoulder looks better on the shoulder?

Tattooing is one of the modern trends in art, very popular not only among men, but also among women. Of course, not every girl decides to decorate her body with a tattoo, and the one who seeks self-expression wants to emphasize the beauty of her body. Independence of opinions, behavior, free way of thinking is what allows women, without fear of public opinion and the condemnation of idle gossips, to behave as they like, to dress as they like, to decorate the body at their own discretion.

tattoo for girls on the shoulder

Why do tattoos

Before discussing which tattoo for girls on the shoulder will look expressive, it is worthwhile to clarify for what purposes the fair sex paints its body. For example, Jolie, one of the trendsetters of American fashion, painted herself like an Indian shaman. However, she was driven not only by a thirst for self-expression, but also a desire to stop the moment, to capture in this way some of the most important moments of her life.

Many ladies, especially young ones, take certain pictures to impress their boyfriends or show the power of love for them. In this case, the tattoo for girls on the shoulder usually looks like a symbolic drawing of a heart with the name of a guy. And another important reason is the enthusiasm for oriental mysticism, philosophy, the desire to draw luck, prosperity and other positive aspects into your life with the help of appropriate images.

Examples of tattoos and their meaning

So, what interesting tattoos can I offer?

  • For girls, a butterfly looks great on the shoulder - on or without a flower. Especially if the fair sex is still young, slender, gentle, graceful, in the early flowering of her youth. After all, the butterfly personifies grace, beauty, freedom of spirit, flight to new dreams and horizons of life.
    tattoo lettering for girls photo
  • A small kitty, whimsically curved in a playful jump or cozily curled up in a ball, is another very beautiful tattoo for girls on her shoulder, especially if it was made by a good master, professionally. Cat - she walks on her own, and means independence, emancipation and elegance.
  • A kind of signal to everyone around about their own courage, independence of views and judgments is the drawing of a tiger. Another symbolic meaning of such an image is protection from evil spirits and hostile people. In Chinese mythology, the tiger is a strong amulet against all kinds of external negativity. Depicted in paints, such a tattoo for girls on her shoulder looks very impressive and even defiant.
  • photo of a tattoo on a girl’s shoulder
    A ball of dragons is a symbolic image of the unity of the female and male principles, activates sexual energy, emphasizes libido, and enhances temperament. Suitable for ladies bright, active, preferring to act, choose, force, and not wait on the sidelines until they are noticed. In special salons you can be offered to look and choose the appropriate photo of a tattoo. A walking or jumping tiger will look good on a girl’s shoulder. But you shouldn’t portray a bared mouth!
  • The symbol of wisdom, well-developed intuition and longevity is a snake. Such a tattoo among initiates is considered to be purely female.
  • Often used as tattoo lettering. For girls, photos in the salons offer samples in the Gothic style, Slavic script, graffiti and other types of fonts. The content of the inscriptions is chosen arbitrarily or, again, offered by the master.

The main thing you need to do is to take seriously the choice of a picture or signature and not to forget that it is done for a long time!


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