Harry Dresden Dossier: author, books in order, series, main character and plot

Often readers like to choose works of a mixed genre. For example, they want to read a detective story, but with mysticism or in a sci-fi setting. Or urban fantasy, but with elements of an action movie. Those who like this sort of literary assortment should try reading Harry Dresden's Dossier. This is a series of excellent novels from Jim Butcher, in which the protagonist is not only a private detective, but also a sorcerer, and often unravels the crimes associated with magic.

short biography

Jim Butcher was born on October 26, 1971 in Missouri, USA. There is debate about the pronunciation of his last name - it seems to be “Butcher” correctly, but since the name of the writer is written “Butcher” in the Russian segment, we will not depart from tradition.

He was the youngest child in the family. Two of his older sisters brought him books - The Lord of the Rings and the stories of Han Solo from Star Wars in comics. So the fascination with science fiction has been with Jim Butcher since childhood.

Today he is a successful writer, author of many books in the fantasy genre. At the moment, with his wife Shannon, who also writes books, but in the genre of a romance novel, and her son James Joseph, they live in Independence.

Jim Butcher Harry Dresden

History of success

The story of the creation of the first book about Dresden shows how difficult the first steps of the writer on the path to success can be. The earliest works by Butcher were written under the influence of the works of J.R. R. Tolkien and Lewis Carroll as a teenager, but all attempts to publish them failed.

Then the first novel in the Harry Dresden Dossier series appeared - it was written as an exercise for the course when Butcher was 25 years old (1996). After that, Jim tried unsuccessfully for two years to publish his novel, and then spent some more time establishing contacts in the literary business. As a result, the first novel was released only in 2000.

The most famous works of Jim Butcher are “Harry Dresden”, a series that the author has not yet completed, and a completed series of six novels entitled “Code of Alera” (2004-2009). Sorcerer's novels from Chicago have been published since 2000, the latter was published in 2014. Continuation is being written.

Next, consider the entire series of books in order about Harry Dresden.

Harry Dresden series of books in order

"Thunderstorm from the underworld"

He lives in Chicago and advertises his services through newspaper ads. He is Harry Dresden, a professional magician. Ordinary people and police consider him an eccentric and a charlatan, and the whole sorcerer's community treats him as a criminal. And he will have to find out who kills people with the help of black magic, where the new drug came from in Chicago, and also help the mysterious missing stranger find her husband.

"The moon shines to the madmen"

Are there terrible werewolves who, with the advent of the moon, go crazy and tear apart anyone who gets in the way? Harry Dresden knows exactly what they are, and they are looking for victims under cover of night, and neither the police nor the FBI can stop them.

"Grave as a gift"

The main character is torn between his beloved girl and work, which in recent years more and more. For some reason, the line between the ordinary world and the Non-Fiction, where the fairies live, is becoming thinner. In addition, he was unexpectedly invited to dinner by the Red College of Vampires, and this obviously will not end well.

harry dresden

"Summer Knight"

Fairies are cruel and unpredictable creatures, and it does not matter whether they belong to the Court - Summer or Winter. But the war between them endangers too much, which is dear to the Chicago magician, and he is obliged to prevent the conflict and remove the suspicion of murder from the Queen.

"Faces of death"

Harry Dresden is almost on the verge of death, as he is planning a duel with one of the Red Board vampires. But he nevertheless takes up the case of the missing Shroud of Turin and himself becomes an object of hunting. Dresden is simultaneously pursued by police, mafiosi and the Fallen.

"Rite of Blood"

Chicago is restless: stars of show business suddenly began to die. A friend of Dresden, the vampire Thomas, asks the detective to do him a favor and solve the crime.

harry dresden books in order

"Zombie Drums"

This time, the sorcerer will have to find an old manuscript - "Kemmler's Word", which describes the black rite at the call of the dead. Everything goes to the point that Chicago will have an unforgettable Halloween, if, of course, at least someone survives to remember it.

"Proof of Guilt"

Dresden can not refuse the daughter of almost the only friend who asks to hide her from the authorities. Moreover, Harry himself was in the same position not so long ago. But the White Council also needs help, so the detective will have to do two things at the same time.

"White Night"

In Chicago, a serial killer has started who preys on attractive young women. And all the evidence indicates that this is vampire Thomas from the White Board of Vampires. Can Dresden stop his friend from another murder?

"Little favor"

Dresden owed the Queen Mab a tiny service, a single favor. And it’s dangerous to go to the fairies' debtors for a long time - both for life and for health. So when the royal lady personally came to the sorcerer and ordered her order to be fulfilled, Harry agreed, not imagining that this would entail a series of events.

harry dresden character

"Selling skin"

The unthinkable happened! There is a split in the White Council, since a traitor is hiding in it. So Harry Dresden has the most dangerous opponents in this book - his own colleagues.


Dresden has already come to terms with a lack of privacy. But suddenly, on the threshold of his ex-lover appears and says that he has a daughter. True, in order to save her, the sorcerer will have to enter into negotiations with those whom he always hated.

The Ghost Story

Dresden is dead. He, in the form of an ethereal spirit, moves around the city, but suddenly realizes that he has become the object of persecution for some terrible monsters.

"Cold days"

Harry is alive! But now he has become the Winter Knight, and therefore, a faithful slave to Queen Meb, and can not disobey the order of his mistress. And first of all, she ordered the murder, but not of an ordinary person, but of an immortal.

Harry Dresden dossier

Dirty game

Queen Mab’s intrigues always turn into big troubles for Dresden. And now he must, together with the group of villains, headed by Harry's most important enemy - Nicodemus, rob the most protected place in the Non-Pitfalls.

The next book in order about Harry Dresden is Peace Talks, which are being written. There are also several stories: about 50 works have been written about the Chicago magician.

harry dresden comics

Main characters

  • The main character is Harry Dresden. In the first book, he is practically an outcast. In the world of sorcerers, Harry is considered the criminal who killed his uncle Justin. And they expect further relapses from him, after which the White Council will be able to execute him. In the world of ordinary people, no one takes him seriously; even police officers who regularly ask for help consider him a charlatan. Harry Dresden is a typical loner, but he is ready to do the impossible to help friends.
  • Lt. Murphy. A strong, athletic girl who often turns to the sorcerer for help. She refuses to believe in Harry's superpowers, but continues to regularly use his services. They have friendly relations, without a hint of romance.
tv series harry dresden
  • Bob is Jim's partner, a human spirit imprisoned in a skull. He cannot move fluffs, but he remembers a lot of useful information. Harry often pesters his personal life tips.
  • Morgan is a punishing weapon of the White Council. He is sincerely convinced that with the execution of Dresden in the world there will be one less criminal. But without the permission of the leadership, it can only threaten the sorcerer.
  • Susan Rodriguez is a journalist, lover and girlfriend of Harry.
  • Justin Morningway Dead uncle Harry, who was almost able to kill his nephew and bears a large share of responsibility for the fact that he grew up an orphan.
  • Jared Kincaid is a hired killer and bodyguard, one of the best in his business.
  • Laskiel is a fallen angel whose spirit is enclosed in one of the cursed coins.
  • Lea is the fairy, godmother of the godmother.
  • Michael Carpenter - the bright Knight of the Cross, wears one of three swords. Father Molly Carpenter.
  • Molly Carpenter - the future sorceress, a student of Harry Dresden.
  • Thomas Reith is a vampire of the White Board of Vampires who treats Dresden well because he connects them.

Film adaptation

This stunning series of books, rich in plot twists and characters, simply could not help filming. The Harry Dresden series was launched in January 2007, but after the release of 12 episodes, the project was closed. The main role was played by the English actor Paul Blackthorn, who is better known for his secondary roles in the series "Ambulance", "Detective Monk", "Medium". After filming in Dresden's Files, he appeared in the series River, and currently plays one of the main characters in Strela.

What went wrong? Paul Blackthorn was very good in his role, and the audience appreciated the series for such a good four plus. But something was missing - dynamics, special effects ... I wanted to see more magic and scary monsters, but I got an almost English measured detective with a drop of mysticism. In addition, there is not much left of the books in the plot - the texts are too cut, so the plot has become more flat, linear and predictable.

Who should read

Recommended reading to all ardent fans of the "Potterians" who grew up on books about wizards, but now they prefer something more adult, scary, close to reality. The Dresden Dossier series of books is a delightful mix of urban fantasy, noir, detective, mysticism, action-packed thriller and thriller. The text is easy to read, the plot is extremely rich, the dynamics of the story is impressive. The world is described in volume, it has a lot of characters, main and secondary, events, storylines. The only minus of the series is the inability to break away from reading, so diving is recommended strictly during the holidays!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E31063/

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