Stylish men's shirt without a collar: who suits and when to wear?

The wardrobe of a modern man has expanded significantly compared to the set of clothes even of our fathers. Men’s clothing designers are becoming bolder every year and are showing more and more imagination and creativity. To follow the latest trends or not is an individual choice of each. But there are items of clothing that should be present in the wardrobe of every stylish man. Various shirts can be safely attributed to them: from classic to Hawaiian. This season, a shirt without a collar is rapidly being added to mast-head items. And there are a number of reasons for this.

men's shirt without a collar

Men's shirts for all occasions

Long gone are the days when the shirt was the destiny of exclusively business men and was combined only with costume trousers. Today the choice is huge: classic strict, informal denim, exclusive club, short and long shirts. Men's options for this clothing may vary in cut, button placement, cuffs, and also the shape of the collar.

Even if you do not consider yourself a great mod, knowledge of the basic criteria for selecting a shirt is a must. Theoretical knowledge in this matter will not only allow you to choose the most suitable thing for yourself, but also always look confident and appropriate in the relevant situation.

men's long shirts

So different collars

Such a discreet detail of a shirt as a collar, many do not attach importance at all. But in vain! This element of clothing plays an important role: determines the size of the shirt, correlates only with a certain type of tie and can even adjust the shape of the face.

Collars there are several basic types. The most familiar for everyone is a classic. If you doubt the choice of the shape of the collar, then this option is absolutely win-win. It suits men who prefer a conservative wardrobe and wear clothing in a predominantly business style.

Also a feature of the classic cut collar is that it can be worn with ties of various thicknesses and densities and even with a bow tie.

men's summer shirts

A variation of the classic collar is considered Italian. It is distinguished by elongated ends, which are at a slightly greater distance from each other. This option is suitable for both formal suits and informal settings.

But the familiar stand-up collar has the official name "mandarin", which is explained by its Chinese origin. It looks like a low and narrow cuff, without any lapels. Therefore, clothes with this model look like a men's shirt without a collar.

Since this trend is now very relevant, you should know the subtleties of wearing such shirts.

Stand-up collar: for whom?

Trying to follow fashion trends, you must not forget that the thing should first of all be suitable for its owner. And even if it is at the peak of popularity in all fashion magazines, if the clothes do not fit the features of a man’s figure or appearance, he will look ridiculous.

men's white shirt without collar

A men's shirt without a collar will suit guys with a long, well-defined neck. Due to the peculiarity of the cut, the stand-up collar will emphasize the harmony and sophistication of its owner, make it look stylish and slightly careless.

Men who are large and do not have a slender neck, shirts with a classic collar and its variations are suitable. The stand-up collar in this case runs the risk of being lost between the head and shoulders and will only emphasize the weight of the figure.

When to wear shirtless collar?

A shirt with a stand-up collar is more likely to be a casual item of clothing. It is acceptable to combine it with costumes, but in cases where a strict business dress code is required, it is better to give preference to a model with a classic collar.

But for everyday wear, as well as for working in the office with a not-too-demanding dress code, a white shirt without a collar is ideal. Men's fashion is changeable, but white models are always relevant.

Also very popular are stand-up collars in lightweight shirts that are optimally suited for summer holidays or parties. Such clothes will allow a man to look stylish, not too formal and at the same time comfortable.

If you are a lover of active summer holidays, which involves not only lying on the beach, but also parties, your wardrobe must have summer shirts. Men's options for summer clothes this season are distinguished by a variety of colors, fabrics and textures, so everyone can choose a thing to their taste.

men's shirt without a collar

What to look for when choosing a shirt?

Even having decided on the style and model, you need to approach the choice of a shirt with all seriousness.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the fabric, especially if you need to choose summer shirts. Male models most often have a small percentage of synthetic thread in their composition. Manufacturers add it in a small amount so that the thing keeps its shape better and lasts longer. Such an industrial technique is unacceptable in a summer shirt: in hot weather, even a little synthetics on the body will not allow the skin to breathe and provide the effect of a sauna.

A good shirt should include one hundred percent natural material: cotton, linen, cotton. And then it will not only look good, but will be able to provide comfort to its owner.

Fashion is changeable: every season, designers offer all-new details for both business guys and casual style lovers. The now fashionable men's shirt without a collar is definitely worthy of the attention of stylish men who want to feel free and confident in any environment. If you have not worn such a wardrobe item before - it’s worth a try! A properly selected shirt will emphasize the merits and add sophistication to the image.


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