Summary: "Judas Iscariot." Look from the other side

This work, of course, cannot be fully felt by reading only its brief content. “Judas Iscariot” is an artistic exposition of one of the most famous biblical traditions, created by the talented writer Leonid Andreev.

The image of Judah as the key in the work of L. Andreev

summary of Judas Iscariot
Evil rumors are constantly circulating around Judah’s personality from Cariot, he is considered one of those people who are best avoided. Followers of Jesus Christ constantly warn the Messiah about this. Judah left his wife in poverty, this person never had children - God, they said, saw his dark soul and did not want such a person to leave heirs in the world.

The picture is complemented by the appearance of Judah. Unpleasant, "annoyingly fluid" voice; a face precisely stitched from two halves. One is in constant motion, dotted with many wrinkles, with a sharp black eye, and the second, which is distinguished by its deadly smoothness and frightening the gaze with a wide, open, tightened eyesore. Even the appearance of this man instilled distrust and a sense of anxiety in those around him.

The relationship of Judas and other disciples of Christ

The story continues, which means that our brief content is moving forward. “Judas Iscariot” is a story that cannot be imagined without a description of the attitude to the protagonist of other disciples of Christ. In their respect, a certain disgust dominates. Peter equates him with an octopus, and the disposition of the disciples in Judah is extremely flimsy. Judas himself is constantly slandering. He claims that absolutely every person commits a crime or at least one bad act in his life, and people who are called good people just skillfully hide their thoughts and actions. When Judas is asked about his parents, he replies that his father is a goat or Satan. However, Judas affirms that he sincerely, with all his heart, loves Christ. Over time, something remotely resembling friendships appears between him and Thomas. In the latter, the person of Judah is very curious.

Some important episodes

More and more new events show the reader how much the characters of the actors differ. You can see this even by reading the summary. “Judas Iscariot” leads us to the moment when Jesus trusts Judas to run household affairs, to collect donations, etc. Whenever Jesus and his disciples go to the next village, Judas reproaches the local residents and assures us that a disaster will happen, that after Christ's departure, people will misinterpret all his words. Once, Thomas, for the sake of interest, decides to check the veracity of Judah's prediction. He returns to the settlement and ascertains the correctness of Iskariot. The next time the villagers greeted Christ with hostility, even intended to stone the disciples. Judas saved Jesus by turning the crowd's attention to himself with clownish cries, supplications and threats. However, the Messiah never praises his disciple.

There are a few more points that should be included in the summary. "Judas Iscariot" - a work that becomes truly alive and allows you to fully plunge into the atmosphere of events. For example, Andreev very vividly depicts the competition in power that the disciples of Christ arranged during one of the stops. The essence of the competition was to throw heavy stones down the mountain. They recognize Peter as the strongest, but Judas appears and takes the winner’s laurels for himself.

While the conversation lasts in the house of Lazarus, Judas stands in the doorway and gazes at Jesus. Matthew pronounces the words of Scripture and demands that he step aside. Jesus rises from his seat and goes straight to Judas, as if wanting to say something to him, but leaves by a wide open door.

Judas steals several denarii. Thomas tells the rest of this, and the students reproach Iskariot for a complete theft. Jesus, on the contrary, says that neither his own nor the stranger exists, and therefore Judas may not be shy about the means, if there is a need. Judah later tells Thomas that he gave the stolen money to the harlot, who had not eaten for two days, since she had been with him.

andreev judah iskariot summary

Judas decides to betray his teacher

John and Peter take turns asking Judah which of them, in his opinion, will be the first in the kingdom of heaven near Jesus. Separately, Iscariot flatters both, however, when the disciples ask him the same question at the same time, Judas answers that the first person next to Jesus will be none other than himself.

Leonid Andreev could describe many other points in a colorful and emotionally intense way . Judas Iscariot, the summary of which is the subject of our conversation today, is gradually approaching a climax. The protagonist goes to the high priest Anna. Anna greets the guest severely, refuses to take Jesus, fearing the intercession of believers and disciples. Iscariot is forced to visit the high priest several times to convince him of the need to betray Christ. When it comes to price, Judas long and petty bargain, and as a result agrees to the amount of thirty pieces of silver.

During the last days of Jesus' life, the traitor surrounds Christ with touching affection and care. He foresees any wishes of the teacher, brings him and gives beautiful flowers through women, puts small children on his knees to Jesus, buys expensive wine, starts a conversation about the sweet heart of Christ Galilee. In addition, Judas warns other students about the need to protect the teacher and obtains two swords for this purpose.

How the disciples behave when Jesus was captured by the guards

Finally, Jesus enters Jerusalem. He already anticipates trouble and speaks of betrayal. At night in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas asks Jesus to order him to stay, not to go, and not to betray him. In response, the teacher is silent. Guards appear. Judas betrays Christ by kissing. The students stand like a “bunch of frightened lambs”, they run in fear, not even trying to stand up for the teacher. Peter, several hours later, renounces Christ three times. Judas is on the heels of Jesus, but until the very moment of execution he does not see any of the disciples nearby. With contempt, fear and hatred, everyone calls Iscariot a traitor. Judas appears at the trial of Pilate and meets Thomas there. Iscariot asks to recapture Jesus, but Thomas is so scared that he is not able to act decisively, he too trusts in “a righteous judgment”. Judas realizes that the only person who understood Christ is Pilate, but he is powerless against the crowd insisting on the crucifixion and publicly washing his hands.

Jesus follows Judas to Calvary. Until the very last moment, he believes that people will change their minds and the teacher will not be crucified.

After the crucifix

judah iscariot content
After the execution, Judas appeared before the Sanhedrin. Caiaphas and Anna give him more money and try to push him away. Judah says that he betrayed the innocent, and therefore, betrayed the entire Sanhedrin of "shameful death that will not end forever." A handful of Iskariot throws money in the face of the judges. The disciples of Christ at this moment are in sad silence and fear that the guards will come for them. Judas comes to them, reproaches the followers of Jesus for betrayal. Those, in turn, curse him.

Judas tells his disciples that he is going to follow Jesus and calls for them to join. Peter is trying to follow Iscariot, but the rest holds him back. Peter cries in confusion, not knowing where he should go anyway.

High above Jerusalem, standing on a mountain, Judas stops and addresses Christ with a speech in which he asks the teacher not to be angry and notes that he is terribly tired. Iscariot says that for the sake of his love for Christ, he is ready to go even to hell. He hangs a rope over a cliff, so that if it does not stand, break on the stones below. In the morning, people appear, pull Judas out of the noose and throw the body into a ravine.


“Judas Iscariot,” the content of which was presented in this article, is a bold and unconventional interpretation of the gospel story. Andreev's negative attitude towards Christianity left an imprint on the work as a whole, however, it was precisely this that allowed him to make his creation so powerful psychologically. In the work, the love and faith of eleven disciples are just a fee for the right to enter the kingdom of heaven after death and for a place near Christ. The apostles focus on self-contemplation and self-improvement, while Judas himself is represented as a mediator between Jesus and humanity. His betrayal is an experiment. Judas wants to find out if one of the students can sacrifice his life to save the life of a teacher. This is confirmed by the fact that it was Judas who brought the weapons, warned of the danger threatening Christ, and after death invited all the disciples to follow Jesus.

There is much in common between the images of Christ and Judah in the work of Andreev. Judah believes that anyone, even such as Jesus, is alone in this world.


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