Strange Quotes, or What is Truth

Wise words are a great value that people have been collecting for centuries, passed down from generation to generation. One should strive for wisdom; it does not come only with age. People collect the statements of great people, quote them, but sometimes it seems that some of these expressions are incomprehensible and strange, but this is only at first glance. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider strange quotes of great and famous people.

short quotes

Philosophy of revenge

Revenge is always a choice between two desires: revenge and forgiveness. After all, when a person spills out that accumulated resentment and anger, he becomes much better. But is this the case with revenge? Perfect retribution Will you be relieved? This question has been and will be asked by many people. Confucius also said:

Before deciding to revenge, dig two graves.

Especially youth draws a duel for themselves face to face with their rival, sometimes without suspecting that scoring or revenge may be more mean. If you donโ€™t think about the meaning of this expression, then itโ€™s quite clear that there is no hidden meaning here, and this expression cannot be called a strange quote. But do not be mistaken, because this expression teaches us that we must be prepared for death after revenge. Because that second also has friends and family, and they too will take revenge.

Revenge is a cold dish.

So say the Italians. After all, uncontrolled hatred covers the eyes of man, which leads to rash acts. Keep yourself in control so that revenge is not empty stupidity.

weird quotes from books

Environmental influences

Be a fox in the forest.

This short quote was spoken by Thomas Fuller, an English churchman and historian. The value of which boils down to the fact that changes in human behavior under the influence of the environment are inevitable.

When you look long into the abyss, the abyss begins to peer at you.

This strange quotation belongs to the pen of Friedrich Nietzsche, a German thinker, philologist, composer, historian, creator of an original philosophical teaching.

Sometimes a few words are enough to make a person act, learn something new and interesting. Such short quotes are like life-giving current impulses. They, running through the veins, reach those points of activity, those secret strings of your heart that are capable of "building cities."

Try once more. Get off yet. Get out better.

This quote is from Samuel Beckett, writer and playwright, 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature. Probably, the author meant that a person allows himself to fall. And he cannot blame anyone except himself.

quotes that make you think

My enemy

I choose beautiful people as close friends, as people of good reputation as my friends, and only clever enemies.

There are quotes that make you think. One of these belongs to Oscar Wilde. A strong and smart enemy is a reason to even defeat for valor, but it is a smart enemy that will make you better. Therefore, do not be angry with him, but give thanks. Indeed, thanks to our enemies, we get a chance to look at ourselves and our actions from the side. Therefore, everyone should have enemies. After all, who, if not the enemy, will tell you about your shortcomings? Enemies make us achieve a lot in life. After all, each of us at least once in his life said this cherished phrase: โ€œI will do it to him in spite!โ€

We are so similar to our enemies that they can bury us in a mass grave.

This strange quote belongs to Arkady Davidovich, a contemporary writer. The meaning of this quote can be reduced to the fact that hatred leads to the death of a person, this road along which he walks is full of eternal torment. And if you do not want to be in the same grave with your enemy, then you should remember one more, the most important commandment quote.

Love your enemy.

And these are far from pious wishes of a divorced novelist from real life, as it might seem at first glance, these are the wishes of a sober realist.

Will and lack of will

weird quotes

The problem of lack of will has troubled people for more than a century, lack of will manifests itself in various physical and mental activities, there is nothing weaker than a weak-willed person, he is weakened like a patient who does not train muscles. Will is a special internal force that allows a person to achieve his goals.

Strange quotes from books that are sometimes remembered by us for life, sometimes at the right time can be invaluable.

Our personality is a garden, and our will is a gardener.

These words belong to the immortal in his works, William Shakespeare.

After all, the will of man largely depends on the conscious choice of difficulties on the way to the goal. Faced with which, a person either abandons his plan, or achieves it with even greater zeal in order to overcome a series of difficulties.

Strange quotes, perplexing, only with careful analysis reveal the meaning of truth, which gives complete and comprehensive knowledge about the world around us.


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