DIY BBQ oven

If you decide to make a barbecue oven for a gazebo, then you should use a certain technology, which will provide not only a long service life of the entire structure, but also its excellent appearance. With the help of this kind of oven equipment it will be possible to cook dishes in different ways. Among other things, the installation will be located within the gazebo, which will allow you to arrange gatherings even in light rain.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before starting work, it is necessary to stock up on all tools and materials, among them sand, cement, reinforcement, steel angle, hammer, and also pliers can be distinguished. For the furnace itself, refractory brick is needed , but the foundation will be poured using concrete. You can purchase a steel grill, as well as a building level, although the latter is often available in the arsenal of the master.

barbecue oven for pergola

Location determination

The barbecue oven for the gazebo should be located in such a place that it does not create a fire hazard. This recommendation is true when it comes to a gazebo that is yet to be erected. If this design is already installed, then the master will have no choice.

If you still have to choose a place, then the recommended area for equipment is next to the house. The main thing at the same time is not to disturb the exterior composition, otherwise the barbecue will be in disharmony with the landscape. It is important to note that when the device is operating, it will emit an impressive fever. Therefore, it is recommended to have a barbecue next to the spreading trees. This is due to the fact that the owner, who is engaged in cooking, will certainly want to leave the arbor while the fire flares up to the maximum limit.

When choosing a location, construction should not begin next to flower beds and beds, as soot and soot can adversely affect cultivated plants.

do-it-yourself bbq oven

When installing a barbecue oven for a gazebo, you should remember that the design must have a sufficient amount of free space. Indeed, during the holidays, a large company will gather in the territory, each member of which should feel comfortable. We should not forget about the interests of neighbors. If you start manipulating near the fence, then all the soot will rush in the direction of the site, which is located nearby. It is best to prefer the territory, which is located in the central part or near the road.

Foundation construction

The barbecue oven for the gazebo should be installed on a level surface. It should be cleaned of debris by arranging a tape structure. Two foundations should not be interconnected. That is why initially it is necessary to make markings using a cord and pegs. Then a trench is dug out, and crushed stone is poured onto its bottom, which should be well compacted. Then, boards are used, from which the formwork should be equipped. It is important to strengthen the base using reinforcing mesh.

At the next stage, the master can start pouring concrete. The design should then be left for a week. It is this period that will be enough to make it possible to carry out the following work. If you will install a barbecue oven for a gazebo with your own hands, it is important to ensure the correct depth of the foundation. It should be located below the freezing line of the soil.

Arbor barbecue device

Work on a BBQ

After the foundation has been prepared, the future structure should be marked on it. After that, you can start building walls. The first row must be laid out necessarily using the building level. In the corners, it is important to observe the correct parameters. When laying the next row of the product, it is necessary to shift by ½ of their size.

As soon as you reach the sixth row, it should begin to form a support ledge. To do this, the brick should be laid across, stepping half into the inside. This will equip the shelf. 3 longitudinal rows should be mounted on this row, the thickness of which should be equal to 1/2 of the brick. A similar protrusion is required in order to install a pan for coal on it, as well as to lay a grill for frying.

ready-made barbecue stoves for gazebo

When a barbecue oven is made for a gazebo with your own hands, you can use a workpiece cut out of metal for a pallet. The tenth row must be laid in such a way as to be able to repeat the ledge. With further operation, this shelf will prove itself as a very necessary element when it becomes necessary to arrange the finished meat so that it does not burn. On the 10th row, three more should be mounted, which have a spoon dressing. Between the protrusions should be installed rods of reinforcement, placing them two in a row. They can be in every row. Using these elements, it will be possible to adjust the height at which the meat grill will be installed during cooking.

The arrangement of a barbecue oven in the gazebo may involve the use of steel brackets. These elements are required to install a frying grid. You can install them in the seams between the layers. It is acceptable to use the same technology when it is necessary to install a coal pan.


It is important to ensure not only the reliability and functionality of the design, but also the aesthetic appearance. If you are going to do the work yourself using brick for the first time, then it is unlikely to build a masterpiece. That is why it is recommended to carry out finishing work at the final stage. As a material for this, ceramic tiles are used. The surface can be covered with decorative plaster, natural stone looks very impressive. The easiest option will be traditional plaster, the surface of which is painted. Such work should be done only after the masonry is finally ready and dried.

First you need to melt the oven, clean the surface well using a steel brush, and also highlight the seams, deepening by 5 millimeters. A steel mesh is fixed on the surface of the bricks, the cells of which can have a size of 10 to 20 millimeters. It is necessary to apply a solution to the moistened hot surface, the first layer should be quite liquid, while for the second the solution should be made thicker. After the plaster is applied, it should be wiped.

brick bbq ovens

If you want in the manufacture of a barbecue oven for a gazebo made of brick, so that the design looks truly impressive, then you can use tiles. They are quite easy to wash from all kinds of contaminants, among other things, they are not able to pass flue gases. This material is also good because it has significant heat dissipation. It is important to consider that tiles are a material that is made by hand. This indicates that even in one box, products may have a difference in shape, pattern, color and size. A feature of the installation of tiles is that they are laid in parallel with the installation of bricks. Thus, it will be necessary to install a row of tiles, and only then begin to lay the brick in the second row.

Wizard Recommendations

If you will be building a barbecue oven for a gazebo, a diagram, a photo will help in the work. It is important not to forget about waterproofing. To do this, you can use a plastic film or roofing material, the material should be laid on the surface of the foundation. The inner furnace part must be lined with refractory fireclay bricks.

Barbecue Metal Oven

You can, of course, purchase ready-made barbecue stoves for the gazebo, if you do not have too much time and there is no relevant experience in the work. However, metal construction can also be made rather quickly. To do this, prepare an old cylinder designed for propane.

bbq oven for pergola photo

Preparatory work

For the implementation of the manipulations you will need a propane empty cylinder, a welding machine, a corner, a steel pipe and a metal branch. To speed up the process, you should rent a grinding machine. You will need a metal strip, as well as fittings. The last of them should have a diameter of 20 millimeters. As for the steel strip, its size should be equal to 20 x 4 millimeters. The metal bend should be selected with a rotation of 90 degrees.

Manufacturing Features

If you will make a barbecue oven for a gazebo, a photo of the design can be considered in the article. It is necessary to start the process with emptying the cylinder. After it you need to rinse well. Only at the next stage is it permissible to cut holes, during which a grinding machine is used. The central part of the container should be cut out, and a cover should be made from the parts received. By welding, the valve should be cut so that it is possible to install a casing in the hole .


When a complete barbecue-barbecue-grill for a gazebo is made, drawings should be made before the start of work. If we are talking about a gas cylinder, which will form the basis of the structure, then in the place where the pipe and outlet are connected, an opening shutter must be installed. It will allow you to adjust the intensity of traction. It is necessary to make this element from a metal sheet, as well as from a steel bar. There can be a great many options here. On the edges of the cutout on both sides, a corner should be welded, which is necessary for reinforcement.

At the next stage, the hinges are mounted and the cover is sealed. Hinges can be made from pieces of reinforcement and pipes that have the appropriate diameter. If you have experience in such work, then the hinges can be made independently. Such a furnace for a barbecue gazebo with barbecue can be installed on some elevation. The support should be made of fittings and pipes, which must be strengthened among themselves by welding.

integrated BBQ grill for gazebo drawings

Wizard Recommendations

The hole in the upper part of the cylinder should correspond in diameter to this parameter at the outlet. The last element should be fixed to the formed hole by welding. Lining can be made of steel strip, after these blanks are welded to the lid around the perimeter. This will become a seal.

The support should be made taking into account the presence of stiffeners, which are located below the frame. From above between the main elements, which are made in the form of arcs, a pipe should be strengthened, which will fix the upper part of the structure. The balloon will hold the arcs, which must be strengthened on top of the stand.


When making a gazebo for a barbecue with a fireplace, it is necessary to take into account that the first of them must have the appropriate dimensions. Whereas if the furnace equipment is manufactured after installation of the gazebo, then, on the contrary, it should be adjusted to the basic structure. Whatever technology you use, it is important to comply with fire safety regulations. Among other things, the design should turn out to be as strong and reliable as possible, because it will have to be actively used for more than one year. Do not save on materials that will undergo periodic high temperature loads. This applies not only to brick, but also to steel. Good luck in the construction!


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