Baby mix "NAN-2" hypoallergenic

The NAN baby formula is produced by the Swiss company Nestle, whose logo says: "Product quality - quality of life." The company is one of the leaders in terms of production of food and beverages, in particular baby food.

Hypoallergenic NAN infant formula from 6 months

mixture from 6 months

Nestle specializes in the production of milk formula for children from birth for 150 years. Nan is one of the Nestle brands. Manufacturers claim that the products of "NAS" meet the requirements for quality standards of the infant formula, replacing breast milk.

"NAS" produces several varieties of infant formula, differing in terms of age and characteristics of the child's body. The NAN hypoallergenic product line is mixtures 1, 2, 3, 4. These indicators indicate the age of the baby.

Hypoallergenic milk mixture "NAN-2" is intended for children from 6 to 12 months. Its composition meets all indicators of the norm in obtaining the daily amount of vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals.

Mixture benefits

baby drinks milk

Manufacturers claim that this milk mixture is developed taking into account all the features of the development of the child from 6 to 12 months. At this time, he ceases to gain weight at a tremendous pace, begins an active physical load on the bones and muscles of the baby. It is in the period between 6 and 12 months that the baby begins to sit, crawl, stand, and also learns to walk.

In addition to muscle and bone development, the psychoemotional jump in development is high. The baby begins to utter the first babble, syllables and words in a given period of time. The mixture of "NAS" is designed so that the child does not just gain weight, but develops and grows harmoniously and in accordance with the norms.

"NAN-2" hypoallergenic is designed for children who are especially sensitive to whole cow's milk. Protein of cow's milk often causes an allergy in a child on artificial feeding. However, the "NAS" hypoallergenic contains a useful protein that is absorbed much easier and faster.

Allergies in infants have become quite common. Therefore, mixtures of this type are extremely necessary. To avoid allergic reactions in especially sensitive babies, you need to use hypoallergenic.

The composition of the mixture "NAN-2" hypoallergenic

dry mix

The composition of this mixture, suitable for sensitive babies, also preserves all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed by the body from 6 to 12 months. The product is based on the special hydrolyzed protein OPTIPRO. This substance is partially cleaved during the production of the mixture, to ensure easy absorption by the baby's digestive system.

Manufacturers include live bifidobacteria in the mixture, which help strengthen the body's immunity. B L bacteria help the intestines adapt to an aggressive environment.

The composition of "NAS-2" hypoallergenic includes such important components as:

  • vitamins: A, B, E, K, C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B5, B7, B8, B9, B12;
  • Minerals: calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium, copper.

The composition of this mixture, in addition to the listed components, also includes potato starch, lactose, palm olein, rapeseed oil, coconut, sunflower and sodium citrate.

The mixture of "NAN-2" hypoallergenic contains useful omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. The properties of these acids in the mixture are similar to those of breast milk.

Reviews on the "NAS-2" hypoallergenic

choosing the right mix

Moms say that maintaining breastfeeding is the best way to provide your baby with all the substances necessary for development, without causing side effects.

It is especially difficult to choose a hypoallergenic mixture that would suit the baby in all respects. The mixture "NAN-2" hypoallergenic is tasty and sweet, so most children like it. Anti-allergenic properties of products for artificial feeding justify the declared name. If you believe the reviews, it really does not cause an allergic reaction.

Positive qualities of the mixture that parents of infants give out:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • easy accessibility (the mixture can be bought even at the supermarket);
  • convenient packaging;
  • easily bred;
  • the full composition of vitamins and minerals.

Of the minuses noted by consumers:

  • high price;
  • sometimes babies get constipated;
  • the child is not full enough.

In any case, before use it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will help make the right choice.


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