Cucumber CB 4097 CV F1: reviews, description, seed collection

One of the best hybrids of early ripening is a cucumber CB 4097 CV F1, reviews of which confirm the yield declared by the manufacturer. The variety was entered in the register in 2013. According to the description, cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 can grow and produce high yields not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground.

Cucumber sv 4097 color f1 reviews


CB 4097 CV is an early hybrid parthenocarcinoma. The plant is self-pollinated, so it can be grown in any conditions. The only requirement when growing bushes is to provide them with enough light. If it is not enough, then the yield will decrease, and the taste of greens will fall.

The bushes of the plant are compact, with a good, powerful root system. This should be taken into account when growing plants in seedlings: to get a strong bush, you should take a large container.

In the node 2-3 ovaries. In warmer regions, there may be four ovaries. The leaves are dark green, large.

Description of Zelentsy

According to the description, the cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 differs from other hybrids in a proportional, beautiful form. Its surface is covered with quite frequent tubercles. The weight of Zelentsy is even - from 90 to 100 grams. Length about twelve centimeters, diameter - three centimeters.

On the skin there are light, barely noticeable hairs. Zelenets has spikes. They are white in color and are located on the tubercles.

Cucumber sv 4097 tsv f1 description


According to reviews, the cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 can bring up to sixteen kilograms of greens with one square meter. The average yield is about ten kilograms per square meter.


According to reviews, cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 has excellent taste properties for pickling, pickling. The variety is ideal for eating fresh.

When growing plants, you do not have to worry that the greenery will outgrow. Those who grow the variety on their sites have already noticed that with a lack of light, cucumbers grow shortened, and with an excess of sunlight they will be long.

Bush formation

Experienced gardeners recommend growing a plant in one stem. According to numerous reviews, the cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 is best to do just that. This helps to form beautiful, smooth fruits, the correct form.

At the initial stage of bush growth, in order to get a powerful, healthy plant, you need to pinch all the side shoots. Be sure to remove the ovaries in the first five nodes. Then, from the sixth to the ninth knot, one ovary is left. From the tenth node, all the ovaries remain. Also left are the strongest stepchildren, which must be pinched in the first leaf sinus. In the place of the pinch, the determinant shoots of the second order will begin to grow, which regulate their growth independently.

When the central stem reaches the mark of 180 centimeters, it is wrapped around it and sent down, and then, pinched at a height of about 70 centimeters from the ground.

Cucumber sv 4097 tsv f1 cultivation technology


The correct technology for growing cucumber CB 4097 CV F1 helps to increase the resistance of the variety to various diseases.

According to the manufacturer, the hybrid is highly resistant to the cucumber mosaic virus, brown spotting. Powdery mildew plant has an average resistance. This resistance allows you to grow plants in different climatic zones.

Grade Advantages

The hybrid has a lot of advantages over other varieties. Among them are the following:

  • excellent commercial qualities;
  • prolonged keeping time;
  • fast ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • friendly return of the crop.

Seed collection

Many summer residents are wondering about how to collect the seeds of cucumber CB 4097 CV F1. There is one feature of collecting planting material from hybrids: seeds are not collected from this type of plant. This is due to the fact that the hybrid is obtained by crossing two or more varieties of cucumbers. A variety of plants sprout from the seeds of hybrids: they can be with other forms, fruit sizes, empty flowers, with later ripening. Therefore, seeds are harvested only from varietal plants. To do this, you need to find unblown flowers of a male and female type on one bush. They are isolated before blooming. For this purpose, napkins and a net are put on the buds. As soon as they bloom, pollen is taken from the male and transferred to the female bud. Then again the bag is put on. You can not remove it until the cucumber turns yellow.

Yellow cucumbers removed from the bush, take out the seeds in a jar. In it they must ferment. When the fermentation process is over, the seeds are washed from the remnants of the pulp, dried on a napkin.

How to collect cucumber seeds


There are many reviews about the variety, all of which are positive. Many gardeners acquired the variety only because of the unusual name. The acquisition was a real find for them. Plants gave tasty, even cucumbers throughout the summer. Zelentsy is stored for a long time without loss of taste.

Some chose the variety because of its ability to maintain taste for a long time, even if the greenery was not harvested on time. CB 4097 CV F1 became a godsend for those who visit the cottage only on weekends.


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