Citizenship and citizenship: what is the difference?

Speaking about how people are connected with their country, sooner or later we come across such concepts as citizenship and citizenship. At first glance, it seems that they are identical in meaning. However, it is not. To understand, you should refer to the history of the occurrence of terms. Then it will become clear how the concepts of β€œcitizenship”, β€œcitizenship” are different, when and why they are applied. Let's try to formulate it.

citizenship and citizenship

The essence of the problem

When considering what citizenship and citizenship are, they usually say that the terms describe the relationship of residents with different types of states. The first word refers to monarchies, the second refers to democracies. But in fact, everything is somewhat deeper. It must be understood that citizenship and citizenship differ only in Russian. In English, for example, there are slightly different meanings that describe relations with the state. Surely this topic also appears in the political science of China and other countries that have not fully adopted the Western model of democracy. Today, the concept of citizenship is more common. They describe the legal norms that characterize the relationship with the country, the duties and rights of each of the parties. In contrast to this term, citizenship reflects the relationship of the citizen and the monarch. In the most general sense, these terms are identical. Indeed, in the monarchies of the old type, the Head of State personified the entire system. But subjects have much less rights. And the duties of the monarch in relation to them are blurred, not standardized. Let's take a deeper look at each concept.

citizenship and citizenship


Persons residing in the territory of a country are vested with rights and obligations. All this is contained in the Institute of Citizenship. This is a system of norms that describe the mutual duties and responsibilities of people to their state. It is built on certain principles. Among them, it is worth pointing out the equal rights of all people, regardless of how they acquired citizenship. It should be remembered that they can be different. As a rule, children born in the country from their parents, one of whom has citizenship, receive it automatically. But there is an opportunity to get it by a special procedure. Some countries allow dual citizenship. The person who possesses it is responsible to each country. And this is a serious burden. For example, it is necessary to pay taxes in each of the states, take part in plebiscites, and perform other civil duties.

About citizenship

In a sense, this term can be considered obsolete. Even in modern monarchies, the institution of citizenship has already been created and documented. That is, duties and rights are fixed on paper. And this is exactly what the concepts of "citizenship" and "citizenship" differ by and large. The first, we repeat, speaks of the relationship between man and the monarch, the second describes his relationship with the state. Citizenship initially implied living in a certain territory, and in Russia - also belonging to the Christian community. Confusion arose with foreigners. They did not automatically receive citizenship. And the children of foreigners were also considered strangers. To change the situation, Peter I decree secured the possibility of obtaining Russian citizenship in a special way. For this, a foreigner was supposed to take an oath of allegiance to the sovereign. This historical fact only confirms that citizenship is a concept that describes the relationship of a person with a monarch. In contrast, citizenship does not depend on the head of state. In addition, a person cannot be deprived of this privilege unilaterally.

citizenship and citizenship of the russian federation

About Documents

We live in a formalized world. Any rule of law is reflected in the relevant document. Here we are faced with another factor that distinguishes citizenship and citizenship. In democratic countries it is customary to issue passports to people of a certain age. This document confirms that a person is a citizen. By the way, in the UK there are also passports. They are received by the citizens of the country, who are at the same time subjects of Her Majesty. There is a double norm, demonstrating the democratic nature of the monarchy. Passports are received by all citizens of the state. They have a single form (in the country). In this way, the principle of uniform citizenship is respected. He claims that all people have the same rights and duties in relation to their homeland. By the way, in the last word you can see another difference between the concepts described.

concepts of citizenship citizenship

Attitude to the homeland

Patriotism is a rather broad concept. Its essence depends on the mentality of society and its members. That is, in different countries they invest different, but similar meanings. Let us, for example, consider from this point of view citizenship and citizenship of Russia. Historically, the inhabitants of this country, no matter how it expanded and contracted, consider it their duty to protect it from enemies. And in this sense, the concepts of citizenship and modern citizenship are identical. In ancient times, residents stood up in arms against those who encroached on their lands. They transmitted this love to their descendants. Citizens of the Russian Federation are mainly jealous of the greatness of their homeland, are proud of it, and strive to protect it from external and internal enemies. In Russia, the continuity of concepts is traced. In a sense, it is formalized in the Constitution, which describes the duties of a resident of the country.

and citizenship citizenship

Ways to acquire citizenship

It should be noted that continuity exists in legal mechanisms. If we carefully consider the citizenship and citizenship of the Russian Federation, we will see that the methods for obtaining it have expanded over time. But the main or most common ones remained the same, only received legislative consolidation. Citizenship of the Russian Federation can be acquired as follows:

  1. Recognition by birth.
  2. As a result of admission.
  3. By choosing (option), in the course of changing the nationality of the territory of residence (remember Crimea 2014).
  4. Others.

The most common is the first method. Moreover, it exists for several centuries. In the same way, citizenship was given in the Russian Empire. Naturalization is also the process of obtaining citizenship, it is initiated by the person himself. Here we recall again about Peter I and his decree on the oath. This was a fundamental prototype of the initiative-based acquisition of citizenship. During the option, a person also turns to the country with a statement about the desire to become its resident. Sometimes authorities favor citizenship on their own initiative. This is a way to reward a person for special merits.

citizenship and citizenship of Russia

Withdrawal from citizenship

There is a reverse process. A country and a person with citizenship (citizenship) could always break off relations. But this happened in different ways. The monarch single-handedly resolved issues of citizenship and had initiative in this matter. That is, a person could lose the privilege of belonging to the country without his consent. Citizenship is another matter. It should not be selected. In the Russian Federation, the principle of the inadmissibility of deprivation of citizenship is legislatively fixed. A person himself has the right to refuse it, but the state cannot initiate such a question. We have not mentioned yet another principle: the preservation of citizenship. A person living in another country does not automatically lose it. That is, citizenship is fixed on an ongoing basis. You can get rid of it only by initiative, by submitting relevant documents to state bodies. By the way, in Ukraine this process is more complicated than in the Russian Federation. This was encountered by residents of the Crimea, who, having accepted Russian citizenship, were mainly unable to get out of the former.


The concepts of "citizenship" and "citizenship" have a lot of differences. The main thing is that the first speaks of the connection of a person with the homeland, the second - with the monarch. It is worth noting, finally, that the terms have a single historical basis.


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