What should be the motto of the kindergarten teacher?

Moms and dads go to work, kids go to kindergarten. Many children spend most of their childhood in a preschool. The group becomes the home, the children become the second family, and the teacher becomes the second mother. The child plays and learns in kindergarten, acquiring social behavior skills, learns to distinguish white from black.

What should be the motto of the kindergarten teacher so that parents boldly entrust their child to him?

What is the motto

By definition, the motto is a short phrase that characterizes life ideas, aspirations and rules of behavior of one person, group of people or company.

Just a few words should reflect the beliefs of a person, his life attitude.

“Forward and with the song!” - This is the motto of a cheerful optimist.

“Love all living things” is the motto of nature conservationists.

The motto of the kindergarten teacher

kindergarten teacher's motto

The teacher is a very important person in the life of a child attending kindergarten. From 8 in the morning until the evening, the child is influenced by the teacher of the preschool. This means that it is the behavior of the educator, his lessons become a decisive milestone in all matters of the formation and development of the child.

In order for the child to attend kindergarten with pleasure, grow up healthy, cheerful and develop well mentally, the educator does just a titanic work. The work of the educator is a huge responsibility. It is they who are at the origins of the development of the generation.

“Are they eating problems?” Everything is empty!

The child’s heart is holy!

The grain of good in the soul is not enough,

Take care that it grows! ”

Motto and speech

kindergarten teacher motto

What depends on the teacher and what should be the motto of the kindergarten teacher:

  1. Leisure of the child. For preschoolers, fresh impressions, a variety of games are very important. The creed of the educator in this matter is to saturate the children's free time as much as possible, to interest them, not to let them get bored
  2. Development. The child begins to learn from the first days of life. He absorbs everything new like a sponge. First he learns, imitating, then - mastering something through understanding and acceptance. The mental features of the child are such that it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing for a long time. All these rules give rise to the pedagogical motto of the kindergarten teacher: “The best example is a personal example!”, “Learning by playing”, “The strength of the teacher is a good example”, “It’s more useful for a child to run, jump and play than to count, write , to read",
  3. Mind and emotional well-being. Children are not angels. They are capricious, naughty, eat poorly, do not fall asleep on time, fight. Patience and love are important here: “My work is love and care”, “A teacher who does not like children is an artist without a brush, a singer without hearing, a sculptor without hands.” It is also very important not to dominate, but to walk alongside, respect the personality in the child: “Do not do it, but help”, “Do not rise above the child, but go near”
  4. Physical health. Parents trust the teacher the most valuable thing - the children. The teacher must monitor the behavior of the child, prevent dangerous situations, protect their pupils from bruises and injuries. Here the motto of the kindergarten teacher is suitable: "Health is the key to a happy future", "Do not be sad, do not lose heart, run, jump, learn."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3124/

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