Who are nationalists and what is their activity?

You can find out who nationalists are by opening any dictionary. Nationalism is a political term that defines the culture and language of its people as the highest values. This means that nationalists are those who defend their culture and their language. Later, chauvinism arose from this concept. In this case, racial superiority is put higher, that is, it is racism. For example, in the last century it was believed that the white race was superior to the black one in everything. That white people are the most developed, creatively capable and highly educated.

who are nationalists

Who are Russian nationalists

Nationalists of Russia are those people who strive to advance the pro-Russian point of view, putting forward in the first place the interests of their country with the interests of the Russian nation as a whole. They advocate that Russia first of all be that state that would express the interests of its people as forming a state. If you think about the question of who the nationalists are in Russia, you can answer as follows. These are people who are engaged in the propaganda of Russian nationalism and contribute to ensuring the regime most favorable to their fellow tribesmen. Moreover, the conflict can occur on such controversial topics as white and red, atheists and believers, pagans and Orthodox, and so on. Fighting against Russophobia, nationalists can unite with statesmen, but the latter generally do not approve of the separation of people according to ethnicity.

who are the Nazis and nationalists

Nazism or nationalism

Sixty years ago, a crushing war shook the world, and today Hitler’s followers are claiming a political Olympus. They are trying to get into parliaments and cabinet ministers to show the whole world who the nationalists are. These figures claim that they protect the interests of the people, but is that so, or are they no different from the Nazis? Perhaps there is a chance that the war that shook the world 60 years ago will happen again.

Political Ideology and Current

Who are the nationalists? They are adherents of the political trend, for which the protection of the nation and the observance of its interests are the main principle. And at the same time, it does not matter by what basis the people are formed. Unification is carried out by blood, faith, geographical sign. Nationalism is an ideology that staunchly defends the interests of the nation, but does not exalt it over other nations.

who are Russian nationalists

Nazism is closely intertwined with nationalist ideas, but at the same time extols one people over another. Racial discrimination and ethnic wars are allowed in this political ideology. The main attribute of such an ideology is totalitarianism, that is, the rejection of a market economy, the creation of an atmosphere of like-mindedness and total intolerance, the introduction of universal military service. In this simple way, we can explain who the Nazis and nationalists are and how these concepts differ.

The difference between nationalism and Nazism

Followers of nationalism are more tolerant of other races. In addition, you need to figure out who these nationalists are, uniting on a religious or territorial basis. Nationalism is not in all cases contrary to a market economy, freedom of thought and speech. This trend in politics is able to cope with constructive criticism and fit into the legal field of the state.

who are nationalists in Russia

But answering the question of who the social-nationalist is, one can immediately note the complete absence of personal freedom of the people. This is a person who adheres to the ideology of a totalitarian state.

Relation to other nations

Who are the nationalists and Nazis is understandable. For Nazism, the definition of an ethnos is important, since this movement puts human biological origin in the first place, while nationalists unite on a religious basis or according to common views. Nationalism is more or less tolerant of alien races, but at the same time separates them from its own, not striving to merge. The Nazis extol one nation over another, that is, there is racial discrimination.

Government structure

Nationalism is manifested in any political form, from democracy to authoritarianism. Nazism does not recognize any form other than totalitarianism, seeks to destroy other parties. A healthy manifestation of nationalism allows you to define a social or ethnic group, to distinguish it from the rest, taking into account interests. In this case, effective management is carried out.

Who is a Social-Nationalist

The state structure of Nazism is more aggressive, since in this course it is assumed the spread of one biological group, which surpasses the rest. The ethnic perfection of one race fully justifies the oppression and even destruction of another.

Ukrainian nationalist trend

If we consider the question of who the Ukrainian nationalists are, then it is worth paying attention to the new social-nationalist party, created on the basis of the Ukrainian National Union organization. The main ideology of this party is social justice and an authoritarian state system. At present, there are three nationalist parties in Ukraine: the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Liberty, and UNA-UNSO. But the future party will not unite the existing ones. Three main principles will be declared in the ONS program: the introduction of strict legislation regarding immigration, the authoritarian principle of governing state power, and support for social justice.

Right sector

The right sector is the unifying group, which includes many organizations. The initiative to create the Right Sector belongs to the Trizub Organization named after Stepan Bandera. In the future, various groups of people joined the current - organized and not organized. These groups explain in various ways who the right-wing nationalists are. Nevertheless, they all adhere to a nationalist trend, despite some differences in views. For example, the founder of the Right Sector - the organization "Trident" - adheres to the concepts of Ukrainian nationalism in the interpretation of Stepan Bandera. The Patriot of Ukraine organization, also a member of the Right Sector, professes social nationalism.

who are right-wing nationalists

Right-wing nationalists and the EU

Ukrainian nationalists created the Right Sector so that all adherents of this ideology could unite in a group. This is the basis for those who hold the right position to be able to carry out a national revolution to overthrow the former order, which they consider the regime of internal occupation. And in this case, the main goal is the national revolution. The issue of Ukraine’s accession to the EU for nationalists of this country is not the main one, and the Right Sector is not against signing the association, since to a greater degree the leaders of this movement agree to enter into any normal trade and economic relations with one country or with a group of countries.

who are Ukrainian nationalists

But on the other hand, Ukrainian nationalists cannot approve of integration in actions, that is, support Ukraine’s accession to the EU. This is due to the fact that the European Union is not a national entity. Here, any races that make up the EU are leveled . But for nationalists, such a position is unacceptable, since in this case the concept of a nation as such is completely erased.

The radical form of nationalism

Nationalism has many forms and trends that may even contradict each other. But in the politics of the nationalist movement, relations with state power are built only on upholding the interests of a certain community. The most dangerous manifestation of nationalism is its radical form, which preaches the individuality of a particular nation in relation to others, even if these nations live on the territory of one state. Radical nationalism in almost all countries is recognized as a socially dangerous phenomenon, and in terms of danger it is equated with extremism. For example, in the Russian Federation propaganda of radical nationalism and inciting hatred between nations is a criminal offense.

The ideas of the radical form of nationalism are based on fascism and Nazism. And the active propaganda of these ideas, as a rule, leads to xenophobia, chauvinism and separatism. But the recognized international legal norm of the modern world is political nationalism, which believes that each person’s belonging to a nation is his personal choice. And it is quite possible, as a citizen of a given state, to share a single territory with others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3127/

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