Bulk floor: review and advantages

Actual materials for the floor make it possible to realize the most incredible dreams in its design. The main thing is not to forget that different corners of the apartment require different materials. Unfortunately, this banal truth is constantly ignored during repairs, as a result of which we can observe unique phenomena like luxurious parquet ... in the bathroom. What such "repairmen" think of is unknown. Of course, the parquet is beautiful, but in harsh conditions of constant humidity and temperature drops it will not last long.

bulk floor review
But the bulk floor (a rare person’s review of it will be indifferent) will give completely unrealistic sensations from its amazing beauty. It more closely resembles works of art, and its creation is a rather expensive process.

Fields of use of bulk floors

Like any floor covering, the bulk floor, the review of which you will most likely have a positive review, has clearly limited areas of use. It is often used in those rooms that are characterized by high throughput and humidity: factories, hospitals, offices. It makes sense to install such floors where there is a lot of dust and aggressive chemical environments.

Note that the bulk floor, a review of which is especially good among industrialists, can significantly increase the service life of concrete by being laid on it. In addition, it has a high aesthetic value, which is also important. Contrary to popular belief, the basis of such a floor covering has a thickness of no more than three millimeters, which facilitates the installation process and speeds up the time it takes to put it into operation. The installation process is quite simple.

bulk floor Price

In order not to be unfounded, we will tell you about the main stages:

  • All bulk floors, the laying technology of which is described by us, suggest the presence of a quality foundation. Therefore, before starting work, the original concrete floor is inspected with maximum attention . If you find the slightest bumps and potholes, they should be eliminated.
  • At the next stage, the preliminary preparation of the floor continues. After removing the defects, the concrete base should be carefully sanded. If any irregularities remain on the floor, subsequently, delamination of the thin polymer base cannot be avoided. And therefore do not spare time and effort, leading the base to a perfectly smooth state.
  • On smooth and dry concrete, pour the current composition. In just a day, the bulk floor (the price of which is quite consistent with the quality) becomes completely ready for use. After this period, remove oily deposits from the floor. Run and jump on it is possible only after three days.
    bulk floors technology

Especially good is the "live" bulk floor, a review of which you will only be enthusiastic. First, the foundation is carefully prepared (as was repeatedly mentioned above), after which the application is laid on top of the concrete, a drawing is made or a pattern of some natural materials is laid out. From above all this is covered with a layer of varnish and filled with polymer. Given the volume of such decorations, the floors will actually look β€œalive”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3129/

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