How to make a dog out of sausage balls: step-by-step instructions

Wanting to entertain the children, parents are ready for a lot. But sometimes, in order to interest a child, you do not need to spend huge amounts on toys, just buy long balls. But note that it will be difficult to inflate them with your mouth, take care of the pump.

How to make a dog out of balls of sausages

Material selection

One of the most common figures is a dog made of a long ball. With the help of parents, even a child can do it. To create such a toy you will need a regular inflated ball - "sausage". Note that they vary in length and width. For the dog, those balls that are indicated by the number 260 are better suited. It means that when inflated, the “sausage” will be 2 wide and 60 inches long (which corresponds to 5 and 150 cm). You can also find thicker options on sale, but the dog out of them is not so cute.

Creating a doggie: all the nuances of work

Before tying it, do not forget to check if you have left a ponytail about 20 cm long loose. Now you can start figuring out how to make a dog out of "sausage" balls. First of all, take the ball so that it is convenient for you to twist it from the side where it is tied. Make 3 small sausages in a row, each of them should be about 5 cm long. Now you need to twist the 2 and 3 separated parts together. As a result, you will have a head and ears that look up.

Sausage ball dog

The next step in how to make a dog out of "sausage" balls is to create a neck and legs. Their manufacture is no different from the previous stage. Twist 3 more sausages, 2 and 3 of them connect at the base. These will be the legs of your dog, the remaining piece of the ball between them and the head with ears should resemble the neck.

Now you need to make the body of the animal. It should be a little longer, choose the right size for it yourself. But keep in mind, the larger this section, the stronger your dog from the ball “sausage” will resemble a dachshund. You can experiment by making a body for your figure of different lengths. So, measure the required distance and twist the sausage. Following it, similarly make 3 more small parts - these will be the hind legs and tail. Leave a long sausage, and twist the short ones following it. So you can do immediately the body, hind legs and tail of the animal. By the way, do not think that you can do without the last round. It is the tail that will hold the entire back of the toy, with its help its legs are fixed.

Long ball dog

Is it worth a try?

Even if it seemed to you that it’s difficult to figure out how to make a dog out of “sausage” balls, believe me, this is not at all. It is much longer to read the description than to perform the described manipulations. Try it once, it will become clear that even a 6-year-old baby can do it. But if your child likes it, be prepared to constantly listen to the characteristic creak of the ball while twisting. This sound does not bother the children a bit, but many adults can be annoying. Also keep in mind that doing the same thing all the time is uninteresting, so you will have to figure out not only how to make a dog out of sausage balls, but also to figure out the nuances of making flowers, tigers, giraffes, cubs and even Christmas trees. But ordinary balls can entice a child for a long time, and at the same time he will develop his coordination, motor skills, spatial imagination and, of course, fantasy.


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