Temporary registration of a child for school and kindergarten: necessary documents

Temporary registration for a school or kindergarten is a modern trend that is developing in Russia. The fact is that far from always people live at the place of registration. Instead, they are registered in one house, and live permanently in another. There is nothing special about this. But exactly as long as the child does not need to go to school or kindergarten. Then certain problems may arise. Especially if the actual residence is far from the place of registration. What to do? What can parents face? How to apply for temporary registration and is it worth it?

Why registration is required

The first step is to figure out for what purpose the temporary registration of a minor is done. The fact is that educational institutions by law must accept everyone. But in practice, this is not so.

In fact, as already mentioned, those children who are registered in an area tied to a school or kindergarten are first accepted. Only then they take all the others if there are places left. In other words, the temporary registration of a child for school in practice is extremely important. It is necessary for the minor to be taken where the parents wished.

temporary registration of the child for school

Is it mandatory to register

In fact, it is not necessary to fill out a temporary residence permit for a child to be enrolled in a school or kindergarten. As a rule, parents have the right to appeal to the prosecutor's office or even to the court in order to resolve the question raised about the admission of a minor.

However, this method requires considerable paperwork. And of course, time. Plus, the human factor is worth considering. It is unlikely that the child will be treated well at school after the parents "fought" for enrolling a minor in an educational institution.

That is why it is recommended to resolve the issue peacefully. There are two options - either to change the child’s permanent residence permit (which is not very convenient and not always possible), or do temporary registration. The second option is most appreciated.

Temporarily or permanently

Some, faced with problems of enrolling a child in school, want to change their permanent place of residence. That is, to register a minor on a regular basis in another housing. In fact, such a process can be complicated. In practice, this usually happens.

place of residence

Why? The fact is that, according to the law, a child cannot be discharged from the apartment and change his place of residence to a worse one. For example, if parents want to make permanent registration in a one-room apartment, and a minor was previously registered in a two-room apartment. This simply will not be given permission.

Also, re-registration of permanent residence occurs only with the presence of guardianship authorities. Accordingly, you will first have to obtain permission to register a child in a new house from the specified organization. Without this, it will not be possible to change the place of residence of a minor on an ongoing basis.

But temporary registration of a child for a school or kindergarten is a simpler technique. It does not require the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities; there is no need to write out a future student. That is why it is worth paying attention to this scenario.

Where to prescribe

What's next? It should be noted that a minor cannot be registered wherever he wants. Especially until the age of 14. The rules established in Russia indicate that temporary residence (as well as permanent) of children is possible only in the territory where their legal representatives are registered.

That is, if the parents (one of them) do not have registration at the location of the school or kindergarten, then a temporary residence registration will not produce results. It is not possible to register a child where the parents are not registered. You will either have to leave the undertaking, or discharge and change the place of residence of one of the parents.

temporary residence

A similar kind of problem arises in almost everyone whose children go to first grade. Temporary registration of a minor child at the place of stay separately from parents is possible only after the 14th birthday.

Where to go

The next nuance to which you should pay attention is where to turn to translate ideas into reality. There are several options. Citizens themselves choose which authorities to submit a certain list of documents (about them a little later).

At the moment, registration of a temporary type (as well as permanent) can be issued:

  • at the MFC (not in all regions, information is specified in each city);
  • in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, department of migration issues;
  • in the passport office at the place of temporary stay;
  • in the management company that serves the intended place of residence.

Most often, citizens turn to passport offices or management companies. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if one of the parents is registered where the school or kindergarten is located.

Under 14 years old

Temporary registration of a minor is not as difficult as it seems. Much easier than doing a permanent residence permit. What if we are talking about a child who is not yet 14 years old?

In this case, only a few documents are needed. Among them are:

  • consent of the second parent to registration;
  • minor birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • statement;
  • Identity cards of legal representatives.

It's enough. Sometimes they may be asked to show a certificate of permanent residence. If it is located outside of Russia, then you will have to bring another passport of a minor.

temporary registration of the child documents

After receiving a passport

But what if, after 14 years, a child is temporarily registered? The documents in this case will be different. It all depends on the situation. First, consider the standard case. When the temporary registration will be with the legal representative.

In such a situation, parents are required to:

  • consent to the registration from the second spouse;
  • statement of established form;
  • passports of parents;
  • child's passport;
  • birth certificate of the registered person, as well as documents confirming marriage between parents.

Accordingly, as in the previous case, if you have a permanent residence permit outside of Russia, you must also bring a foreign passport of a minor. Nothing more is needed. You can wait for a certificate of registration.

Not with parents

Sometimes it happens that a minor’s temporary residence is planned with one of the relatives. For example, with grandparents. If the parents are not homeowners, you have to try pretty hard. Why?

The documents required for temporary registration of the child will change slightly. If grandparents agree to the operation, there should be no complaints. But in the event of a protest, registering a child after 14 years old will fail. True, we are talking about cases where the parents or one of them are not registered in the new temporary housing.

temporary registration of a minor

Accordingly, parents and the child will be required to:

  • the consent of all residents registered in the apartment to carry out the operation;
  • consent from the second parent;
  • completed registration application form;
  • passports of legal representatives;
  • child's identity card (and birth certificate is desirable to take);
  • certificates indicating the kinship of family members (optional);
  • documents confirming marriage or divorce.

In some cases, ownership documents may also be required. After all, if a person owns an apartment (or its share), but is not registered in it, he has the right to provide temporary residence to anyone without the consent of the other residents. This should always be remembered.

Is it dangerous

Some are interested in the danger of temporary registration. Actually a moot point. If we are talking about a citizen who at the same time has a permanent residence permit, then he has nothing to fear. Only the fact that temporary registration has a validity period. Once it expires, citizens will not be able to use the services of organizations that served them at their temporary place of residence.

temporary registration of a minor child at the place of stay

In the case of school, there is nothing to fear at all. Why? As a rule, temporary registration of a child for school is done for several months - in order for the minor to be admitted to one or another institution. And no more. After that, it will be enough to remove the child from registration in one of the previously listed bodies. And there is nothing more to fear.

But if the child is a teenager, then parents may be afraid of some situations. For example, a minor will receive official residence at the place of temporary registration. That is, it is impossible to restrict the entrance of a 14-year-old child to the apartment where he is registered. And it is also forbidden to forcibly take him away from one or another territory.

There is no longer any significant danger. Therefore, there is no need to particularly worry about temporary registration. Citizens can temporarily prescribe a child where it is convenient.

Nevertheless, it is recommended that the minor reside (or occasionally appear) in the apartment where he is registered temporarily. Otherwise, parents will be fined for fictitious registration.


The last point that you should pay attention to is the timing of the preparation of the document. The fact is that the official temporary registration, as a rule, will be ready in 3-5 business days. On average, about a week is allocated for the implementation of this process.

official temporary registration

After the specified time, parents (or a child from 14 years old) must pick up a certificate that will indicate the presence of a temporary residence permit. For this, an identity card is presented . That's all, nothing else is needed.

It is recommended to pay attention to the validity period of the document. By its end, you will need to remove the child from the registration account. Or renew your registration. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And if necessary, you can not even deal with this issue to get to school or kindergarten. It is enough to know about your rights. Temporary registration of a child for school is not required by law.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3133/

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