The cat's eye inflamed: how to treat?

The eyes of cats are unique compared to human eyes. Cats are excellently seen not only in the light, but also in the dark. Unfortunately, caudate are susceptible to many eye diseases, ranging from conjunctivitis to cataracts. If the cat has an inflamed eye, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. If for some reason a visit to the clinic is not possible, then you can try to cope with the disease at home, but the main thing here is not to harm. Today we propose to consider the most common cat-eye diseases and methods of combating the disease.

Keratitis and its causes

keratitis eye in cats

Normally, cat's eyes should be transparent and shiny. If the cat has an inflamed eye, and at the same time a clear clouding of the cornea is noticeable, this will mean that the pet has contracted keratitis.

The reasons why keratitis occurs in cats:

  • the presence in the eye of a foreign object that mechanically injures the organ of vision;
  • accidental damage to the cornea (a branch on a walk, any object at home, and so on) when a foreign object did not remain in the eye;
  • burn;
  • allergy;
  • infection;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • damage to the lacrimal canals, blockage;
  • genetic predisposition.

Congenital predisposition often occurs in pedigree cats, among them keratitis sphynxes, British cats, Siamese, American smooth-haired and Persian are more susceptible.

Symptoms of keratitis and treatment

eye inflammation treatment

If the cat has an inflamed eye and fester, examine its organs of vision in detail, in case of keratitis, the following symptoms will appear:

  • fear of light, especially the sun;
  • pus accumulates in the inner corners of the eyes, tearing intensifies;
  • the affected area is swollen, as it were, fluid is accumulating there;
  • redness may be visible in the cornea;
  • the cornea becomes cloudy;
  • with advanced disease, scars may form.

Keratitis is dangerous for the cat's vision, if left untreated, the pet may lose vision, partially or completely. In the case when the cat's eye inflamed, and the owner is completely sure that keratitis is to blame, it is urgent to start treatment.

The first step is to eliminate the cause of the disease, which a rare owner of an animal without special education will be able to find out without the help of a veterinarian. For example, a cat is allergic, it is infected, or the cause of keratitis is a fungus. Without eliminating the cause of the disease, keratitis cannot be cured, so you need to visit a veterinary clinic in the near future. Until a day is chosen, measures must be taken to alleviate the condition of the animal without harming it. To do this, it is recommended:

  • rinse the cat’s eyes several times a day with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile broth or strong tea (without flavors);
  • instill eyes with ophthalmic drops based on an antibiotic.

Iritis and its symptoms

This is a joint inflammation of the iris of the eye with the ciliary zone. The causes of this disease often become a violation of metabolic processes, viruses and bacteria, injuries, fungi and protozoa.

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • the cat’s eyes are watery; over time, tearing is replaced by purulent discharge;
  • the animal begins to avoid bright light, as it irritates the eyes, more often cats generally prefer not to leave their shelters, where rays do not fall;
  • the iris becomes yellow;
  • the pupil does not respond to light, remains narrow;
  • the cat’s behavior becomes agitated, it does not go hand in hand, constantly rubs its eyes.

Treatment of iritis

iritis in cats

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the animal’s peace, not to try to lure from a dark room, let it be there, if so more comfortable.

So, the cat’s eye was inflamed, what should I do if the reason for this is iritis? We offer you to get acquainted with the treatment methods:

  1. The cat's eyes need to be instilled with ophthalmic drops, which contain atropine. Drops with an antibiotic are also needed, veterinarians recommend Iris, which is sold in pet stores.
  2. "Gamavit" is prescribed as intramuscular injection.
  3. You can fight purulent infection by rubbing the eyes with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of atropine, prednisolone, novocaine or hydrocortisone.
  4. You will also need to lubricate the eyes with ointments with antibiotics or apply novocaine blockade. If the disease is running or its chronic course, drug-based dressings are needed, sold in veterinary clinics.

The cat got inflamed and closed by the third century

healthy cat eyes

The third century in cats is called the blinking membrane, which is needed to protect the eye from damage. In a healthy animal, this eyelid is almost imperceptible. If the membrane began to stand out strongly, has an inflamed appearance, then this indicates many diseases, among which:

  • infectious damage caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses;
  • allergic reaction;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the internal organs, even the digestive tract;
  • eye injury;
  • worming and much more.

If the cat has an inflamed eye, or both, and this is accompanied by full or partial closure of the third century (the eye is covered with a white film), then the animal must be urgently taken to the veterinarian without self-medication. The situation will be aggravated by the fact that the pet will begin to harm the eye, rubbing it with its paws, thus causing infections, injuring it.

Prolapse of the third century

With this ailment, the third eyelid of the cat begins to close half of the eye. Symptoms are similar to inflammation of this membrane, but prolapse can be recognized by its grayish or bluish color.

The animal begins to rub its muzzle with its paws, trying to independently extract the trapped mote, which causes purulent discharge. The cat will not be able to do this on his own, you need to help by providing a "slippery slope" to the exit. For this, eye drops with antibiotics and ointments are used.

Eye adenoma

third eyelid in cats

If a cat has a pink color in the corner of his eye, then this adenoma is a benign mass that is often confused with inflammation of the blinking membrane (third century). This prevents the cat from closing its eyes tightly, and it always remains slightly ajar, and this is an ideal entrance for germs and bacteria. The lacrimal gland needs to be replaced in an operable way, this cannot be done on its own, since it can harm the animal. After the gland is returned to its place, it will be necessary to undergo a course of eye instillation with antibacterial drops that help cope with inflammation.

It is not uncommon for a veterinarian to completely remove the blinking membrane, but this cannot be done. The absence of the third century is fraught for cats with blindness, life-long purulent course, ulcerative keratitis and severe dry keratoconjunctivitis.

Adenoma can be cured, but this process is long and laborious. Only a specialist should prescribe therapeutic measures, self-medication can cause a double infection, damage to the cornea and other troubles.

Purulent panophthalmitis infection and symptoms

Severe inflammation of a purulent nature appears due to penetrating trauma to the eye. The course of this ailment is severe. The purulent process is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, streptococcus and pneumococcus.

The clinical picture:

  1. The animal becomes nervous, restless, can react aggressively to any touch on it - this is due to severe pain in the eyes.
  2. In the future, severe lacrimation appears, the cat tries to avoid the lighted areas, as the light irritates the eyes.
  3. Often there is blepharospasm - involuntary closure and opening of the eyelids.
  4. The eyelids of the animal swell, if you touch them, you can feel that they are much hotter than the cat itself.
  5. The cornea becomes cloudy and swells (can be confused with keratitis).
  6. The conjunctiva swells, infringed on for centuries.
  7. Pus is formed in the anterior chamber of the eye, after which the iris decays.
  8. If timely treatment is not started, the disease will begin to become complicated, the eyeball moves forward and becomes motionless, the cornea and sclera are melted by pus. With a progressive disease, the sclera can completely burst.
  9. The animal experiences severe pain, an ailment becomes the cause of intoxication of the body, in which the cat begins vomiting, diarrhea, and the temperature rises.

If you do not start treating the cat in a timely manner, it is possible that the animal will completely lose its eye, which will completely flow out. Sepsis, developing without interference, can easily pass to other organs.

If the cat’s eye is inflamed in this way, what to treat will not even tell the veterinarian when the owner launched the disease. The fact is that this disease in a chronic course cannot be cured, the eyeball is completely removed to the sick animal (in surgery), the eyelids are sutured. Further it remains only to undergo a course of antibiotics.


cat sneezes

If the cat has an inflamed eye and the pet sneezes at the same time, it is possible that dust, small particles of foreign objects got into the nasal passages and eyes - this often happens during repairs. If you do not carry out such work, then this is most likely an allergy. In the case when the animal eats natural food, it is very difficult to find out which allergen is eaten. In this situation, you need to transfer the animal to hypoallergenic specialized feed. In addition, it is recommended to completely change household chemicals and hygiene products (shampoos, soap) used at home.

After switching to another diet, you need to watch the cat for a week. If the symptoms do not disappear, you will have to visit a veterinarian, because the cause can be any disease, including:

  • flu and SARS;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

If the cat's eye is inflamed, what should I do? The photo posted in the article shows how dangerous this pathology is for the animal. How to treat the animal, only a qualified veterinarian will advise. At the first symptoms of diseases of the organs of vision, it is imperative to show the pet to a specialist.


the cat's eyes hurt

The article does not describe all the reasons why the cat has a sore eye. How to treat at home without a veterinarian? Independence in such a sensitive issue can be shown only if the discharge from the organs of vision is small, the cornea is not damaged. In other cases prescribed in the publication, you must deliver the animal to the doctor.

When treating eye diseases, it is necessary to observe hygiene - the cotton pads should be fresh and clean each time they are wiped, the solutions are also used fresh every time.


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