"Live Until Dawn": Summary (Bulls)

The Second World War left a huge mark in the soul of mankind. Novels, novels, and stories evoke memories among the participants in those events, and the modern generation should remember those tragic episodes of the life of their near and dear ones, to honor the memory of the dead and appreciate the deeds of people who did their duty to the Motherland.

One of these works is the story "Live Until Dawn", a brief outline of which will introduce the reader to a young lieutenant who was barely twenty-two years old. But already at this age he was able to make his small contribution to the long-awaited victory over the German invaders.

survive until dawn summary

The first pages of the work

How does the story "Live Until Dawn"? The summary should begin with an introduction to the main character Ivanovsky and the foreman Dubin. They receive an order to assemble a small group and go on a difficult but very important task. Within twelve hours, fighters need to walk about sixty kilometers. And this dangerous campaign begins with the intersection of an open area.

live until dawn a summary of the bulls

To go unnoticed, you have to move crawling, holding equipment and skis in your hands. Ahead of the forest, but, not having time to reach its saving space, the detachment falls under fire. One soldier was wounded; he had to be sent back accompanied by a single sapper. Careless movements attracted the attention of the enemy, and the sapper was killed. So, already from the first pages of the story "Survive until Dawn", a brief summary introduces the reader to the tragic events that will accompany this small detachment throughout the journey.

Rather, forward, or another shootout

The fighters continue to move forward, some begin to fall behind, fatigue affects. The lieutenant is worried, suddenly they will not have time. Soon the detachment falls on the farm. Making an attempt to get around the village, the soldiers suddenly attract the attention of awakened dogs, which begin to bark loudly. The shootout begins again.

live until dawn chapter summary

The young lieutenant Ivanovsky was wounded in the leg. Without saying a word to his comrades, he independently does the dressing. And another member of the group - Khakimov - is very seriously injured, as a result, the detachment is now forced to carry the wounded. How many more people will suffer in this tragic story, "Live Until Dawn"? A brief narrative tells about the further movement of the detachment and the purpose of the assignment.

Throw a comrade or stay human?

The detachment continues to go towards its goal. One of the fighters, named Pivovarov, suddenly falls into the snow. He asks to leave him, there is no strength to move on. There are fewer people in the group. In a mysterious way, the foreman Dyubin and another member of the detachment disappeared. Traitors or not, it is not clear. Wounded Khakimov becomes a heavy burden. The thought of abandoning him begins to visit some, but the lieutenant forces him to pull himself together. It is necessary to remain human.

Where are the tormented fighters, characters of the story "Live Until Dawn"? The content of the book finally reveals the purpose of the unit. It is necessary to destroy several echelons of weapons and ammunition that are located at the enemy’s army base. There is practically no protection, there is only a wire fence, which does not present a special barrier.

survive until dawn summary of the protagonist

"Live Until Dawn." Summary. Bykov - a master of unexpected plot twists

Dangerous journey comes to an end. The detachment reached a busy road, where convoys of enemy vehicles moved almost without interruption. People hid in an anti-tank ditch and are waiting for the right moment to move to the opposite side. The lieutenant and the Pivovarov fighter, having taken the time, safely cross the road.

Having reached the place where the goal was supposed to be located, to which they moved so hard, the fighters found that the base was no longer there. The enemy managed to transport the ammunition to another place. In vain wasted time, so many victims during the journey, all in vain. It would seem that on this we can end the short story “Survive Until Dawn”. Bykov Vasily Andreyevich, however, does not intend to put an end to it. In this turn of events, he only convinces the reader of the courage and heroism of the defenders of the Motherland. The lieutenant decides to look for this base. Received order! And it must be fulfilled!

Further search for the missing target

The Brewers and the lieutenant returned to the anti-tank moat. There, they see their comrades who were missing shortly before this, the foreman Dubin and another fighter, the Hare. They caught up with the squad. Ivanovsky understands that the condition of the seriously wounded Khakimov is becoming increasingly critical. The lieutenant decides to send the entire detachment on the return trip, and he will remain in order to still find the missing base and destroy it. Pivovarov stays with Ivanovsky.

survive until dawn short

A group of comrades leaves, and the two remaining fighters go in search of a relocated base. Suddenly, they stumble upon a building, which, according to their assumptions, is the headquarters of the enemy. If you blow it up, it will be no less significant than destroying the ammunition depot, and the lieutenant decides to do so. And when the soldiers begin to get close to the building, Ivanovsky is injured. A bullet hits the chest. But Pivovarov, firing back, will save his comrade. So the story ends, "Live Until Dawn." The summary will familiarize the reader with the latest tragic events.

Wounded Lieutenant, or What to Do Next?

The lieutenant is well aware that with such a grave wound there can be no talk of further task performance. The only way out is to get to the village and hide somewhere. Pivovarov fighter carries Ivanovsky, weapons and Molotov cocktails. After some time, the comrades managed to get to the village. Seeing a small bath, they decide to hide in it.

The lieutenant sends Pivovarov to investigate the situation in the village. Find out if there are Germans in the village, and at the same time get the skis. The soldier goes to fulfill the assignment, and the lieutenant loses consciousness. Suddenly through oblivion Ivanovsky hears the sounds of gunfire. He understands that this is firing an assault rifle of his comrade Pivovarov. So, opponents found him. The lieutenant gets out of his hiding place and sets off on the trail in search of a fighter. And discovers his executed body.

survive until dawn content

Despair of the main character of the story

This is the sad ending of "Live Until Dawn." Summary, the main character of which was left alone, is also coming to an end. The lieutenant knows this is the end. He was left alone, the task was not completed, he, naturally, could no longer reach his own with such a severe wound.

Ivanovsky is in despair, he wants to at least do something to do some harm to his opponent. Then he decides to get to the highway and blow up the first car with German soldiers or ammunition there. With great difficulty, Ivanovsky crossed the path to the road and hid in a trench. The main thing that he is afraid of is to lose consciousness or cough, which will lead to severe loss of blood.

The last pages, or the meaning of the title of the work

And here the meaning of the title of the story "Live Until Dawn" is finally revealed. A summary of the chapters introduced the reader to all the events associated with this dangerous task and the fate of each character. But it is the phrase itself: “To live until dawn” is the most important thought of the protagonist, who was lying in a trench and waiting for any transport that was supposed to pass with the first rays of the sun.

And he waited! Did not fall asleep, did not lose consciousness. Unfortunately, it turned out to be an ordinary cart with two Germans. As soon as the lieutenant threw a grenade at them, he was immediately shot. But one enemy was still killed, and the cart was blown up. Ivanovsky, was able to make at least a small, but, nevertheless, an important contribution to the overall victory over the enemy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3141/

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