What are the proverbs about envy?

For many years, mankind has been using proverbs as the most concise and instructive tool in various fields of life. After all, the proverb, incorporating the essence of what is happening, helps to analyze any situation and find the right way out of it. A few correctly selected phrases, folded in literary form, can sometimes help a person to realize all the truths of life much faster than dozens of books read.

Big truth in a little phrase

In the world there are a huge number of proverbs on various topics. Most often, they reflect the injustice of worldly life and all sorts of human vices. For example, proverbs about good, evil, greed and envy are used not only in the everyday life of a person, but also are included in the curriculum of many schools, since it is in young years that it is extremely important for a person to give the concept of good and evil, thus forming the right attitude towards people .

proverbs of envy

Any proverb teaches something, and this is its value. After all, everyone will agree that remembering a short phrase with an instructive meaning is much easier than any rules. Thus, for example, proverbs about envy or any other are stored in human memory for a very long time and, if necessary, come up as some kind of help in solving the problem.

Whose hands are they doing?

Proverbs were invented for a very long time by many people, so itโ€™s not worth attributing fame for creation to one person. We can say that they were created by the people for many centuries, based on the situations they saw and experienced and the conclusions made subsequently. But do not think that this is the end of the history of proverbs, because in our time there is a creative process to develop such knowledge. Moreover, as long as human shortcomings and vices exist, the world will come up with various phrases to ridicule them. For example, such proverbs about greed and envy will always be relevant:

  1. "With a greedy wife and no enemies."
  2. "An envious neighbor is worse than a drought."
  3. โ€œDo you want to be well-fed and in the furniture - do not envy others, but work yourself!โ€
  4. โ€œThe greedy owner has snow for sale.โ€
  5. โ€œDo not envy someone elseโ€™s happiness, otherwise youโ€™ll lose yours!โ€

proverbs of greed and envy

Proverbs chanting human kindness are also highly valued. Such as these:

  1. "There is no room for good thoughts in a good mind."
  2. โ€œIn order to be known as good, people need to do good and useful things!โ€
  3. โ€œWelcome to evil people does not go to the house!โ€
  4. "Good does not live there, where the bowls are broken with gold, and where bread, salt and water will be served to everyone."
  5. "Do not ask God for gold and silver - you lose tea, but ask for human kindness, for everyone, you will suddenly meet!"

Benefit for everyone

Some people for some reason believe that proverbs are appropriate to study only in childhood to form a correct worldview, and adults do not need them. And this statement is fundamentally wrong, because changing yourself and changing your actions is never too late. It is easy to prove this, for example, everyone knows proverbs about envy, but at the same time, they say, they are not envious people. Someone else is greedy and envious, but not me. And everyone thinks so, then there should not be bad people in the world, but they still exist. This means that each person can be greedy, envious and hypocritical in certain situations.

Thus, the proverb is able to help discern in itself vices and correct them. After all, everyone can laugh at the shortcomings of others, but the main thing is to eradicate them in oneself, then there will be nothing to ridicule in other people. Here is such a hidden meaning carries a seemingly simple proverb. Therefore, they are useful for all people on earth, and no matter in which country a person lives and how old he is.

proverbs about the good evil of greed and envy

Fancy games

Proverbs have learned to use not only as an instructive tool, but also in a playful way. Moreover, a sufficiently large number of games were invented that can be used both in educational institutions and at home, with peers. The meaning of any of the games is to know a huge number of proverbs. For example, participants are divided into two teams, the leader comes up with a task - to read all the famous proverbs about envy. The team that names the most proverbs on the topic wins.

A very interesting game is the continuation of the phrase. Its essence lies in the fact that one participant pronounces part of the phrase, for example, from the proverb about envy, and the second should extend it, but only correctly. Then the players switch places, and this happens until a leader appears. Any of these games has a positive effect on the memory and development of ingenuity in children of different ages.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3142/

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