Secrets of "Dragon Mania Legends". How to Bring a Dragon Magnet

There are a huge variety of farms on the Web where players are offered to breed virtual animals. And now we will consider a game called "Legends of Dragon Mania." In this mobile application, you will not grow sheep and cows, but winged majestic creatures. In our short article, you will learn how to bring out the Dragon Magnet in the game "Dragon Mania", as well as other secrets of this application.

how to bring dragon magnet

A brief description of the adventure

On how to bring out the dragon of Magnet, we will talk a little later, now let's look at the plot of the game. Your virtual hero finds himself on a magical island inhabited by flying creatures instead of ordinary animals. Unlike fairy tales and legends, the dragons living here are quite nice and welcoming creatures. But they were in trouble: the evil Vikings wish them death. And in order to harm the creatures, they stole the chief keeper of this land - Professor Hogwin. Now your hero is the only hope for saving the island.

In order to free the professor and destroy the Viking settlement, you need to assemble a powerful and strong army consisting of fighting dragons. But for the maintenance of the troops it will be necessary to build premises for living, mines for the extraction of resources and many other useful buildings. Each new building will increase the level of protection of the island, which will be quite out of place, because aggressive neighbors will not leave you alone and will periodically attack the settlement.

Variety of individuals

Currently, there are more than 50 types of dragons in the game . Each creature has its own combat and defensive characteristics. At the same time, with each new level of the player, access to more powerful and powerful individuals is opened. And the sooner fighting dragons appear in your army, the faster you can fight back the Vikings or other players.

how to bring dragon magnet in the game

Powerful creatures are not given as gifts and do not materialize from the air. And to get a strong dragon, you have to grow it yourself. Breeding is worth doing, even if you do not plan to take part in battles. The fact is that each dragon brings a certain amount of coins per hour. This game currency can be spent on the purchase of new buildings, creatures, accelerators and other useful things. Therefore, it is very important to know not only how to bring out the Dragon of Magnet in the game, but also how to get any other individual. And for this you need to understand the process called "crossing." He will be discussed in the next block.

Crossbreeding Creatures

How to bring out a dragon magnet or any other kind? First of all, you will need two individuals of at least 4 levels. Put your parents in Nests and wait a few hours for them to mate. The time of crossing depends on the rarity, as well as the belonging of individuals to a particular element. After that, you will find an egg in the nest that needs to be transferred to the Incubator. Now you need to wait until the chick hatches. It remains only to transfer the dragon to a dwelling that suits him according to the elements.

how to bring out a dragon magnet in a dragon mania game

How to Bring a Dragon Magnet. Instruction manual

Magnet is a very rare creature with the main element of the Earth and the secondary Void. It is possible to get this individual with high probability by mating dragons Fog and Dust, as well as Fan and Tick-Tak. If you do not have these species, then you can cross Enlightenment and the Salamander, the Gladiator and the Lava. The chance to get a Magnet in this case is reduced to 9%. It will take 14 hours for the parents to mate, and the chick will hatch from the nest after 20. If you wish, you can buy this dragon in the game store. Such a purchase will cost 950 crystals.

As for the basic characteristics of the dragon, at the initial level, his health reaches 220 units, the attack - 60. Every hour this creature adds 420 coins to you.


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